I'm trying to make an interactive map of Middle-Earth on the wiki, but it's not letting me add map markers. I'm planning to have markers for each waypoint. Does anyone know how to do this?
I'm trying to make an interactive map of Middle-Earth on the wiki, but it's not letting me add map markers. I'm planning to have markers for each waypoint. Does anyone know how to do this?
In the following account, I present my proposition for two new neutral opposing factions:
What I am about to elaborate on here first is the connection to Tolkien's lore and the reason why I believe the two factions that I propose fits the lore. The first part of the connection involves Dirhaval, the character who wrote the in universe "Tale Of The Children Of Hurin" and "The Wanderings Of Hurin". We do not know anything about Dirhaval besides his writing and that he was killed during the third kinslaying. We only know that he wrote his writings because he felt that the history of Hurin and his children was nearest to his heart. While we know that this is why he was interested in the Narn, it does not explain why it was near to his heart. We also do not know the specific impact and influences that the Narn had in later ages, only that it was the greatest and likely was highly influential. The second part of the connection to the lore involves the fate of Hurin and the fact it is technically unknown what happened to him in the First Age. It is only said in "The Silmarillion" that he MIGHT have committed suicide, but it is not outright said. Though it is highly likely that he did so. Therefore, my theory takes that into account along with Hurin's mental state within "The Wanderings Of Hurin".
My interpretation is that Hurin discovered that due to his mental torture at the hands of Morgoth, and the revelation from Melian that everything he does benefits evil in some way, drove Hurin into a despairing madness and as a result, he commited suicide because he could not live with the knowledge that every action he did served no purpose beside benefiting evil. Now that is the lore that I was influenced by. Now, shifting attention back onto the in universe "Tale Of The Children Of Hurin," it is my theory that due to Dirhaval's work being said to be the greatest of all the tales of Beleriand, that future loremasters and writers (ie. Elrond, Bilbo, Findegil, etc.) would discuss, comment, reveiw and critique Dirhaval's work. The two factions that I am about to propose are not factions in the typical sense and more of two large "cults/organizations/guilds".
The background of these groups is that two philosophical traditions emerged from readers of the Narn: Hurinism and Umarthism. The thinkers of Hurinism are known as Hurinists/Hurinlings and the thinkers of Umarthism are known as Umarthists/Umarthans (ill-fated). The Hurinlings began with Dirhaval, believing that the tragic story of Hurin and his family is about how even the greatest heroes are not infallible and that even those who have fallen so far can still achieve great things (The Death of Glaurung) despite the pain they torture (The Wanderings Of Hurin) themselves with. The Hurinists believe that nobody (however far they have fallen) are beyond redemption. The largest dwelling of Hurinlings is mostly on Tol Morwen, Tol Fuin, Tol Himling, but they can be found anywhere as they have no ties to any land (though they once tried to maintain and preserve the Stone of the Hapless on Tol Morwen where Turin and Morwen are buried). Their largest settlement is called "New Dor-Lomin" located on the south eastern half of Tol Fuin.
The Umarthans of Umarthism began much later and they derive much of their philosophy from Hurin's final days when Melian revealed to him that everything he did was pointless only to benefit evil. They believe that free will is an illusion and that every living thing is ill-fated in that life has no meaning so way bother resisting evil? They reinforce their belief with the speculative idea of the Dagor Dagorath and Arda Unmarred. With this, they believe that their only purpose would be in preparing Arda for the Dagor Dagorath in order for Turin to avenge Hurin and for life to become meaningful in Arda Unmarred. The Umarthans and Hurinlings both despise and look down on each other, with the Hurinlings trying to redeem the Umarthans and the Umarthans trying to eradicate the Hurinlings. This resulted in the Hurinlings being driven from all three islands with only "New Dor-Lomin" still within their control. The Hurinlings eventually began to call the land of the Umarthans the "Nan Dumgorthin", which translates to the "Land of the Dark Idols" due to the Umarthans habit of building elaborate idols of scenes from Dirhaval's Narn that reflect their philosophy, as well as idols to the Dagor Dagorath and the speculative confrontation between Turin and Morgoth.
This is only a rough synopsis of my proposition. If you have any questions or see an issue with my proposition, please feel free to comment and let me know.
Jakim cudem z regułki public static boolean generatesAt(World world, int i, int k) { return LOTRFixedStructures.generatesAtMapImageCoords(i, k, 989, 528);
Wyszło że jest to w minecraftcie na +/-
22984 -25790? jak to odczytać i przełożyć żeby wyszło tak? jest to ważne pytanie i jeśli nie masz bladego pojęcia o co chodzi i jak to rozwiązać nie trać czasu a jeśli masz podstawy do tego to proszę powiedz jak to wyszło.
technical question
How on earth does a: public static boolean generateAt (World world, int i, int k) {return LORTFixedStructures.generatesAtMapImageCoords (i, k, 989, 528);
It turned out that it is in minecraft on +/-
22984-25790? how to do it and translate it so that it works out? it is conspicuous when it comes to whether it comes down to it, and how to speak when it comes to the question as far as the basics are concerned, to say it as far as it comes out.
I have tried to clean only the regions that I don't use, without removing those that have buildings or areas that I don't want to be deleted, but since the regions are called "r.0,0 or r.120,-120" it is very difficult know exactly where you belong in middle earth.
For this I have tried to use programs that I have already used for other versions of minecraft such as "Unmined" but unfortunately it does not detect it.
Well, after researching for a while I found that the MCA SELECTOR 1.17.2 world editing program is capable of detecting this dimension and best of all, it tells you which block, chunk and region the explored area is in. the negative is that in order to go to certain parts you must enter the coordinate, you can drag with the arrows to explore your map in the program. to visit a specific area and be able to eliminate chunks or regions you go to "View>Go to" (or Ctrl + G) and put the X and Z coordinates. Then you can select the regions or chunks by left clicking (or dragging while pressing) and to deselect the same, but right click. you can delete it by pressing Ctrl + D and you should see the warning of how many chunks will be deleted, (1 region 1024 chunks).
I hope it can help you to lighten the weight of the map, either for a server with limited size or for your single player world
Windows version:
Universal Version:
(i use last version 36.14 for 1.7.10 forge)
There doesn't seem to be a page for the light green regions below northlands, the brown and dark green regions below forochel and the land above pinnath gelin as of renewed
Hello everyone, I was wondering where I should build my base, because I recently changed faction (now I'm plegded with the Woodland Realm); I'm undecided between the left side of the Anduin (to the west of Mirkwood), the Celebrant field, West Rohan, East Rohan or the coastal/semi-coastal regions of Anfalas, Belfalas, and Lebennin (These last regions aren't very practical, but it's to put places with the sea). What do you think? Please let me know which has the best position, the best place for building, to hire units, for the risk of invasions...for everything! Thank you very much in advance!
My favourite biome would probably be the Southron Coasts, as that land is home to the Coast Southrons - the sub-faction that kept the old Near Haradrim design. Its also a beautiful land (though not as beautiful as Umbar).
My least favourite biome would probably be The Lone-Lands, because the amount of Rangers and Bandits is insane.
So, what is everyone else's?
When the mod updates to 1.18, I believe that the Deepslate layer should generate in Middle Earth since it is just real life Slate, another layer of Stone. It could in the mod represent the deepest depths. There could even be some first age mobs hiding in the Deepslate area, devolved into an animal form. Perhaps Werewolf Dens and Vampire Nests could generate there to represent that other first age creatures besides Durin’s Bane went into hiding. However, if they are added, they should just be hostile on sight and not factions in order to heighten the effects that hiding for so long had on them, showing that the dangers of the depths don’t care about good vs evil. There could also be Void Fog that would generate down there as well as a new fog called Nameless Fog, which could represent the Nameless Things. This new fog would generate within Void Fog which would make it difficult to see anything while Nameless Fog would cause illusions and nausea to convey the sense of the mystery and powerlessness of the deepest depths. The horror of not knowing what might be just out of sight would be terrifying, but it does make sense to be added to represent the Nameless Things. The only thing that the Nameless Fog would not do would be dealing any damage to health.
Amethyst Geodes should generate in Middle Earth.
Vanilla Emeralds and Diamonds should generate in Middle Earth. Though Diamond weapons and armor would be disabled.
Vanilla Copper Ore should generate in Middle Earth.
Vanilla Rabbits should spawn in Middle Earth.
Bees should spawn in the Shire.
Dripstone Clusters should generate in Middle Earth alongside the mod’s Dripstones.
The Deepslate layer should generate in Middle Earth since it is just another layer of Stone, only it is Slate.
Azalea Trees should generate in Jungles.
The Dripstone Caves should generate in Middle Earth.
The Deep Dark and Wardens should generate and spawn in Middle Earth, representing the Nameless Things.
In my post, I am proposing that Harad, Rhun, and the other loose cannon aspects of the mob should be made into Data-packs and be replaced with only the pure cannon aspects of them in the mod. There should be options in the settings to configure them, but the default should always lean more towards the pure cannon. The following is how I believe the mod should handle cannon. The mod should start with things leaning more towards things directly published by Tolkien during his lifetime. After that, they should focus on things from Tolkien’s later writings. Then after that would be Tolkien’s earlier writings. After that would be things from the Tolkien Estate. Only after that should the go into loose cannon.
If and when the mod updates to 1.17, I propose that the Vanilla Dripstone Caves should spawn within Middle-Earth. However, unlike my previous posts where at this point I would suggest that the Vanilla Dripstone Caves should replace the Dripstones of the Mod, I instead propose that the Mod Dripstones should have an equal chance of spawning as the Dripstone Caves and the Dripstone Clusters. After all, not all Dripstones are the same. However, I do think that there could in addition be some Mod variants of the taller Vanilla Dripstones while at the same time keeping the ones that are in the mod now.
I believe that the Silverfish mob in vanilla Minecraft should be able to spawn in specific places within Middle-Earth. They are in fact a real life insect.
In the mod, they should be able to spawn within dark places and ruins. Specifically they should be able to spawn within Infested Blocks in structures that include:
Ancient Harad Fortresses.
Ruined Beacon Towers.
Gondor Ruins.
Ruined Harnennor Settlements.
Ruined High Elven Turrets.
Mumak Skeletons.
Numenorean Ruins.
Rhudaur Castles.
Ruined Dwarven Towers.
Ruined Dunedain Towers.
Ruined Gondor Towers.
Ruined Houses.
Ruined Wood-elven Towers.
Small Stone Ruins.
Stone Ruins.
Underwater Elven Ruins.
Termite Mounds.
Ruined Overgrown Roads.
Orc Dungeons.
Troll Hoards.
Taurethrim Pyramids.
The Pits.
I plan to make one if enough people ask for it!
I would also like specific details on what you would like to see in Valinor (What biomes and regions you want, what animals should spawn. etc.)
Post your views in the comments if you would like it.
I think this would be especially useful for servers, but I think an option of the world scale (probably up to 1:1 I don't know why you'd want to go higher) would be cool if it is feasible to add.
Why might I want a bigger world?
This is the option that I really want, it would allow for a lot more players to live in small areas/factions and allow for much more realistic builds in some areas. I also think that certain roleplay events would be made easier and more natural to implement. Another thing I have wanted to do in the past is make a full server restricted to the Shire, this might be niche, but it would be a lot more effective with a larger world.
Why might I want a smaller world?
This is a secondary aspect that would be created by adding the scale option and, to be frank, most benefits of a small world are already given by the teleport function but perhaps a player may want to omit the feature in options (obvious reasons) and want to be able to travel easier, especially on singleplayer worlds.
Another thing I would benefit from:
Also not really a full suggestion but a side note, I think more roads and checkpoints, especially in the rather empty areas, would make travel easier and more fun, I especially like to use the roads in travelling because you don't have to check the map and the path is (generally) flat.
One that always kind of bothered me with the LOTR mod is how location in the game doesn't impact gameplay after a certain point of playtime. One could essentially travel from their personal base in the most southern tip of Harad to Mt. Gundabad in 10 seconds. There are different solutions (that vary in terms of difficulty or inconvenience) to this problem that I could think of, and while I think all of them would be amazing if they were to be implemented, they each bring their own issues with them.
Solution 1: remove fast travel entirely
This is probably the most hardcore of them all and would most likely work best on servers. Having to walk everywhere would give players the opportunity to peddle goods from one place to another, make regional goods more rare and give an interesting new perspective on politics and alliances. Someone who built a base in Forodwaith or the mountains of the Wind would live so far from the civil world that they would be forced to be isolationist. East and west would be more disconnected from each other, like they were in lore, as one has to travel a great distance to get to the other side. While I feel that this solution would deliver some interesting differences to trade and politics on servers, this solution would also drive away a lot of new players from the mod, as it would be a pain to walk or ride everywhere. It would also limit the organization of events and the like. It would definitely not work on some of the established servers, as many players travel across the world for all kinds of different things all the time.
Solution 2: Fast travel limit
My second solution would be to create a certain "fast travel limit". This would mean that fast travel is limited to a certain amount of neighbouring regions, using the areas that determine the unlocking of waypoint groups. For example: if one were to start in Belegost in the Blue Mountains with the fast travel limit being 1, they would only be able to travel to a waypoint in Lindon or Eriador, as those regions border the Blue Mountains. I think this would have the advantages of the first solution while keeping the overall time traveled still quite low. This would also mean that people who travel around a lot get lower cooldowns at the waypoints along the route, meaning they can travel across Middle-Earth faster. This would open up new concepts like marching time for armies, mapping out your route as to avoid enemy teritorry and having goods peddlers who take stuff from one end of the map to the other. This option could be disabled in the config, or edited to allow one to travel through multiple regions at once.
Possible addition to Solution 2
In order to make the fast travel system even more immersive, the option could be added to only allow fast travel inside a certain range of a waypoint. As to make up for the fact that travelling through the wilderness takes longer than when travelling by road. Alternatively, a mechanic could be added that instead of 1 region ahead, when on the road one is able to travel an extra region further.
I hope this gets implemented in some way or another. It's at least interesting to speculate about.
-Gondhir Celebrinolf, ai-menu duzhuk
East of Rhun and Middle Earth, divided by the East Sea, lay the Land of the Sun. In the Land of the Sun, the great Walls of the Suns rose up, a mighty mountain range corresponding to the Pelori in Aman.
It is said that in the East there are "here is a silent beach and dark empty seas"
My suggestion is to add a new continent, in the far east, and a few new biomes.
However, no mobs spawn here, not even birds or animals other than scorpions.
- Walls of the Sun
Extremely high and large mountain range, with mountains built out of red and yellow sand and sandstone. Very rich in ores, but no mithril.
- Land of the Sun
Hilly, arid, plains scattered with sand, barren dirt, red sand, sandstone boulders, and occasional shrubs. At night desert scorpions spawn here.
- Silent Beach
Small biome on the Western part of the Land of the Sun. A beach with sand and occasional quicksand.
Textured like sand, but acts like quagmire. Only difference is that it is slightly darker than usual sand.
Reaching the Land of the Sun grants the achievement "Uttermost East" and reaching the Silent Beach grants "Here is a Silent Beach..."
The achievement "Uttermost East" grants the title "Oronto"
I think that the biomes in the mod are cool, but they are lacking a special flavour. If you have noticed, the grass, leaves, and bushes of the Elvan lands are the same colour as their Near harad counterparts. This is just an example but I think that each biome/sub-biome should have it's own custom hues, I.E charcoal black grass and plants for Morder, dry yellow or a parched green for drier areas, and lusher colours for Lindon and jungle. This idea is taking inspiration from the Biomes'o'Plenty mod. What do you guys think?
When pondering this thread, on additions in the east of Mordor, I felt there should be some area in the east where easterlings and variags would have passed more safely. The Eastern Desolation as proposed by Grievous in mentioned thread may be fitting for part of that area, but a sense of logic and realism tells me Núrn should have been accessible from Khand and the Rhúdel via a less dangerous route. I also missed a logical 'transition biome' between the Eastern Desolation and Rhûn and Rhúdel where Easterling and Mordor troops guard the passage of any foreign party to prevent any unwanted intrusions in the east of Mordor.
Add a biome to the east of Mordor that connects the Eastern Desolation with the Rhúdel and Rhûn, as indicated in this map sketch:
The purpose of the biome is to create a transition biome between Mordor and its Eastern Desolation and to provide a relatively safe passage into and from Núrn for the allied hildor of Mordor. The passage purpose assumes the addition of very dangerous viper snakes as proposed in the abovementioned thread.
Note that the indicated area mainly replaces parts of the present Eastern Desolation and a small part of the Rhúdel Steppe.
Don't hesitate to provide any feedback. I will adjust the proposal based on any clearly valuable additions/corrections brought forward.
Suggestions like these (considering future improvements, in my view), shouldn't get that much attention in my opinion. I'd rather see people provide feedback on suggestions related to improving existing features, like this and this one. This is posted as a separate suggestion thread, merely because it was deemed fit for this purpose. I did not spend as much effort in thinking this through as I would have on other suggestions though, as I initially posted it as feedback to another suggestion.
The river Hoarwell should be the border between the Lone-lands and the Angle. (The black lines separate the chunks, the red line shows the actual border.)
Some of the rivers in Middle-earth form the border between two differnt biomes. But only optically.
If you look close enough, you'll notice, that the border meanders across the river, so that small patches of the biome leak over to the wrong side of the river. This irritates me a lot, as this means mobs, vegetation, even buildings can also be found on the "wrong" side of the river.
Since Public Beta 29, rivers are no longer a biome, but only a variant. This allows narrower rivers, which looks really fine, but also leads to them no longer separating two adjacent biomes.
Here is another example, where the Shire leaks across the Brandywine into what should be Eriador.
As Mevans explained, each dot on the ME map defines 128 blocks (8 chunks) of the world. Which caused rivers to be at least this wide before Public Beta 29.
I assume, that the borders of biomes are allowed to meander thus far, if two adjacent map pixels do not belong to the same biome. That means, if a river is only 2 chunks wide, the patches on the "wrong" side can reach in up to 6 chunks.
Now my question: Is it possible to find an easy tweak for the terrain generation to prevent the effect described here?