I want more Gameplay Features added more detail Lore Builds and Characters maybe someday go so far as to have npcs have more detailed and varied daily schedules have a personal rep with the individuals that last one is a wishlist type deal more than anything also would love to see all of the rest of the factions get added and see the east get more fleshed out maybe have a dimension for the different ages Valinor and a major quest system I know it’s a long list but I want to see this mod get as complete as possible and personally I hope it never stops receiving updates however I believe having a reasonable goal a couple years down the line wouldn’t be a bad idea as long as it isn’t completely abandoned afterwards. On a side note I believe due to the amount of time renewed has taken so far it is slowly starting to choke out smaller servers entirely because up until the past few years we could count on brand new content on at least a once a year basis and I know renewed is adding new stuff along the way but s fully brand new update expanding on what we already have feels almost out of reach.