Im quite annoyed by the fact that just all of the NPCs allways spawn in those clusters. Be it animals or the folks from MiddleEarth. I really wonder if you couldn't make it that there is at least single NPCs spawning around as well or that those clusters are way less 'clustered'.
I mean it seems like there is at least 5 and more of em popping up in an Area of just 10x10 Blocks while the rest of the area stays empty.
Especially in battle situations you allways have those clusters of f.e. Orcs what is kinda annoying. I would rather like to see them in small groups but also wander around alone as well to make it more interesting to explore.
Just having a better distribution of Mobs.
As it is it is just those clusters and even when spawned in they not move much around on their own but mainly stay in their group. At least at night it would be nice to also have those hostile folks spawn in more frequently around and alone just like hostile Mobs (Zombies, Skelettons, Creepers etc.) in the Vanilla game.