When you equipe a full set of enemy faction's armour, enemies' sight range should lower. Kinda like elven cloaks, but only with a certain faction. Frodo and Sam walked through Gorgoroth in orc armour.
I've recently decided to settle in Weather Hills. That was a bad idea. Gundabad and Angmar launched invasions one by one. When my castle was besieged by 7 invasions, I decided to fight. I killed more than 700 units, dunedain conquest in the area was like 1300, but invasions kept coming. Now it's 6 defeated, 4 more to go.
I think I'll delete the world and start all over again, because they will continue to invade. I want a more peaceful home.
When you equipe a full set of enemy faction's armour, enemies' sight range should lower. Kinda like elven cloaks, but only with a certain faction. Frodo and Sam walked through Gorgoroth in orc armour.
An orc was shooting at me, but the arrow landed on Gandalf. Then he killed the orc.
Maybe I'll find a use for Gandalf in Utumno. I haven't completed his quest yet.
I haven't completed first steps quest and Gandalf is following me around the map. I was wondering, what if he follow me to Utumno ruins, where i would push him into the portal? Will he kill utumno orcs?
Ironic, the quest was to get him more booze.
Unable to complete a quest, because the quest giver is drunk all the time.
My sword was stolen by a bandit. Now it's said in the description 'belonged to bandit'. Is there a way to delete it? I tried to engrave ownership on an anvil, but now it has both 'belonged to bandit' and 'belongs to the player'.
Found one in the hobbit windmill. Can you explain, what this easter egg is about?
I'd like to share a story with you.
Mordor invaded a lovely Lamedon village called Evercot, somewhere in Ringlo Vale.
Two days after I was standing victorious enjoying a beautiful warm sunset. A Lamedon hillmen next tome said "the Enemy will continue to send his servants, until we're all done. I fear this is the last dawn for us". I was like " nah whatever, the worst is already over". At that very moment I heard a Mordor warhorn blown in the village's outskirts, just like the wise man predicted
I feel like it's my duty to defend Evercot. Now I'm on my way to Ethring calling for reinforcements.
Daggers should have some armour piercing abilities, as in real world they were used to stab armour's weak spots. Perhaps they would ignore armour points when fully charged.
I found some interesting stuff in the factions guide. Angmar is now friends with Dunland. Dunlendings and Rhudaur Hill-men are of the same origin. Considering that Gundabad was renamed into Northern Orcs, one can speculate, tha orcs in the North will be united under one faction. On the other hand, remnants of Angmar will be purely mannish now.
Hill-man country is lore-friendly, because it's stated, that after the fall of Angmar, there were no orcs left west of the Misties.
Also the mod team suggested to remove Angmar orcs a few years ago. Perhaps, they've finally decided to execute it in Renewed.
What do you think?
Is there a way to recreate a Renewed world in Legacy? Copying seed doesn't work.
I also use rotten logs as windows for simplier houses. Looks lovely and realistic too, as fine glass is quite expensive.
I like the first idea with fruit griwing cycle
leaves -> flowery leaves -> fruit leaves
But I also have a few points on how to make it more interesting.
1. Bees could get nectar from flowery leaves
2. Bees would speed up fruit growth, like they do with crops.
3. Bonemill would have no effect on fruit growth.
4. Wild birds could steal fruits from the fruit leaves.
5. After some time fruits would fall to the ground, like conckers do
Don't think so, but I'll try nevertheless.
No, this happend in singleplayer
Like wtf? I was sailing down the Anduin on barrel, when suddenly I died in one hit from falling. F to my Orcbane sword that lies beneath the Anduin now.
P.S. I think Isildur perished the same way
As for now you need to chop down the tree to craft maple syrup from logs.
I suggest harvesting syrup by right clicking a maple log with a bowl in hand instead. After that the log would be stripped of its bark.
Thus you don't have to chop down maple trees for syrup. It's more realistic too.
From gameplay perspective hordes of orcs in crappy armour willing to die from your sword can be fun for a time. But after a few nights it becomes monotonous and annoying. As a primarly dunedain player I can state that.
I understand, that Gundabad is the first faction an evil player would find. But since Beta 36 we have ruffians in Bree. From my perspective this is a more fun option for evil players. It's lore friendly too.
Concerning rangers of the north, a chance to find them in wilderness is lower than to find mithrill in the Misties. They spawn regularly only in the Angle. I don't deny that their invisibility is op though. That's a topic for another discussion.
Northern orcs were almost entirly wiped out after the War of Dwarves and Orcs and the Battle of the Five Armies. They barely participate in the War of the Ring (northern campain was led by Dol Guldur).
In the mod, however, they are the most numerous faction in Middle-Earth. They spawn anywhere from Ered Luin to the Rhunic border. And the spawn rate is enormous. That's not lore-friendly and should be fixed in Renewed.