1.Who was the accountant of Oskar Schindler?
2.Who is one of the most famed American snipers of all time
3.What terrorist was killed in 2011 and was on the world's most wanted criminal for years?
Arahadtheranger wrote:
TheDwarvenGuy wrote:
Karos the Vanyar wrote: Wow. Australia has seen sh** but nothing near what has happened in America. The Oregon shooting, (yes, we heard about it), all the little massacres and the Trump Racism policy. Wow.
Also, what do you mean by "yes, we heard about it"? Are you intending that we tried to cover it up?
Why do Australians care? But then, why do we care about the English royal family and the Kardashians?
Good point.
TheDwarvenGuy wrote:
Karos the Vanyar wrote: Wow. Australia has seen sh** but nothing near what has happened in America. The Oregon shooting, (yes, we heard about it), all the little massacres and the Trump Racism policy. Wow.
Even Trump isn't that bad.
Also, what do you mean by "yes, we heard about it"? Are you intending that we tried to cover it up?
No, I am merely stating that it was widely publicised in Australia (for completely unknown reasons). Like, on every morning news show and news bulletin.
Karos the Vanyar wrote: Wow. Australia has seen sh** but nothing near what has happened in America. The Oregon shooting, (yes, we heard about it), all the little massacres and the Trump Racism policy. Wow.
Actually, maybe not in the field of politics. I just found a woman who wants to deport Moslems and destroy mosques.
Wow. Australia has seen sh** but nothing near what has happened in America. The Oregon shooting, (yes, we heard about it), all the little massacres and the Trump Racism policy. Wow.
Aside from the Dimrill Dale bit ( maybe a sub biome) great.
Banned for banning for 1 hour when you can have 2! 2 hours.
Banned for Dwarvish segregation. 23 hours 59 minutes.
This wasn't a suggestion, but a question.
That's where the What Not to Suggest and FAQ come in. Please, for your sake, read them.
No. Sorry but it will not be added for a while. Have you considered getting an account? Read the FAQ, What not to suggest and the Wiki Style Guide and it's easy sailing from there.
Argali1 wrote:
Well then. Thaaaaaats.....ummmm.....interesting. On father's day, I generaly just come into my dads room and harrase him awake. Then, we have crum cake for breakfast. For the rest of the day, we just go around town, doing cool stuff.
I give dad stuff and then we go for walks or stuff.