Disclaimer: This not a LotR RP, but is kind of a Minecraft RP.
Deep in the Rudus Swamp lies the powerful city-state of Kend'arc. Kend'arc controls most of Rudus and some areas away from the swamp. However, depite Kend'arc's power and influence, it is a chaotic, bloody, and terrible place, though most don't realize it. Over the last century, many Kend'arc'i have split themselves up into many secretive organizations. These organizations wage war on each other, but not with armies. It is a war of politics, and its soldiers are sabotage, espionage, assassination, and mystery. These factions ahve now reached all out war, and it is not safe for anyone in Kend'arc. Help your faction to eliminate the others through secretive methods. This RP will not have any epic battles. It will have backstabbing, and other dark methods. The Kend'arc'i Age of Blood has begun!
Kend'arc- Located along the mighty Darc'ai River and nestled in the center of the marshy Rudus Swamp, Kend'arc is a mighty city-state, with control of large plots of land. Nearly all other cities and towns in the area pay tribute to Kend'arc. It is the most troubled city in the Age of Blood. Built sturdily upon Kend'arc Hill is Castle Trelv'a, from which King Yulr'ua III reigns. It's ships fill the waterfront of the Darc'ai.
Pardge- Further up the Darc'ai, the swamps are much thinner. In the area around the logging town of Pardge, it is more forest than swamp. One of the larger towns controlled by Kend'arc. Ruled by Governor Ullyses Pardge, Pardge is Kend'arc's most loyal tributaries. Most of the more mysterious factions have only a minor hold over Pardge, so the Governor's Forest Knights have plenty of control.
Rudduberg- Named after the swamp it calls home, Rudduberg is a highly traditional town far down the Darc'ai. They adore their historyand they have taken after worshipping the ancient gods of the Ruddus, the ancient inhabitants of the swamp. They boast a powerful navy, with the beautiful Lady Pearl the prize ship at the head of the armada.
Dac- Most of the village of Dac is carved out of the great hills in the cneter of town. As the town's tunnels burrow futher and further underground and the hills' paths begin to intercept, the town ahs been divided into two groups: one that wants to go futher down and one that wishes to return to the nearly abandoned surface.
Farport- Originally a Ruddubergish colony on lake Yulba, east of the Darc'ai, Farport developed independence when over half of Rudduberg's inhabitants had migrated there to fish on the lake. Yulba was filled to the brim with fish that were rarely seen in the Darc'ai, so Farport immediately had a way to gain large amounts of money. Now the center of trade amond Kend'arc and the tribuaries, Farport is truly prospering. However, it is filled with consiracy. In fact, their are almost too many to mention.
Other Small Villages- Dozens of hamlets are found throughout Ruddus Swamp, all of them dependent of Kend'arc. However, they serve little significance other than tax money for King Yulr'ua
Chuch of Ender- Ruddus mythology tells of an ancient beast known as the Ender Dragon that, long ago, tried to corrupt the world. Then, the mysterious Endermen appeared, and drove it back to its home dimension, the End. Many people of the Swamp worship the Endermen and the twelve Eyes of Ender (kept in the twelve churches scattered throughout Kend'arc and the tributaries) that can open the portal to the Ender Dragon's realm. They pray that the Endermen would one day return to help the humans slay the Ender Beast and eliminate corrution from the world. The Church of Ender's religios leaders, however, could be seen as less than pious. They manipulate the people, and promise them that good deeds (which often less good than they are helpful to the church) will coax the Endermen into returning. They work to assassinate all those deemed unholy op corrupt, which conveniently enough, are often people who try to unravel the corruption within the church,
Church of Wither- The other primary Ruddus demon is known as the Wither. However, unlike the Ender Dragon, Ruddus mythology seems to claim that the Wither was a good force. This demon took the form of three great heroes clad in dark gray armor. This heroes were first born as the predecessors to the Endermen, and their mission was to eliminate corruption. However, when the heroes began to see corruption in humanity, it took all of their effort not to slaughter the people they were sent to save. Everything went down hill when, in a berserk rage, the Wither heroes killed off 97% of the Ruddus populace. Seeing the darkness in themselves, the Withers isolated themselves, in search of somewhere else to lock themselves. Eventually, they created a portal to a place known only as the Nether. Once in the Nether, the Withers went berserk, but in a last effor of conciousness, willed themselves to be destroyed. Their bones fell and formed dark, malicious skeletons. Their organs fell into the lava, becoming ginat blobs of magma and gore. Their wandering spirits became the weeping ghasts. Their scattering blood grew into the Netherwort plant. Their souls went and merged with the sand. The death essence of the explosion corrupted the Pigmen residents, causing them to become mindless zombies. The Church of Wither teaches that we must better ourselves to destroy our own corruption so that the Wither can be resurrected. The Church Leaders seek to eliminate the Church of Ender and eliminate the nonbelievers. They also aim to kill off anyone who they feel is not not trying hard enough to purify themselves.
Church of Ruddus- In Rudduberg, the people have taken to the ancient idols and deities of the long-dead Ruddus civilization. Ruddubergish People believe that astrological phenomena are messages from the gods. These messages can be about anything, but most seem to be malicious and verging on evil. Sometimes the "gods" demand a sacrifice, or even cannibalism. However, sometimes they request certain people, though who in particular is often decided by the prophets, who have many enemies. The Church of Ruddus, due to their beliefs, are foes to all, not out of hate or disagreement, but out of religious propaganda.
Kend'arc'i Royal Guards- Servants and warriors of the King and his corrupt nobles, the Kend'arc'i Royal Guards are numerous and widespread through the tributaries. Mostly, they are sent to arrest and execute those who have committed the most minor of crimes against the king. Generally, the nobles fear the churches and will stay away from them. However, other factions will be less lucky. For the Guards' second purpose is to ease the disputes between organizations. And the Guards are allowed to use whatever force they feel like. Those who roleplay as the guards will seek out the other factions and lead batallions of troops to eliminate them. They are very cordial with the Peacemakers.
The Peacemakers- Like the Kend'arc'i Royal Guards, the Peacemakers are employed by the King and nobles. However, instead of being law enforcement and brute strength. The Peacemakers and masters of espionage and sabotage. They work to cover up and hide the disturbances made by the Guards. Most people ahve no idea that the Peacemakers exist, but those who do, are often their next targets. Anyone who should join the Peacemakers will hide the conflicts of the factions from the general public as well as gather information for the king and Guards and eliminate their enemies.
The Apothecary Guild- The Apothecaries are, generally speaking, well-liked people. They are potion-makers who make poisons, medications, remedies, and strength-enhancers. This done by combining various odd ingredients and elements. However, the msot essential Apothecary ingredient is Netherwort, the sacred plant of the Church of Wither. Most in the Church are opposed to the Apothercaries and their sacrilegious uses of the holy plant, but the leaders are disgusted by it. Apethecaries are important, rich, intelligent people, but they are constantly at risk of assassination. They have access to hundreds of remedies that canmake them stronger, but the Church of Wither is persistent.
Pardge's Forest Knights- Governor Ulysses Pardge of, well, Pardge, is a greedy, discriminatory man. When the churches and other factions began coming to Pardge, Ulysses had a major problem with it. He devised his own personal army, the Forest Knights, to keep the intruders out. They are not very subtle, and will slaughter missionaries of the churches in broad daylight and before common civilians. Because of this, the people of Pardge fear them, but are becoming organized in their rebellions against the knights. So while Pardge may not be stricken by the factional batttles of the other towns, it is on the brink of rebellion. The Governor denies that he controls the knights, but he doesn't fool anyone. Those who join the knights are part of a powerful military who doesn't need to worry about other factions, but should watch out for internal difficulties.
Traditions League- Many of the people in Ruddus, particularly in Dac, Rudduberg, and Farport, are very fond of tradition. Out of this desire for the old ways rose the Traditions League, an organization in support of remembrance of the history of the swamp. Many of them support a much less violent/evil form of Ruddusism. However, in their plight for a more traditional society, the Traditions League has made many enemies. The Church of Ruddus considers their religious beliefs to be insulting. Many of the more advanced factions, such as the Apothecary Guild, despise their refusal to advance. While the Traditionals are kindhearted and numerous, they have many enemies, and depend on their Guardians (the highest ranking of their order) to defend them and destroy those who would have the League disolved.
The Progressive Movement- The Progressive Movement exists primarily in Dac. In Dac, many people are leaving the surface for the advanced tunnels beneath the hills. Beneath the ground, a steampunk society is developing. In stark contrast to the Traditions League, the Progressive Movement supports new ideas and many directly oppose old ideas simply for being old. Many Progressives are even fantical in their beliefs, and will even go so far as to assassinate their enemies, the Traditionals. In addition, the leading rebels in Pardge are Progressives, who welcome the idea of new religions and beliefs to Pardge, ideas that the Prest Knights kill off.
Farport Vigilante- Farport is a town devoid of law. As such, many of the people living their have taken the law into their own hands. The vigilante is crude, small, and without much purpose. They target those who committed minor offenses, and others who differ from the vigilante. The vigilantes are all fanatical in their insistence that law and order be kept, in spite of the fact that they themselves cause msot conflicts. They are cruel to the common civilians, but the Royal Guard does nothing to stop them. In fact, much like Pardge, The Farportians (or, more accuarely, mysterious types among the Farportians) have been known to poison and back-stab vigilantes in an effort to restore peace to the town. Despite this, many people take the vigilante for granted and are unaware that what they do is evil.
The Freemason Society- The Freemasons belong to no religion. They oppose all three churches, because they accept all three relgions. They believe that all have the right to worship whoever or whatever they want. As such, they have made enemies of the church, who seek death the unbelievers. The Freemasons are extremely secretive, and many within the Churchs have no idea that they exist. Despite this, many new politicians within Kend'arc are Freemasons. The Freemasons also oppose the Traditionals and Progressives, as the Freemasons value both new and old ideas. They have many enemies. However, many of their enemies don't even know of their existence, giving them a major advantage.
Cult of C'thulu- In the tiny riverside community of Innsmouth, dark things are occurring. The Cult of C'thulu is emerging. Worshipping a number of ancient "Great OLd Ones," the greatest of which is C'thulu, the Cultists desire true freedom; that is to say, they want freedom form everything: morals, logic, sanity, and peace. The Cultists murder, rape, and destroy in their plight for sweet ecstasy, fueled by uncontrolled death and violence. They have been know to murder gruesomely random citizens for no reason, and in ways even the Ruddussists would call primitive and evil. Despite all of this, the Cult is very secretive and little knwon, probably because they mindlessly slaughter anyone who comes near them. As such, they are masters at avoided espionage.
The Sunwalkers- The Sun Era has begun. In the deserts far to the west of Ruddus, a new order is emerging. Led by the high priest Umayr Salaka, the Sunwalkers are a new religious order of warrior monks. When Umayr was a boy, lost in the desert, he found a large temple. Inside, he was awoken and restored by the five animal gods: Malak the Serpent, Raras the Lion, Scorious the Scorpion, Galaes the Hawk, and Haliaq the Beast. They enlightened Umayr, and sent him on a mission to spread their religion and order. Now, a susbstancial force of Sunwalkers, led by their prophet and commander Umayr,, have reached the swamp. To prevent the destruction of the world, Umayr seeks to spread the light of the five gods. The Sunwalkers are masters at all forms of armed and unarmed combat. HOwever, their religios beliefs, which are vastly different from those of the swamp, have made them many enemies.
The Horde- The Horde is coming. It is always coming. Originating from lands far from the Swamp, the Horde, a colossal military force from an unstoppable empire unknown to Kend'arc. Now, a division of the Horde, most likely a scout division over a thousand strong have reached the swamp. They kill and enslave the swamp's inhabitants. They are merciless and hateful. In addition, while the Guards and Peacemakers are busy putting an end to the Age of Blood, they must also stop the unrelenting might of the Horde, lest they all be destroyed. Of course, those within the Horde know that the plights of the swampmen are pointless. For there is no stopping the Horde.
Other Factions- If you have any other ideas for factions, tell me in the comments, and if I like it, I will add it to the above list.
Position within Faction:
Specialty/ies: assassination, espionage, etc.
Weapon (if any): gunpowder and guns do exist in this world
NO metagaming/godmodding
1 character max per person
Keep it stealthy; I don't want all out war between factions.
Have fun!
Go forth, people, for it is now the Age of Blood. Conquer the swamp with your faction. Rule from the shadows or from the throne. The choice is yours. I will play the narrator. Let the Age of Blood begin!