Like wtf? I was sailing down the Anduin on barrel, when suddenly I died in one hit from falling. F to my Orcbane sword that lies beneath the Anduin now.
P.S. I think Isildur perished the same way
Does anyone know how to fill empty barrels with water, I’ve been trying to for ages but haven’t got a result yet, any help is appreciated.
IRL drinking too much alcohol can have negative effects beyond getting drunk.
Any player that does not have much alcohol tolerance that drinks an extremely potent drink (e.g. vodka), in addition to nausea, they get Alcohol Poisoning, which functions like poison but slower acting.
However, unlike poisoned drink, alcohol poisoning is not lethal.
Short submission, but its one I think would be cool.
Now the other way round:
Both barrels contain exactly the same: One poisoned and one unpoisoned serving, but the outcome depends on what is filled in first. This is highly illogic.
Currently, to get a drink from a barrel, you have to right-click the front of it with a container of some sort, and then drink from the container. I think a new, fun mechanic could be drinking straight from the barrel. If you right-click the front of a barrel with an empty hand, you'd drink one unit of the drink, and remove the same amount from the barrel. Of course, it is poor manners to drink straight from the barrel, so if anyone from a 'civilized' faction(i.e. not Orcs, Dunland, Half-trolls, etc) sees you, they'll comment on its rudeness similarly to Vintner guards when you steal grapes. You'd also earn the achievement Ruffian. However, you would not lose alignment or be attacked.
Hello people! If you've made use of the brewing feature in this mod, and have made massive breweries consisting of hundreds of barrels then you've probably encountered this problem. Trying to brew a large amount of the same this is exceedingly tedious because, it requires you to click in and out of inventories, placing the ingredients in each one, hitting brew, then moving to the next one. To counter act this, I suggest bigger barrels!
I don't simply mean "bigger" as in more inventory space in a single barrel. I mean allowing barrels to mesh together to become a multiblock! The limit on this would be, four blocks from front to back, three tall, and three wide in the front and back! The result would be a larger inventory, and more room to place buckets, along with the most important part, more room for alcohol!
As suggested by Minecraftmage113: Barrels should also accept stacks of items to save additional time when brewing.
Please give me your feedback on this idea, and how it could be improved! Thank you!
The ability to be able to name your barrels in the barrel GUI and have your name attatched to it, on a multiplayer server would give rise to players brewing and farming more, whilst also helping in-game trading; for example: If I grow grapes on my own private farms, and i name my Barrels 'El Radagasto' it creates a name for it (like how champagne is from a certain region) and also makes people want a few barrels of that trendy beverage. Its just an idea, and hopefully an easy one to implement, but it'll give brewers and farmers a bigger incentive to create the stuff which i think makes this mod so cool!
So hopefully this idea is original. I searched in Google "LOTR Mod Barrels Endorsed." or something like that to make sure this was original. The only [Endorsed] Barrel thread I found was one to put the drink back in the barrel. So hopfully this truly is original and if it isn't will someone please tell me how to quickly find endorsed threads with out going threw 200 pages of them.
So I was thinking about it and I think there should be 2 types of barrels. The ones we already have for drinking and filling mugs. But also a storage barrels. I found 2 specific clips that show people using barrels in LOTR and The Hobbit. #1 Bard used barrels to fill fish and #2 In the LoTR Merry and Pippin find 2 barrels full of south farthing "longbuttom weed" pipe weed or something like that. I thought this would be a cool way to store things and definitly good for decorating places. Also I think it would be cool to be able to place drinking barrels on their side.
I had much orc doughts in my chest, more then 50. This is uncomfortable, so i think that it would be nice if you can fill an empty barrel by right-klicking with an drink.