That's about it...

Being able to edit other people's messages is a really weird feature O.O
Ha, but see, you've missed several crucial points in your analysis, that are highlighted in this blog post:
Data mining website? lol
Please go to the #technical-support channel in the LOTR Mod Community Discord to get help, without logs or details we can’t really do anything…
If you need help, the best way to get it is in the #technical-support channel of the mod's discord server.
Lore structures are not yet in the mod, both in Legacy and Renewed. They are planned, but for the far future; on most servers, players build them themselves, or paste structures from other maps. The only structures or cities you'll meet are randomly generated ones, except in Bree-land where the villages generate at fixed locations. In some places, however, the mod adds lore terrain features, like famous mountains (at Minas Tirith, Erebor, Mount Doom...) and a few lore structures (like the Ring of Isengard or the Rammas Echor around the Pelennor fields...)
BSL has dimension specific shaders. It has no shaders for Middle-earth. You can edit it to allow shaders in Middle-earth tho:
Open the pack with 7zip or any archive manager program, and copy the contents of the
folder to the
The reason why Mevans doesn't want exterior help is because the mod is his baby. Not some big project or somethings he owes us. It's his pet project and he likes to have full control over it.
Also, contacting the Tolkien Estate would lead to a lot of copyright issues. Please don't do that.
They are not translatable in Legacy but will be translatable (completely, not just by resource pack or datapack) in Renewed. You just have to be patient ;)
They're not even in their final form yet
There are no duplicates in the mod
Some features are in the Legacy version and were later added by Mojang in later Minecraft versions, like armour stands, rabbits, banners, barrels...
But Vanilla 1.7.10 doesn't have those, so it's not a duplicate
And when the mod is ported to 1.16, and later 1.17, the mod will not port the features that already exist in Vanilla 1.16 and 1.17. It wouldn't make any sense.
Porting to 1.17 is planned, yeah
But since it's not even released yet, it's a bit early to speculate about it lol
In renewed or legacy?
It's very easy to tp elsewhere, especially in creative, once you get in Middle-earth
Green and Red-oak generate in the woodland realm. Rivendell has no biome yet, so its crafting table does not yet generate. And shire pine was removed, shire pine items are crafted using regular pine in the Hobbit crafting table.
Rittmeister64 wrote: We can have random internal blocks INSIDE the mountains [...] We don't need random landscape with no real lore giant structures and towns that look like a random camping ground.
Hm... no we can't. It's the definition of a single, fixed map.
I just do it for people like you and because it's a silly feature.
Real maturity. Wow.
Each world map is generated randomly, fixed structures like roads or the Ring of Isengard have to adapt to the landscape. You can't just "fix" potholes in roads, because each world is different.