I've gotten a new phone, and will be leaving for a bit of time. I'll be back with a different name, most likely be tomorrow. I doubt anyone will read this, due to the different time zones, but its here anyway.
Farewell.... For now.
I've gotten a new phone, and will be leaving for a bit of time. I'll be back with a different name, most likely be tomorrow. I doubt anyone will read this, due to the different time zones, but its here anyway.
Farewell.... For now.
4. The ability to initially select the player's race.
Mevans has (apparently, I wasn't there for it) specifically said that playing as another race will not be added into the mod. Your best bet for that would be Morph Mod, or you could create your own.
Otherwise, most of this suggestion is good. Don't know why people keep suggestion player/NPC marriage, its pretty weird imo °_o
.......wow. That's a bit embarrassing XD
Yeah, dunno if their still reading this, but Skyrim has a couple of pretty awesome LotR mods. So does Total War.
Misunderstood? Explanation if you please?
The best thing to do would probably be to add "Uruk Hunters", like the one in FotR. Weaker Uruks with lighter armour, but carrying swords and being able to switch to bows. These Uruks would be the more common ones to spawn outside of Nan Curunir, and wouldn't spawn as frequently. Then of course the spawning of Uruk-Hai will need to be reduced. Maybe a Pledge will be required to hire the bigger Uruk-Hai.
Just my two-cents, but this is the best way in my opinion, thought its partly inspired by Edain Mod for BfME C:
I know Khamul was an Easterling, but I thought a more Dark Sorcery crafting table would be better. Plus, the Witch King was probably Numenorian, but we can't craft his armour on a Gondorian/Ranger crafting table /:
It should probably depend on how dangerous the target of the quest is. More dangerous = more desperation in killing them before they massacre an entire city sort of thing.
Damn, must have imagined it then XD
OIC, but even normal Gondor stone has a mossy variant doesn't it? I'm sure I remember one....
It would be cool if there were different sets of Morgul Armour, and each set would have a different design depending on the crafting table used to make it.
For instance, if you crafted a set of Morgul Armour on a Dol Guldur crafting table, it would look like Khamul's armour from The Hobbit, BotFA (AKA Golden Easterling Armour). How the mod could make the Mordor version and the Angmar version look different, I'm not sure.....
But kudos to this suggestion. It makes sense.
More Hobbit film themed suggestions = more kudos from me XD
This is a good suggestion, and I agree with nearly all of it. However, I think all the cities are already planned, probably in the way you suggested as well.
I disagree with the fighting ring idea, however. (mostly because I don't consider Shadow of War/Mordor a game). The only faction I'd like to see a fighting ring with is the Cerinrim, as they just seem the most likely to have them, what with capturing Half-Trolls for sacrifice and all that. Orcs don't need fighting rings; the whole world's one for them!
Otherwise, this is a really cool suggestion.
Strange, I was sure there was already mossy stone.....
I've seen Mossy Gondor Bricks before I believe, at the very least.
I think they mean a system where the Player can marry an NPC.
True, I guess :/
But it really is better to make a full suggestion for things like this. Wereworms have been suggested a few times already. This is less of a suggestion and more of a reminder that Wereworms should be added.
I'm leaning heavily towards neutral-good, as they apparently helped one of the kings of Arnor long ago. I've never really imagined them as wicked.
Any ideas on how they could be added? Behaviour? Drops? Achievements related to them? Are they aligned with anyone? Do they have an ability is some sort? Tameable? Are they based off the Hobbit movie versions, or do they take on a new design?
Questions like this are important to a suggestion, and help to further instigate discussion, which makes the suggestion better still. Short suggestions like this, for things as large as Wereworms, are not advised.
Apologies if this seems in any way rude, for I am not trying to be.
Aye, Mumakil (or Oliphant) are already planned to be added. We don't know when, or how, but we know they will come one day. For now, patience is our only choice.
Plus it'll probably lag like no ones business, even on strong PC's.
It doesn't really add anything special like Mount and Blade, but its awesome for decoration and building in Middle-earth. You can finally add spikes to your Evil builds, or give plant pots elven appearances, or give Helms Deep a proper Slope shape.
This mod works perfectly with LotR mod since last I checked, and really allows great customization.
Carpenters Blocks.