Well, who do you think wins? I already know the answer, but i'm interested to hear your answers!
Ready, go!
Well, who do you think wins? I already know the answer, but i'm interested to hear your answers!
Ready, go!
Definitely LOTR.
Uhhh, you wlll have to qualify that a bit, wins as in who's factions are strongest, or what universe is better written, also are we talking about books or movies/tv series, it matters. And what's the purpose of posting this question in a LOTR fan forum? Of course the answers you will get will skew heavily towards LOTR, so this is pretty much just ego stroking for the OP.
I don't know what you mean by ego stroking, I was just interested to see what you guys would say. Guess I forgot that this is a LotR themed place XD
I also asked it here because I didn't get anything on Quora.
Movies vs Series.
Wins as in who's stronger.
People have their own opinions I'm sure. Some people here must like GoT enough to vote for it? Idk. I asked this question while I was ticked off at someone saying GoT would win mainly because of Population.
Lotr wins obviously
I also asked it here because I didn't get anything on Quora.
Movies vs Series.
Wins as in who's stronger.
People have their own opinions I'm sure. Some people here must like GoT enough to vote for it? Idk. I asked this question while I was ticked off at someone saying GoT would win mainly because of Population.
I would assume you didn't get a lot of answers because GoT and LOTR are in their essence fundamentally different works, there were few elements of fantasy in GoT and the series stripped away even those to bare minimum, at this point it is more or less historical drama set in a fictional world and the ending left a bad taste in many people's mouths so GoT does not have many fans anymore eithewr way. LOTR on the other hand is made of fantasy, it invented all the tropes for it. Comparing the two is always going to be subjective.