agreed, and I think the chances should be a bit lower. you wouldnt be chopping off a limb every other hit.
S'moregoth, I agree with all your points, but I should let you know that Glowstone is found in the misty mountains (which I wouldnt really consider a dwarven biome since it is infested with orcs). But other than that you make good points
u wot m8
nice idea! one thing (im not sure if you mentioned this and i just missed it) you should only be able to "learn" the higher tiers of one modifier after you learn the one before it. exaple: you would only be able to learn the lasting modifier if you had first learned the hardy modifier.
my favorite factions are:
1) blue mountains dwarves... i just like dwarven architecture a lot
2) rohan... eeeh idk why i like it so much but i just like rohan a lot
3) gondor... mostly because of all the fiefdoms and i like the armor
least favorite factions:
gundabad... just kinda boring living in big snowy mountians with old beat up dwarven structures
hobbits... boring... and also i wouldnt be able to kill them ;)
rangers of the north... just not very interesting gameplay
Legoarmy505 wrote:
People make many dog suggestions due to the fact of variety and practicality, where as cats, don't really do anything but leach off our resources... However in Tolkien's universe cats were more prevalent, look at Tevildo. Of course this was back in the elder days and cats aren't as big, but they are still evil creatures. I am here to suggest that cats are added as a separate mob than the current ones.
Player: If you click a cat, it will hiss at you, maybe scratch (attack) you once and run away quickly.
Elves: If an elf sees a cat they will attack and try to kill it. (They really hate cats).
Men: They will ignore them.
Ents: An ent has a 1/5 chance to attack the cat.
Dwarves: They will ignore them.
Orcs: They will ignore but have 1/3 chance of attacking cats because they are violent creatures.
And of course cats will attack birds and dogs, maybe butterflies too.
Dark cat: A breed of cat that lives in mordor, mainly around cities and fortresses where they live of scraps. Do 1 heart more damage and have red eyes.
Southron cat: They look like Egyptian Mau cats and are talked about by the Haradrim.
Western cat: They live around the Shire and Bree, they have a more molten pelt and found in taverns and such.
cats were mentioned in lore...
from what is shown on the first age map, nogrod is just south of mt dolmed so would that mean (if nogrod was underwater) that mt dolmed would be right at the southern tip of the northern blues?
from what i could tell from the atlas of middle earth, nogrod should stay where it is but belegost should move to the southern part of the blue mountains.
I think that this is a good idea, but I think that boats need to be protected from the deadly Kraken if this is implemented. (By "Kraken", I mean those pesky, boat-breaking squid!)
tbh if you are walking/riding around then just set run to left mouse button and jump to right mouse button