For some reason it made them stand still for me. But yeah, it's not very efficient as they don't really check anything...
High King Ithilion wrote: British Chips = American French Fries
American Chips = British Crisps
Ithilion, Discussions Moderator(Auta i lome) 15:01, March 2, 2017 (UTC)
Yes indeed. He meant the rest of the European countries besides Britain...
Tbh chips would be pretty tasty to have. The only thing is people post a lot of food suggestions. And this one is rather unspecific with them all. Maybe you should take chips to the suggestions board and put it into more detail?
They've been suggested several times...
I read the first two books which were well written and entertaining but Riordan doesn't capture true Greek mythology. And gosh were the PJ movies AWFUL!!!
If im wrong someone punch me please!
They indeed are fond of mushrooms and potatoes...