I think elves are too strong i think since they can use a bow as well as a mele weapon i personaly think they shoeld have less health to make it more balanced.
I think elves are too strong i think since they can use a bow as well as a mele weapon i personaly think they shoeld have less health to make it more balanced.
I disapprove this suggest.
If you think elves are OP, so go check the uruk-hai.
Furthermore, since 35.2 update, elves suck with bows (particularly against small target like most of orcs). Which is perfectly ironic because elves are supposed to be the best shooters of Middle-earth.
If you ask Mevans to nerf the elves, he'll must nerf the uruk-hai as well. The game is already balanced. (I aknowledge elves are hard-to-fight foes if you're not prepared for but if you come into Lindon with a pack of Gundabad uruk (or even better, black uruk), elves are piece of cake.)
If you're attempting to fight elves, just hire a swarm of snagas or smaller-sized orcs. Like Korokan said, the increased height of the elves and the smaller hitboxes of the orcs make it impossible for elven archers to hit them.
(A swarm is a bad idea, cause even if they miss their target, another snaga will get shot. Use Uruks with banner bearers)
And Elves doesn't really need a nerf, except maybe the wood-elf scout, because his ability is annoying, but that's the only one in my opinion
"Like Korokan said, the increased height of the elves and the smaller hitboxes of the orcs make it impossible for elven archers to hit them."
I call this a bug exploit but yes: it can work.
I disapprove of this request as well. I encourage you to do some actual tests. Spawn 10 black uruks or 10 berserkers (both require a pledge) against 10 elves (which require a pledge). I have ran this test many times, and nearly every time the uruks clean house with the elves.
Evil’s troops are significantly superior to good’s. The best troops you can get from good do not compare to the best you can get from evil. Not to mention evil having olog hai’s. The only thing good has to offset this is stealth units. If it were up to me, evil would get a stealth unit (some unit from harar or far harad or possibly the Far East), and then good would get a slight boost so that dwarves and elves could stand up against black uruks or berserkers.
What do you think?