Hi, another player and myself came up with an alternative for the waypoint structures in renewed and banner protection in the mod. What if, instead of having to build a 5 x 5 x 5 structure with a twice upgraded map per custom waypoint, there could be a single block per custom waypoint?
This single block would be crafted with a valuable block (gold, silver or iron) surrounded by wood on the crafting table. Then the player left clicks with the block in their hand on a placed block that is very common (Mordor brick, Cobblestone, Oak Wood Planks). and it assumes the visual of the block used but no other properties. They place down the block, right click it with a red book, and set custom waypoint in the interface that pops up. The block is explosion proof, protected from players not added to it, and is not affected by gravity. You can put down as many of these blocks as you want, but a limit is set on how many you can have activated by you. After the block is broken, all of its waypoint data is reset and will have to be added again. If you remove your custom waypoint remotely with the mini map, the block goes inactive and can be used by anyone. You warp to standing on top of the block whenever you fast travel there.
The Banner Protection block will be used in much the same way visually, but it will be able to protect an area instead of be able to be warped to. To craft it, you would have a banner in the middle, a valuable block below the banner, and all other slots filled with wood planks (or something else). It would have a faction protection and an area of protection based on whatever faction banner and the value of the block that were used in its crafting.
Both blocks would help not take up space in the world or build / make the world or build ugly, while also having a set place in the world. Because it would be hard to spot the blocks as they look just like any other block, they would glow light blue for waypoints and light green for banner protection just like placed banners do in the legacy version of the mod with the f3 toggle.