Dragons can be an mob (agressive to every faction) who will spawn rarely in large caves in the Grey Mountains.
They will spawn rare and respawning like gollum.
There will be Cold-Drakes and Fire-Drakes they will have 50/50 chance to spawn.
Fire-Drakes would breath fire that will work like balrog's whip. It will have the same lenght than the balrog whip but it will have 3block wide not 1 (as the balrog whip does). Cooldown for the breath will be 10second so when a Fire-Drake is targeting you and not atacking ,or getting atacked will not do the atack.
Cold-Drakes would breath snow and make iceblocks that maybe could u get stuck(around 3-5 blocks per 1 breath) snow in touch with an npc or a player will do forodwaith frost dmg but staying in the breath of snow would get you a total of 3hearths of dmg. It would have the range same as the Fire-Drake but the breath will have 3 seconds, it can be stoped with an atack. The cooldown will be the same as for Fire-Drake and will have the same atack stopping mechanic.
Look of the Dragons------------
The drakes will be shorter than a balrog (1block shorter) but they will be longer with the 4blocks longer than the balrog. They will have long tails that will be 2 block tall. Large dragon scales agresive eyes as uruks (red for fire-drakes, blue-white for Cold-drakes) the cold-drake will be the color of ice of forodwaith,and the Fire-Drake will be the color of utumno fire level brick. Upon getting atacked they will sleep with a large breathing sound(to aware the player of the drake being there) when a player looks at them they will stop sleeping and will make a large dragon style the sound of a dwarf charging.
The Drakes will have 3 parts of the body the tail,torso,head. When a player would fight the dragon he needs to shoot the drake with a Bow that will have at least 150% Dmg. To acctualy make dmg to the dragon they need to shot 2 times in the same part of the body tail ,torso or head to get rid of the scales, bows,cbows with 200% dmg will take 1 shot to take off the scales. Upon taking the scales off the player must atack only the part that they taked the scales off to make dmg. The dragon will have 15armor points in that spot when the scales got removed. Only bows can remove the scales, soo rhun and mordor guys no bombs. Its best to use a Bow agains the Drake.
200 hp points (100hearths)
4dmg claw, 7dmg bite, 4 staying in the fire breath and burn dmg (fire drake), 8 for staying in the cold drake breath,
armor 15 unscaled part of the body, infinite for scaled part of the body
Heads (other for fire drake and other for cold drake),
Scales, but if u unscale the whole dragon u would get only 5 with unscaling 2 parts 15 and for 1 24, Fire-drake scale wil be other than a cold-drake scale
Scales and their uses---------
Scales will be used to create armor
Fire scale armor
it will be the same as mithril armor but it would have bad durability
helmet 360
chestplate 589
Leggins 456
Boots 278
The attributes of the full set will be immunity to fire (only works with full set). It would be repaired with fire scales
Ice scale armor
It will be the same as fire scale (the same protection,durability),
but the attributes would be blocking arrows (like galvorn) without getting durability destroyed, works only with full set. Repaired with Ice scale
Upon killing the drake (fire and cold) you will get an achievment called "The pets of Morgoth"
~A fandom user aka Kapucyn