Genstructures uses stolen builds, it should not be glorified
If you want relative peace, but still want to battle invasions, choose Rohan, etc.
Rohan and peace dont go together, Uruk-Hai spawns are too high
Recneps please edit this or I will post a blank comment
Recneps, if you do that i will troll you in the discord
The reason for allowing posting something with no content is available in my previous comment
About setting up settlements: Maybe crafting a faction's banner + table of command in the faction's crafting table would give you a "Settlement Block" of some sort. Then, you can place it down(inside a set structure, like the Renewed Waypoints), and it would start as a "Small Village", where the raids that happen are easier. Then, to increase its level, you can add more banners inside the GUI of the "Settlement Block". Claiming lands around this block would require banners on top of a specific, faction-related block maybe.
I would also love for job-less NPCs to be able to take a profession from a block, but getting a smith who can repair all kinds of armors and weapons out of an in-experienced NPC does seem too easy. Maybe they will have an "Experience Meter"(Like the Vanilla villager-levelling system), where early on they have a chance of failing, thus, for the smith example, not repairing the weapon, or even slightly damaging it, and they will only be able to apply scrolls later on. A baker, for example, would only sell bread in the beginning, but later on would buy stuff, like wheat, chocolate, berries, fruits, etc., and sell things like cakes (the foodstuffs need an expansion).
P.S. Great post, well thought-out
Hmm, weren't the bombs a new discovery? Other than that, great suggestion
Mordor is a viper pit for good-aligned players
Mordor doesn't try to walk around its closest enemy's land every night like its home tbh, the only Mordor NPC not in Mordor is the Wicked Dwarf
Maybe they would call themselves something along the lines of Golden ___, so maybe (emphasize maybe) Golden Rhudel
I think almost all factions should somehow have an opinion of Mordor tbh, Sauron wouldn't have left anyone alone
I 100% agree with this, not being able to go around Rohan at night as a Rohirric player really sucks, you can literally be ambushed by two~three groups of Uruk-Hai who maul you to death
Well, i was making a joke, a reference to "What are you doing, stepbro?"
What are you doing, bro?
I think he means the Korean/Chinese descended Japanese, not the original ones(who looked more Indo-European) maybe. I think we should also have a couple more factions at least in Harad to spice things up
Yeah. but spread some more west of the red mountains, also the Red Dwarves should be 2 facs(one should love gold, the other gems(studded armor?))
Elves and Orcs instinctively oppose each other. To say that there is no chance that the Dorwinions were affected by the War of the Ring is pretty weird, since the War of the Ring wasn't only fought by the Westrons, and, as you said, we didn't hear about how the Dorwinions fought their war simply because it was unlikely for any of the characters to know about it.
With the name of Rhudel, in that sense, the name of all Haradric factions should be: the Near Southerners of Souther, the Morwaith of Souter, etc.
Werent they already implemented? Gorthang, do u build with renewed?