This is the First Age discussion thread!
- GeneralBeaver: Ganzorig
- Vanderm135: Ulmo
- Turammarth: Aranwë
- Carter938: Durin
- Rangere1: Oromë
- WarPig1237: Elu Thingol
- Jiquo: Kháin
This is the First Age discussion thread!
- GeneralBeaver: Ganzorig
- Vanderm135: Ulmo
- Turammarth: Aranwë
- Carter938: Durin
- Rangere1: Oromë
- WarPig1237: Elu Thingol
- Jiquo: Kháin
Thank you to all who voted on the polls on our page, and with your input we have come to a decision:
- Valinor will be removed from the map, and Rhûn will be expanded. This has lined up the waypoints a bit better for us, and the roads are in less-random places now. Sorry if this is going against the poll, but trust us, it's for the best and helps us a lot.
- We will keep the current role-play system, meaning you do not lose your role upon death.
There's a new Poll on our page! This one is about whether or not we should make a wiki. Please answer on it swiftly, so we can get this wiki up and running - if that's what you guys want.
Congratulations to Turammarth, who has been promoted to Admin, and to Vanderm, who is now an Owner following the temporary departure of Lilendre, Ovaldiduval and lalamalkin.
GeneralBeaver has finished majority of the build transfers, and we are expecting to work on spawn tomorrow, with the hopes of the server being up later in the week. Vanderm has almost finished putting together the texturepack, so things are going well! Sorry for any delays, but as school has just started us staff have been busy.
Ryan, on behalf of the First Age LOTR Server.
As a suggestion: Lore characters should loose there gear if killed by another lore character player.
Thank you to all who voted on the polls on our page, and with your input we have come to a decision:
- Valinor will be removed from the map, and Rhûn will be expanded. This has lined up the waypoints a bit better for us, and the roads are in less-random places now. Sorry if this is going against the poll, but trust us, it's for the best and helps us a lot.
- We will keep the current role-play system, meaning you do not lose your role upon death.
There's a new Poll on our page! This one is about whether or not we should make a wiki. Please answer on it swiftly, so we can get this wiki up and running - if that's what you guys want.
Congratulations to Turammarth, who has been promoted to Admin, and to Vanderm, who is now an Owner following the temporary departure of Lilendre, Ovaldiduval and lalamalkin.
GeneralBeaver has finished majority of the build transfers, and we are expecting to work on spawn tomorrow, with the hopes of the server being up later in the week. Vanderm has almost finished putting together the texturepack, so things are going well! Sorry for any delays, but as school has just started us staff have been busy.
Ryan, on behalf of the First Age LOTR Server.
That was mainly what the poll was about, but the community did not like that idea.
It should not be long, because Carter is just doing the last of the transfers.
We're still working on the texturepack ;)
That is hard to tell. We are hoping it will be soon, but we are having plugin problems.
Hey guys your server sounds awesome, do you guys have a download for your moddified LOTR mod so I can play it on single player