I agree, but then they should be a bit more costly to hire. Also they might get too op. (then again, evil already has a lot of op NPCs so)
Haha. I use it as a greeting. Nooobody knows its true meaning... except me and maybe some observant people.
I choose good.
Good has a very interesting and strong faction in Eriador that's easy to get to (Rangers of the North). Also, I enjoy roleplay-style gameplay with visiting Bree and Rivendell.
Gondor is also a great faction, though a bit far. Lots of land, good armour, both civilian and soldier NPCs in plenty
Elves are also interesting, and Dwarves are great if you need strong tools and armour.
On the other hand...
Mordor is pretty boring to live in (in my opinion, I have lived there and it sucked. Only structures are orc camps and black uruk fortresses. Not very nice to live in. Also, I can't make a comfortable-looking house there.)
Harad is pretty varied and decent, but I personally don't really like Harad, and they are quite far away.
Dunland would be interesting to live in maybe, but their entire life is based on taking revenge on Rohan, which isn't really too interesting.
Isengard looks like a desolate wasteland- I don't wanna live there.
Rhudel is pretty cool, but again is quite far away.
I agree with nerfing the speed.
Hirable ents don't really make sense to me (I find hirable Huorns weird enough)
Ologs are really powerful against their most numerous and close enemies - the Gondorians. The Men of Gondor mostly use melee weapons, decent number and heavy armour as their advantages, but against Olog-Hai none of these really help much.
Warhammers provide no advantage against Olog-Hai, with their average reach. Gondorians rarely use any high-reach weapons, so they really can't fight Olog-Hai in melee combat.
Gondor also has relatively few archers (compared to factions like rangers or elves)
If heavily outnumbered by Rangers of Ithilien or the North, Olog-Hai tend to lose, as archery is their weakness and they seldom notice the stealthy rangers.
Elves are also pretty good against them
Or maybe a custom effect, like a milder version of night-vision (only partial illumination)
I think it should give speed but nothing else.
Also, mod rabbits are ridiculously stupid/brave. You can literally stand next to them and they don't try to run away. Now if they were tame rabbit I would understand, but wild rabbits should certainly run away!
I'd be a Dunedain ranger, preferring to stay near Bree. I'd use a bow most of the time, but sword-fighting will not be a stranger to me.
Thank you :)
I might some day make a magic staves data pack for the mod if I ever dig out of the mountain of data packs I've planned....
@Thenewguy2263 well I actually just meant that instead of actually adding them or adding any direct evidence that they exist, either just don't add them or just add void fog or sthn to make it impossible to see anything much down there so it doesn't even matter
Uh gorthang, why do you hate vanilla rabbits? I like em more than the mod ones-
Ah right... here's some info...
All forging is done by throwing items above a smithing table (You need a very high experience level - up to lvl 50 for some modifiers)
-Combine a ring with dwarven steel to make a Dwarven Ring
-Combine a ring with edhelvir to make an Elven Ring
-Combine a ring with gulduril to make a Morgul Ring
-Combine a ring with nettles to make a Dunedain Ring
All of these are counted as magic rings
-Combine a gold elven/morgul ring with durnor to add the 'flame' power -Combine a silver elven/morgul ring with a snowball to add the 'chill' power
-Combine a mithril elven/morgul ring with a water bucket to add the 'water' power
-Combine a gold elven/morgul ring with a swan feather to add the 'air' power
-Combine a Dunedain ring with a ranger hood to add the 'stealth' power (wear ranger boots and chestplate and use for effect)
-Combine a Dunedain/elven ring with athelas to add the Blessing of Yavanna power
-Combine a morgul ring with a mordor thorn to add the Curse of Morgoth power
-Combine a Dunedain/elven ring with potent athelas brew to add the Healing power
-Combine a Dwarven ring with a mithril ingot to add the Blessing of Aule power (use to help locate ores)
-Combine a gold Dwarven ring with a gold ingot to add the Blessing of Tulkas power
-Combine a gold magic ring with glowstone dust to add the Grace of the Sun power
-Combine a silver/mithril magic ring with a mithril ingot to add the Grace of the Moon power
Most powers have effects when used (right click)
Max 3 powers per ring
Offhand and mainhand effects may vary (offhand tends to affect nearby entities)
One thing I've noticed, at least in Legacy, at least in the Misty Mountains, at the deepest depths, near bedrock, there is thick fog that appears (Once I built a hall down there, I could not see 7 blocks in any direction)
But it would be too much of an assumption about the Nameless Things to give them a physical form, to actually create the creature.
I kind of feel like the nameless things should remain mysterious. Plus, there's no sort of indication at all about what they may look like, so...
Oh right, I forgot, I need to give the resource pack too!
Resource Pack (You'll need this)
To install,
First you have to find the .minecraft folder.
Then you have to find a folder named 'saves' (either in .minecraft or a folder inside 'profiles')
Inside the 'saves' folder, there will be folders with the names of your various worlds. Open the folder for the world you wish to use the data pack in.
Inside the world folder, there should be a 'datapacks' folder. Open it.
Inside the 'datapacks' folder, paste "Ring-Forging by Pleasnotme - Alpha v 1.1.zip" (from here)
Then go to the folder that contains the 'saves' folder and look for a 'resourcepacks' folder.
Inside the 'resourcepacks' folder, paste "Ring-Forging - Resource Pack by Pleasnotme - Alpha v 1.0.zip"
Enter your world in Minecraft.
In the pause menu, look for the Resource Packs menu, and equip the "Ring-Forging - Resource Pack by Pleasnotme - Alpha v 1.0.zip" resource pack.
Once it loads, do /reload (cheats need to be enabled)
Data pack should successfully install.
This effects thing would probably only happen for really strong coffee though- The coffee I drink has practically unoticable effects.
(For me on aternos servers, the server becomes unresponsive for a while, kicking all players, but after a minute or two it comes back to normal. This also happens during fast-travel)
How much RAM have you allocated to Minecraft?
Are you running any other applications at the same time as Minecraft? What is your render distance? Try waiting for a really long time (5 minutes maybe?)
Yea, that would be nice.
The strength and speed would be a bit overpowered. Coffee does not make you able to kill a person in (I think) 5 punches while you would usually take 20.