#author:Brûghap, from Núrn
#title:Scraps from the Pits
Today I ventured out to the Grave-pit again. Many like it, but this one's mine and no-one else comes close! They can't handle the smell, but I can, and nobody else. I found nothing of worth there today. All of the slave-flesh was dead and rotting, sha! Scraps and rags only, and so it was a big waste. But I'm going tomorrow as well. See, rumor says that they caught a gang of Uruk-hai traitors. No doubt they have some shiny trinkets, and the searchers don't find everything. Now I just need to wait.
Today was the execution of the dratted snakes. Their boss, {name:orc_prefix}{name:orc_suffix}, sobbed like a tark-runt. Well, they shut him up! Ha! But if it was a bad day for him and his crew, it was a good day for me. I got some trinkets that they didn't care to remove, like {a small S-rune badge (I suppose these were the Wizard's orcs, on vacation! Ha!)/a shank-blade, with carvings and such (I doubt I'll find a use for it, but I know a fellow planning on running away. Perhaps he'll take it?)/some silver coins (The searchers shake them down for these, but they didn't catch these, and they're mine now!)} and {the shattered teeth of a tark (I suppose these boys saw action at the front.)/a raggedy beard, and a dwarf-face still attached (these fellows were from Northwest, in the Mountains!)/an elf-ear (I'll be wearing this one!)} and other such things, like a little trinket of a ring. Shiny little thing.
The first of Brûghap's journeys. I'm trying to make lore-texts that are less random, so they're more like a lot of the ones in-game (the wizard-texts, the ranger's guides) and tell a story over multiple texts, so it's fun to collect them. Iirc evil doesn't have anything like those two examples, so here I am, trying to make something like it! This also ties into the older desertion lore text, and references the grave-pits from OBTHs "Orders". Hope you all like it!