This sounds like it would be incredibly difficult to implement as part of the mod - especially if the “regular” play mode should also be possible.
It should however be possible to achieve this with some server-scripting, i.e. setting up a server that does just what you propose (well, most of it). Mind you I write “possible”, not “easy”.
Hello all, I hope this fits here, but I think that might be an interesting topic for others as well.
As "Renewed" is on the doorstep, I wondered how the "new" Minecraft blocks could be integrated into existing structures, or where they could even replace LotR blocks.
I have also tried to add Bubble Columns to the water, but they seem to de-spawn immediately; That's a pity, as this would really add to the bathing experience ;-)
Any other ideas? Maybe some Mordor structures could also win from the various terracotta patterns, or maybe some Elven builds could use some Prismarine? What do you think?
Thanks all for the comments. Indeed, it might be a bit hard to come by the resources for evil players, but not impossible as the Dwarves are, if we are honest about it, not very good at defending their mountains.
But there is of course a reference to lore that should not be forgotten, and that I only hinted in the last example: think of Laurelin and Telperion, the Trees of Valinor.
Such a generic light source would allow players (namely elvish ones, of course) to create their own rendition of a – obviously much inferior – memory of these trees.
And in fact, this is what I had in mind when I wrote this up ;-)
OK, hear me out on this one, this is a complex topic...
There are a lot of light sources in the Mod: torches (in all colours and shapes), glowing bricks of different provenances (Dwarven, Gulduril, Edhelmir), chandeliers and of course fires that feed on different fuels. Oh, and then there are ores, which you can harvest with a "silk touch" tool and place elsewhere as well.
What I'm missing, however, is a more "generic" light source, that can be used for multiple purposes.
A single light orb placed in a cave
This is where the "light orb" comes in.
The way I envisage it, it should be simply crafted by placing 5 glowstone in a cross, or rather in an "orb shape", i.e. leaving the corners of the crafting grid free.
On its own, it is a simple block that resembles an otherwise shapeless orb which emits light. It can be placed like a candle (i.e. at the wall or the floor), but also at the ceiling like chandeliers.
To be more flexible, it should be possible to dye the orb so it emits light in a different colour. E.g. a red orb should not only look red but also emit red coloured light.
Of course, all the dyes should work, including the "mix" colours.
But wait, there is more...
To allow for more complex light installations, light orbs that are placed next to each other should connect; This should happen similarly to how fences, walls or stairs connect to each other, albeit much more simple – they just for a new, larger "blob" of light.
What is it good for? Well, firstly, they can be placed as light sources that have a less "medieval-y" appearance than the common wall-torches without having a clear faction-specific look to them.
But the piece de resistance is the possibilities that this opens up. Let's say if someone would want to create a tree that lights up the dark (who would want to, I wonder?), that could be done now...
And it is for this added flexibility that I believe this might be a great gameplay addition, especially for us builders in the game.
Birch sap is basically the birch-tree equivalent to Maple Syrup, so I guess the crafting recipe should be the same, just with Birch-logs instead of Maple...
Hello AlteOgre, indeed, I am aware of the previous request for the Forodwaith additions (I mention and link to it even).
However, to make a full Losoth addition means a lot of work, and I understand that such a marginal faction would not be a priority to add at the moment.
However, I believe that polar bears - even if planned to be a part of the larger addition, can be added without any trouble - simply by adding an alternative skin to an already existing mob.
while adding the Snowmen of Forochel and all the other Forodwaith additions (that were previously requested) may still take some time, how about a very simple modification that would already help to make the Forodwaith a lot more interesting?
If there was an alternative skin colour (white, obviously), we would get a new mob called "polar bear", which may only spawn (rarely) in Forodwaith.
Considering that this vast land is practically devoid of any life at the moment, this would already improve gameplay quite a lot, and it should really not be a big trouble to create.
Extra: bonus points for also tweaking the "white bears’" behaviour a bit: In RL, polar bears are in fact very aggressive animals - the reason being that food is scarce where they live and they just have to take whatever they can get. From a polar-bear point of view, a human is really just another potential source of proteins. So I would think that LotR polar bears should attack any player (and NPC) without warning, maybe similar to crocodiles at night...
BTW: for simplicity, white bears should still only drop the "regular", brown fur when killed. Maybe in the future there could also be white fur and white fur clothing, but I explicitly don't add this to this request, as it would defy the idea of proposing a "quick shot" change.
I know that Forodwaith is still not a priority at the moment but this would be a very tiny change in relation to how much more gameplay features it would add, so I guess it might well worth it.
As I said before: no strong opinion on the page name. As for me it's fine as it is.
But how about changing the order? Latest version on top, first (oldest) version on bottom?
Also I'm not sure if we always need to load all the version updates every time we want to check what's new. Not only does that unnecessarily add server load, but please also think about us mobile users who have to pay per KB and have slow connections anyway ...
I think the last maybe three or four versions should be left on the page and the rest can go into an "Older Updates" archive.
In the same way (and for the same reasons) I would opt for a designated "Upcoming Version" page with only the changes that are planned and confirmed for the next update.
I don't have strong feelings about the name (though I agree that 'Version History' would be better) but I agree with Elfmanpersonthing that the list is too long (maybe split off older update) and that the most important information (latest or next update) should be on top.
Maybe information on the next version should even be collected on a different page and the "Version History" only list changes of versions that are actually available? Just an idea... :-)
This would add lots of new possibilities to servers. Selling your superfluous food or ores to other players. Yeah!
Now, if we could also make them go from door to door to sell our stuff... (just kidding ;-)
PS: I also think that - like all hired troops - they should not respawn when killed. It's up to the player to protect his essential troops (or replace them when necessary).
I like the idea, but I think the alignment mechanics are over-complicating things and getting a hint beforehand of what's inside spoils a lot of the fun (and exitement).
My suggestion is that this should work a bit like the "Mystery Web" items, i.e. you never know what you'll get until you open it - and then you'd just have to deal with the consequences (if you just freed an enemy, you better have a good weapon ready :-)
Alignment should come with dealing with the NPCs you released, that would be quite enough (maybe some extra XP for opening the cocoon would be in order, though :-)
Apart from that: it's thumbs-up from me :-)
Direranger50 wrote:
A ranger has a unique enough skillset to be able to recognize an imposter, and few others could mimic a hobbit's hight.
True, maybe Rangers could be better at this - and the maybe the duller races (like Half-Trolls) could be worse (all these others look more or less the same for them)
But while most hobbits are rather, well, let's call it "vertically challenged", there were rather tall hobbits. Namely Bandobras Took (known as "Bullroarer") was known to be tall enough to "ride a horse". Surely from the distance, some smaller orc could pass for a tall hobbit... :)