Yes the lions do attack you so... You are going to have to walk the leagues of Middle Earth to transport them
I suggested the Armor as to save your self from a pickle... Rohan horses are way faster
Oh I forgot they had armor up there on Armro stands:p my bad
True true
True... Actually if you can try getting scout Armor by getting 50+ with the Wood Elves then kill a few wood elves and become thier enemies again... A single batch of Scout can last forever as long as you have leather
Good observation....
But according to me they may be Maia... As well they get new bodies as soon as they die.. they can hold heavy things relatively easily,etc
Gondor has rangers but going to Harad is a good choice for Roleplay
I have done this before...and I wish you a good luck... Don't die to a Balrog like me...
So Choose Good, Specifically High Elves or Dwarves of the Blue Mountains... The High Elves' are better tho....
Choosing evil will lead to the chance of a quicker death.. The Rangers are in Close vicinity to Spawn... And major places with Evil like Misties and Angmar are hard to reach... Also you require 100 alignment to not be bonked by Trolls....
You should do it single player as Lag affects the gameplay a ton and there is a high chance you will lose your life....
You should play with Units... They will help you a ton as they will guard you.. A Small squadron of Rangers and A dozen of Elves or Dwarves would be good......
Also try to do all of the things... Start by building a house near a High Elves tower of just use the tower for a Starter base and then build a house near to it...
Make use of two Dwarven Pikes... Dwarven Armor and a High Elven bow and a Mirk bow... Max em all
And yes... Give emphasis to Role play.. it makes the experience better and write the details in a Word file... Don't write em in a book as if you die you will lose the book forever
It sure is a little.... Problematic.. to open the Factions menu every time to check your alignment... As you are venerable during that time...
Bind them using leads then Ft
Hmm true true.... But wait I will jsut post the link to the page with the mountains which are on or near waypoints
There is a Huge Mountain at Erebor :p
There are a few structures and Mountains which generate