I was just casually building an orchard in my hobbit village, when I realized that fruits are harvested by breaking the leaves of their respective fruit tree. I've thought about suggesting this for a while now, and have come up with two (According to me) better ideas. Here's the first one:
Fruits are harvested by right-clicking their respective fruit leaves (Empty-handed/with shears?). They would then probably drop 1-2 fruits per block. After that, the leaves will become normal leaves. Normal fruit tree leaves will additionally also have a random chance to turn into fruit leaves, that can be harvested again.
This idea has the pros that you don't have to cut the tree down in order to get the fruits, but would also make the trees gradually fill up with fruits.
The other idea is more of an additional property of fruit trees, namely regrowth. The mechanic would work as follows:
The fruit leaves would still be broken to harvest the fruits, but their drop rates would probably be changed to that in the suggestion above. The leaf would then have a random chance to be regrown, either to a fruit leaf or a normal leaf. The chance of it turning into one of the leaves mentioned above could be determined by the types of the surrounding blocks; Say you break a fruit leaf block in a fruit tree. The block is surrounded by three normal leaves and one other fruit leaf. The chance of it turning into a fruit leaf would then be 1 to 3. In the other three cases it would turn into normal leaves.
This has the pros that the tree will gradually "die," making it necessary to cut down the trees after some harvests, like in Hay Day, but this could also be a con, in some aspects.
These two are my ideas of making fruit harvesting better. This is a very small change, and would probably be quite easy to implement (Not that I know anything about programming or want to urge the mod team to implement it in the next few releases, if they like it). That's all I have to suggest for now, and I hope that people can exchange their opinions about this in the comment feed. Bye, and stay Sane!
This suggestion is very similar to this post about maple harvesting, but i've had this idea in mind for a long tim now, so don't call Grond on me.