A complex combat overhaul
Motivation: (you can skip this and jump to “Suggestions”)
Hello, this post is a result of a few hours long brainstorming with two of my friends, both (same as me) long term LOTR mc mod players (I played this mod for the first time in 1.5.2 era) and in this post I am trying to convey our made-up vision of combat (both PvE and PvP) in a rather concise and coherent way. I hope to spark up discussion about this topic, because the combat system is one of the core mechanics which kept us playing. I always liked the general idea of the combat system of Lotr mod (having attack cooldown even before vanilla), but I think it could be greatly expanded on the core of the system. Our main issue with the system is that after acquiring decent enough gear and playing at least a bit sensibly you almost cannot be killed by common PvE and therefore taking away some of the fun of the mod (example which comes to my mind, when you play on Hard difficulty and play with either unupgraded full mithril set or fully protection upgraded high elven set, Olog-Hai deals only one heart of damage, which when we take into account size of him and his hammer, it doesn’t seem very fitting). The other issue (which is closely tied to the first one) is that the time to kill for some enemies is just too long (yet again, an example: Uruk vs Lindon warrior on hard difficulty, both wielding swords, the exchange took around 15 hits on both sides before one of them fell, which in my mind is a bit excessive). Last thing I would like to add is that I am not a native English speaker (I come from Czechia), therefore I apologize for any mistakes and/or some awkward wording of my sentences. Also IMPORTANT suggested changes in values are related to 1.7.10 version of this mod because I am not so certain that all combat elements are properly ported yet (neither are all NPCs)
In this section I will try to go through all combat elements, bring up my issue with them and suggest a suitable solution.
· Twohanding: There is no issue, but my systems count on players being able to twohand their weapons.If a weapon is held in right hand and there is nothing in the left hand, weapon is considered twohanded and its attacks will have higher damage and other properties on which I will elaborate further.
· Crossbows:
Issue: a player can hold a fully loaded hotbar of crossbows and achieve machine gun levels of firing speed.
Solution: have player get a small forced cooldown when switching to a crossbow (about 0,5 seconds) – if u have crossbow loaded in your hand, you can fire it instantly, but if u switch to it from a different item you will get a short animation, which would partially nerf this strategy.
· Bows: There is no issue, but it would be nice if we got two bow types, short bows and long bows, where short bows would be way faster but had inferior range and damage compared to longbows
· Ranged in general:
Issue: people can hold loaded bows (and crossbows, even though there it kind of makes sense) for infinite amount of time
Solution: have the crosshair get increasingly shaky after 3 seconds of holding a fully loaded ranged weapon, decreasing the accuracy of the weapon
· Shields:
This shield part may raise many eyebrows, but please read it through and judge it as a whole
Issue: shields may be held for infinite amount of time and block infinite amount of damage before breaking, often leading to a stalemate situation.
The solution I suggest is rather complex (I split it into 3 main parts), therefore hope I won’t lose any readers here.
1) Firstly, I would introduce 3 classes of shields (definitely not saying every faction should have 3 shield models) small shields, medium shields and tower shields. Small shield properties: simply having the shield equiped shouldn't slow down the player and blocking should slow down the player by ~25%, but the shield should block ~50% of incoming damage at max (depending on material and modifiers used).Medium shield properties: simply having the shield equipped in either hand should slow down the player by 10% and blocking by 50% (not stacking multiplicatively, so if u block you get slowed down by 50%, not by 10% and then further 50% compared to normal walking speed) and block 75% of incoming damage at max (depending on material and modifiers used).Tower shield properties: having the shield equipped in either hand – 20% slowdown, blocking – 75% slowdown, block 100% of incoming damage at max (depending on material and modifiers used)
2) Another part of the solution is changing the blocking mechanic: dependent on the shield class, each shield should have its “effective blocking window” and the %damage blocked should decrease over time to a set minimal value. You can imagine this as hidden stamina bar (or maybe we could get an actual HUD bar indicating your block effectives decreasing to inform people who would be unaware how the shields work in this mod). The timing for the shields I imagine somehow like this:
This is the order in which the arguments are mentioned -------------------
----- > [effective since] [effective blocking window] [end of decrementation] [min. blocking value]
Smallshield 0,15s 2s 6s 10%
Medium shield 0,25s 3s 8s 20%
Tower shield 0,4s 5s 12s 50%
How to interpret this list: small shield will start being effective 0.15s (3 ticks, vanilla shield is 5 ticks) after pressing block button, it will effectively block at its max blocking percentage for 3s, 3.15-6.15 the blocking percentage will decrease to its minimal blocking value and after 6.15 the shield will block at effectiveness of minimal blocking value.
3) (DISCLAIMER: This is probably the most controversial part of this post)
Now we solved the shields being able to block infinite damage and made them more diverse. But what about guard breaking? In vanilla swords are rendered useless by the shield, leading to boring axe meta. This, in my eyes, is completely unacceptable. Therefore I suggest following: have each weapon get assigned its shield-damaging value and each shield how much it can withstand, if this threshold is exceeded the shield will be disabled just as in vanilla it would be by an axe hit. If weapon is twohanded, it shall deal double the value.
Suggested shield damaging values for weapon attacks:dagger: 2, shovel: 3, hoe: 3, spear: 4, throwing axe: 4, sword: 5, bow: max 5, polearm: 6, pickaxe: 6, axe: 6, club: 6, crossbow: 7, battleaxe: 8, warhammer: 9, warg: 12, troll: 15, olog-hai/mountain troll: 20, ent: 23, Balrog: 30, explosion: 8*explosion power
Shield stability: Small shields: 8-10, Medium shields: 16-19, Tower shields: 23-29
You could simplify this system by shields being able to block set amount of damage, but then you couldn’t make some lower damaging weapons more viable.
· Armors
Issue: most of the armors are not viable to wear other than for lore purposes, also armor is too strong overall (in vanilla it is nerfed in 1.9+ versions too)
Solution: Have heavier armors slow down entities wearing it but adding knockback resistance the heavier the armor gets. For both knockback resistance and speed decrease/increase, it should be split between the pieces the same way as protection of the armor set, e. g. if mordor armor set has 15 protection points and chestplate on its own 6, then the speed decrease and knockback resistance should be 6/15 of the value I shall present. I am evaluating knockback resistance on scale 0 to 1, where 1 is max knockback resistance and 0 is none. Also, to not make all the fights such a slugfest, decrease the armor efficiency by roughly 30%.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------Bronze: 10% speed decrease, 0.25 knockback resistance, mordor 25% speed decrease, 0.4 knockback resistance, gondor 20% 0.4, mithril 0% 0.25, galadhrim 10% 0.3, leather/fur 0% 0,dwarven 25% 0.5, Uruk 30% 0.45, rohirric 5% 0.2, wood-elven 10% 0.3, lindon 15% 0.35, black uruk 20% 0.4, gondolinian 10% 0.4, iron 25% 0.35… other armors could just copy these stats, cannot list them all... also notice that I made the armor of evil factions inferior to some of the good factions armor which otherwise share the same protection value, but my point of view is that e.g. orc factions' craftsmanship is crude and inferior to the more cilized factions, therefore the armor should be heavier while providing same defences.
· Weapons
There is no issue, but I will elaborate a bit on my twohanding ideas. As stated before, weapon is considered twohanded when being held in right hand with empty left hand. Weapon should deal double the shield damage and 1.2x more damage if twohanded. Also, if you wanted more diversity, you could introduce more weapon classes like greatswords, which would be just bigger slower swords with more reach and damage. (But I don’t know if it is lore-friendly, although I suppose so). Also, I have not thought about this in greater lengths, but it might be beneficial if all weapons across the board received a flat 10% increase in damage, because I feel like weapons should be more harmful against unarmored enemies and it would again help making the combat feel deadlier.
· Mounted combat
Issue: melee mounted is not very viable
Solution: have players get 1.1x - 1.2x more range when mounted on larger mobs like horses and wargs to compensate for being higher up and therefore not being able to reach (because of the way minecraft works, where it is beneficial to be lower in a fight).
· PvE rebalancing
Issue: some of the enemies are not deadly enough on hard difficulty
Solution: since I propose making the damage of weapons higher, I would also advocate for incrementing the damage of some enemies. When we look at vanilla, a piglin brute on hard difficulty can deal 19 damage in a single swing to an unarmored player. Why shouldn’t be Olog-hai also able to do that? I find it ridiculous that enemy as large as Olog needs co many swings to finish let’s say an elf. Therefore I suggest increasing damage of the following mobs (values are taken from hard difficulty)
Olog-hai current damage: 10, suggested: 19, Troll current damage: 7, suggested 12, Warg – ranges from 4 – 8, I suggest the damage ranges 7-11,melee Hill-troll attack: current 10 suggested 18, ranged Hill-troll attack: current 5, suggested 12, Ent current 11 suggested 21 (If I remember correctly ents are said to be of greater strength then Trolls), Balrog current 8, suggested 22, Mirkwood spiders: current (size dependent) 2,4,6, suggested: 2,5,9, Mordor spiders: current 4, 5, 7, suggested: 4,7,11, Bear: current: 6, suggested: 10, Wild boar current: 4, suggested: 7, Lion current: 6, suggested: 10, Scorpion current: 2,4,6, suggested: 2,5,9, Hill-troll chieftain melee current: 16, suggested: 24, ranged current: 8, suggested 12, Jump attack: current: 32, suggested: 32 (enough damage in my eyes), Mallorn ent: melee: 14, suggested: 24, Barrow-wights current: 11, suggested: 11, Crocodiles: current: 6, suggested:9, Halftroll warriors should receive 1.2x damage increase because of their size and because their normal variant without weapon deals more damage, and even though I can interpret is as a way of saying they are extremely primitive and cannot use weapons effectively, I think they should be at least as deadly as bare-fisted variant
Conclusion: This suggested system is trying to make combat more dangerous, fairer and more varied then it was before, and even though I don’t know if anyone will ever read this through let alone implement a similar system into the mod, but if someone does read this, I would be very happy to discuss weaknesses and strengths of the current system or this suggested system. My goal was to make the system which would still be beginner friendly but had a learning curve, where knowing all the background info is not necessary but may be beneficial to the seasoned players. Also I am well aware that the suggested changes in damage values etc. were not fully tested and are made based solely on my educated guess. This post took me around 4 hours to type and test. I am aware that this change of the system would take a long time to implement and it would be quite bothersome, also I know it would yet again break the compatibility with other mods, but I would like better LOTR mod as a standalone (because this mod doesnt need any other mods) rather than more compatible one. Cheers