Мод "Властелин колец" для Minecraft вики
Метка: визуальный редактор
м (replaced: article-table → wikitable (2))
(не показана 21 промежуточная версия 5 участников)
Строка 1: Строка 1:
Целью этой страницы является предоставление идентификационных данных (ID) значения конкретных блоков и предметов для LOTR мода. Для того, чтобы узнать ID ванильных блоков и предметов, посмотрите страницу [http://minecraft-ru.gamepedia.com/%D0%9D%D1%83%D0%BC%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B0%D1%86%D0%B8%D1%8F_%D0%B4%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%BD%D1%8B%D1%85 Нумерация данных] на [http://minecraft-ru.gamepedia.com/%D0%97%D0%B0%D0%B3%D0%BB%D0%B0%D0%B2%D0%BD%D0%B0%D1%8F_%D1%81%D1%82%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%B8%D1%86%D0%B0 Майнкрафт вики].
Целью этой страницы является предоставление идентификационных данных (ID) значения конкретных блоков и предметов для LOTR мода. Для того, чтобы узнать ID ванильных блоков и предметов, посмотрите страницу [http://minecraft-ru.gamepedia.com/Значения_данных Нумерация данных] на [http://minecraft-ru.gamepedia.com/Заглавная_страница Minecraft вики].
Эта информация может быть полезна для людей, использующих мировые редакторы (например, World Edit) или развивающиеся вокруг моды (например, чтобы добавить поддержку текстур мода в картографическом программном обеспечении MinecraftOverviewer).
Эта информация может быть полезна для людей, использующих мировые редакторы (например, World Edit) или развивающиеся вокруг моды (например, чтобы добавить поддержку текстур мода в картографическом программном обеспечении MinecraftOverviewer).
ID очень полезны для настройки других модов и плагинов и устранения конфликтов модов.
ID очень полезны для настройки других модов и плагинов и устранения конфликтов модов.
== Использование ==
Для получения блока/предмета (только креатив) введите в чат команду (первичный и вторичный '''ID''' выбираются в таблице)
{| class="article-table mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
!Первый числовой ID
'''/give @p ID1:ID2 '''
!Первый буквенный ID
!Второй ID
Разбор синтаксиса:
!Название блока
'''/give''' — выдать. Резервирует пустую ячейку инвентаря для содержимого.
'''@p''' — это вы. Кому именно отдаётся блок.
'''ID1''' — первый ID. Какой тип содержимого выдаётся (например, деревянные ступеньки)
'''ID2''' — второй ID. Конкретизация подвида (направлены на север)
== Блоки ==
{| class="wikitable" style="width:100%;" border="1"
! ID1
! Кодовое имя
! ID2
! Английское наименование
|lotr: tile.rock
|Mordor Rock
|Мордорский камень
|Gondor Rock
|Гондорский камень
|Rohan Rock
|Роханский камень
|lotr: tile.oreCopper
|Copper Ore
|Медная руда
|lotr: tile.oreTin
|Tin Ore
|Оловянная руда
|lotr: tile.oreSilver
|Silver Ore
|Серебряная руда
|lotr: tile.oreMithril
|Mithril Ore
|Мифриловая руда
|lotr: tile.beacon
|Beacon of Gondor
|Сигнальный огонь Гондора
|lotr: tile.simbelmyne
|lotr: tile.wood
|Shire Pine Wood
|Древесина Ширской ели
|Mallorn Wood
|Мэллорновая лревесина
|Mirk-oak Wood
|Лиходубовая древесина
|Charred Wood
|Вишнёвая древесина
|lotr: tile.leaves
|Shire Pine Leaves
|Листья Ширской ели
|Mallorn Leaves
|Мэллорновые листья
|Mirk-oak Leaves
|Лиходубовые листья
|Red Mirk-oak Leaves
|Красные лиходубовые листья
|lotr: tile.planks
|Shire Pine Wood Planks
|Доски из Ширской ели
|Mallorn Wood Planks
|Мэллорновые доски
|Mirk-oak Wood Planks
|Лиходубовые доски
|Charred Wood Planks
|Обгорелые доски
|Apple Wood Planks
|Яблочные доски
|Pear Wood Planks
|Сливовые доски
|Cherry Wood Planks
|Вишнёвые доски
|Mango Wood Planks
|Манговые доски
|Lebethron Wood Planks
|Лебетроновые доски
Строка 160: Строка 180:
|Holly Wood Planks
|Падубовые доски
|Banana Wood Planks
|Банановые доски
|Maple Wood Planks
|Кленовые доски
|Larch Wood Planks
|Кедровые доски
|Date Palm Wood Planks
|Доски из финиковой пальмы
|Mangrove Wood Planks
|Мангровые доски
|lotr: tile.sapling
|Shire Pine Sapling
|Саженец Ширской ели
|Mallorn Sapling
|Саженец Мэллорна
|Mirk-oak Sapling
|Саженец Лиходуба
|Red Mirk-oak Sapling
|Саженец Красного Лиходуба
|lotr: tile.woodSlabSingle
|Shire Pine Wood Slab
|Плита из Ширской ели
|Mallorn Wood Slab
|Мэллорновая плита
|Mirk-oak Wood Slab
|Лиходубовая плита
|Charred Wood Slab
|Обгорелая плита
|Apple Wood Slab
|Яблочная плита
|Pear Wood Slab
|Грушевая плита
|Cherry Wood Slab
|Вишнёвая плита
|Mango Wood Slab
|Манговая плита
|lotr: tile.woodSlabDouble
|(same as above)
|(то же, что и выше)
|lotr: tile.stairsPine
|Shire Pine Wood Stairs
|Древесина Ширской сосны
(different orientations)
(different orientations)
|lotr: tile.shireHeather
|Shire Heather
|Ширский вереск
|lotr: tile.brick
|Mordor Brick
|Мордорские кирпичи
|Gondor Brick
|Гондорские кирпичи
|Mossy Gondor Brick
|Замшелые гондорские кирпичи
|Cracked Gondor Brick
|Треснувшие гондорские кирпичи
|Rohan Brick
|Роханские кирпичи
|Carved Gondor Brick
|Резные гондорские кирпичи
|Dwarven Brick
|Гномьи кирпичи
|Cracked Mordor Brick
|Треснувшие мордорские кирпичи
|Silver-trimmed Dwarven Brick
|Посеребрёные гномьи кирпичи
|Gold-trimmed Dwarven Brick
|Позолоченные гномьи кирпичи
|Mithril-trimmed Dwarven Brick
|Помифриленные гномьи кирпичи
|Кирпичи галадримов
|Замшелые кирпичи галадримов
|Cracked LOTHLORIEN Brick
|Треснувшие кирпичи галадримов
|Sarlluin Brick
|Сарллуиновые кирпичи
|Near Harad Brick
|Кирпичи Ближнего Харада
|lotr: tile.appleCrumble
|lotr: tile.hobbitOven
|Hobbit Oven
|Хоббичья печь
|lotr: tile.oreStorage
|Block of Copper
|Медный блок
|Block of Tin
|Оловянный блок
|Block of Bronze
|Бронзовый блок
|Block of Silver
|Серебряный блок
|Block of Mithril
|Мифриловый блок
|Block of Orc Steel
|Блок орочьей стали
|Block of Edhelvir
|Квендитовый блок
|Block of Dwarven Steel
|Блок гномьей стали
|Block of Galvorn
|Галворновый блок
|Block of Uruk Steel
|Блок уручьей сали
|Block of Durnaur
|Науритовый блок
|Block of Gulduril
|Гулдуриловый блок
|Block of Morgul Steel
|Блок моргульской стали
|Block of Sulfur
|Блок серы
|Block of Niter
|Бло селитры
|Block of Blue Dwarven Steel
|Блок стали Синих гномов
|lotr: tile.oreNaurite
|Naurite Ore
|Науритовая руда
|lotr: tile.oreMorgulIron
|Morgul Iron Ore
|Руда Моргульского железа
|Morgul Iron Ore (Mordor)
|Мордорская руда моргульского железа
|lotr: tile.morgulCraftingTable
|lotr: tile.chandelier
|lotr: tile.pipeweedPlant
|lotr: tile.pipeweed
|First-stage Pipeweed
|First-stage Pipeweed
Строка 484: Строка 504:
|lotr: tile.slabSingle
|Mordor Rock Slab
|Mordor Rock Slab
Строка 524: Строка 544:
|lotr: tile.slabDouble
|(same as above)
|(same as above)
|lotr: tile.stairsMordorBrick
|lotr: tile.stairsGondorBrick
|lotr: tile.wallStone
|Mordor Rock Wall
|Mordor Rock Wall
Строка 591: Строка 611:
|Galadhrim Brick Wall
|Mossy Galadhrim Brick Wall
|Mossy LOTHLORIEN Brick Wall
|Cracked Galadhrim Brick Wall
|Cracked LOTHLORIEN Brick Wall
Строка 619: Строка 639:
|lotr: tile.barrel
|lotr: tile.lettuce
|First-Stage Lettuce
|First-Stage Lettuce
Строка 644: Строка 664:
|lotr: tile.orcBomb
|Orc Bomb
|Orc Bomb
Строка 674: Строка 694:
|lotr: tile.orcTorch
|Orc Torch (bottom)
|Orc Torch (bottom)
Строка 684: Строка 704:
|lotr: tile.elanor
|lotr: tile.niphredil
|lotr: tile.stairsMallorn
|lotr: tile.elvenCraftingTable
|lotr: tile.mobSpawner
|lotr: tile.mallornLadder
|lotr: tile.plate
|lotr: tile.orcSteelBars
|lotr: tile.stairsGondorBrickMossy
|lotr: tile.stairsGondorBrickCracked
|lotr: tile.athelas
|lotr: tile.stalactite
Строка 749: Строка 769:
|lotr: tile.stairsRohanBrick
|lotr: tile.oreQuendite
|Edhelvir Ore (was Edhelmir Ore before v35)
|lotr: tile.mallornTorch
|lotr: tile.spawnerChest
|lotr: tile.quenditeGrass
|lotr: tile.pressurePlateMordorRock
|lotr: tile.pressurePlateGondorRock
|lotr: tile.buttonMordorRock
|Mordor Rock Button
|Mordor Rock Button
|lotr: tile.buttonGondorRock
|Gondor Rock Button
|Gondor Rock Button
|lotr: tile.elvenPortal
|lotr: tile.flowerPot
|lotr: tile.stairsDwarvenBrick
|lotr: tile.elvenBed
|lotr: tile.pillar
|Dwarven Pillar
|Dwarven Pillar
Строка 821: Строка 841:
|Galadhrim Pillar
|Cracked Galadhrim Pillar
|Cracked LOTHLORIEN Pillar
Строка 836: Строка 856:
|Sarncaran Pillar
|Sarngaran Pillar
Строка 884: Строка 904:
|lotr: tile.oreGlowstone
|lotr: tile.fruitWood
|Apple Wood
|Apple Wood
Строка 909: Строка 929:
|lotr: tile.fruitLeaves
|Apple Leaves
|Apple Leaves
Строка 929: Строка 949:
|lotr: tile.fruitSapling
|Apple Sapling
|Apple Sapling
Строка 949: Строка 969:
|lotr: tile.stairsApple
|lotr: tile.stairsPear
|lotr: tile.stairsCherry
|lotr: tile.dwarvenCraftingTable
|lotr: tile.bluebell
|lotr: tile.dwarvenForge
|lotr: tile.hearth
|Hearth Block
|Hearth Block
|lotr: tile.morgulShroom
|lotr: tile.urukCraftingTable
|lotr: tile.cherryPie
|lotr: tile.clover
Строка 1009: Строка 1029:
|lotr: tile.slabSingle2
|Dwarven Pillar Slab
|Dwarven Pillar Slab
Строка 1026: Строка 1046:
|Galadhrim Brick Slab
|Mossy Galadhrim Brick Slab
|Mossy LOTHLORIEN Brick Slab
|Cracked Galadhrim Brick Slab
|Cracked LOTHLORIEN Brick Slab
|Galadhrim Pillar Slab
|Cracked Galadhrim Pillar Slab
|Cracked LOTHLORIEN Pillar Slab
|lotr: tile.slabDouble2
|(same as above)
|(same as above)
|lotr: tile.stairsMirkOak
|lotr: tile.webUngoliant
|lotr: tile.woodElvenCraftingTable
|lotr: tile.woodElvenBed
|lotr: tile.gondorianCraftingTable
|lotr: tile.woodElvenTorch
|lotr: tile.marshLights
|lotr: tile.rohirricCraftingTable
|lotr: tile.pressurePlateRohanRock
|lotr: tile.remains
|lotr: tile.deadMarshPlant
|lotr: tile.oreGulduril
|Gulduril Ore
|Gulduril Ore
Строка 1119: Строка 1139:
|lotr: tile.guldurilBrick
|Gulduril Mordor Brick
|Gulduril Mordor Brick
Строка 1149: Строка 1169:
|lotr: tile.dwarvenDoor
|lotr: tile.stairsCharred
|lotr: tile.dwarvenBed
|lotr: tile.morgulPortal
|lotr: tile.armorStand
|lotr: tile.buttonRohanRock
|Rohan Rock Button
|Rohan Rock Button
|lotr: tile.asphodel
|lotr: tile.wood2
|Lebethron Wood
|Lebethron Wood
Строка 1204: Строка 1224:
|lotr: tile.leaves2
|Lebethron Leaves
|Lebethron Leaves
Строка 1224: Строка 1244:
|lotr: tile.sapling2
|Lebethron Sapling
|Lebethron Sapling
Строка 1244: Строка 1264:
|lotr: tile.stairsLebethron
|lotr: tile.woodSlabSingle2
|Lebethron Wood Slab
|Lebethron Wood Slab
Строка 1289: Строка 1309:
|lotr: tile.woodSlabDouble2
|(same as above)
|(same as above)
|lotr: tile.DURINS_FOLKHerb
|lotr: tile.mug
|lotr: tile.dunlendingCraftingTable
|lotr: tile.stairsBeech
|lotr: tile.entJar
|lotr: tile.mordorThorn
|lotr: tile.mordorMoss
|lotr: tile.stairsMordorBrickCracked
|lotr: tile.orcForge
|lotr: tile.trollTotem
|lotr: tile.orcBed
|lotr: tile.stairsElvenBrick
|lotr: tile.stairsElvenBrickMossy
|lotr: tile.stairsElvenBrickCracked
|lotr: tile.stairsHolly
|lotr: tile.pressurePlateBlueRock
|lotr: tile.buttonBlueRock
|Sarlluin Button
|Sarlluin Button
|lotr: tile.slabSingle3
|Sarlluin Slab
|Sarlluin Slab
Строка 1406: Строка 1426:
|Sarncaran Slab
|Sarngaran Slab
|Sarncaran Brick Slab
|Sarngaran Brick Slab
|Sarncaran Pillar Slab
|Sarngaran Pillar Slab
|lotr: tile.slabDouble3
|(same as above)
|(same as above)
|lotr: tile.stairsBlueRockBrick
|lotr: tile.fence
|Shire Pine Wood Fence
|Shire Pine Wood Fence
Строка 1509: Строка 1529:
|lotr: tile.doubleFlower
|Yellow Iris (lower part)
|Yellow Iris (lower part)
Строка 1529: Строка 1549:
|lotr: tile.oreSulfur
|lotr: tile.oreSaltpeter
|lotr: tile.quagmire
|lotr: tile.angmarCraftingTable
|lotr: tile.brick2
|Angmar Brick
|Angmar Brick
Строка 1561: Строка 1581:
|Sarncaran Brick
|Sarngaran Brick
Строка 1626: Строка 1646:
|Carved Galadhrim Brick
|Carved LOTHLORIEN Brick
|lotr: tile.wallStone2
|Angmar Brick Wall
|Angmar Brick Wall
Строка 1641: Строка 1661:
|Sarncaran Wall
|Sarngaran Wall
|Sarncaran Brick Wall
|Sarngaran Brick Wall
Строка 1706: Строка 1726:
|Moredain Brick Wall
|MORWAITH Brick Wall
|lotr: tile.stairsAngmarBrick
|lotr: tile.stairsAngmarBrickCracked
|lotr: tile.stairsMango
|lotr: tile.stairsBanana
|lotr: tile.banana
|lotr: tile.bananaCake
|lotr: tile.lionBed
|lotr: tile.wood3
|Maple Wood
|Maple Wood
Строка 1764: Строка 1784:
|lotr: tile.leaves3
|Maple Leaves
|Maple Leaves
Строка 1784: Строка 1804:
|lotr: tile.sapling3
|Maple Sapling
|Maple Sapling
Строка 1804: Строка 1824:
|lotr: tile.stairsMaple
|lotr: tile.stairsLarch
|lotr: tile.nearHaradCraftingTable
|lotr: tile.highElvenCraftingTable
|lotr: tile.highElvenTorch
|lotr: tile.highElvenBed
|lotr: tile.pressurePlateRedRock
|lotr: tile.buttonRedRock
|Sarncaran Button
|Sarngaran Button
|lotr: tile.stairsRedRockBrick
|lotr: tile.slabSingle4
|Near Harad Brick Slab
|Near Harad Brick Slab
Строка 1889: Строка 1909:
|lotr: tile.slabDouble4
|(same as above)
|(same as above)
|lotr: tile.stairsNearHaradBrick
|lotr: tile.stairsDatePalm
|lotr: tile.date
|lotr: tile.blueDwarvenCraftingTable
|lotr: tile.goran
|lotr: tile.thatch
|lotr: tile.slabSingleThatch
|Thatch Slab
|Thatch Slab
|lotr: tile.slabDoubleThatch
|(same as above)
|(same as above)
|lotr: tile.stairsThatch
|lotr: tile.fangornPlant
|Tears of Yavanna
|Tears of Yavanna
Строка 1946: Строка 1966:
|Fangorn's Beard
|Fangorn’s Beard
Строка 1969: Строка 1989:
|lotr: tile.fangornRiverweed
|lotr: tile.morgulTorch
|lotr: tile.rangerCraftingTable
|lotr: tile.stairsArnorBrick
|lotr: tile.stairsArnorBrickMossy
|lotr: tile.stairsArnorBrickCracked
|lotr: tile.stairsUrukBrick
|lotr: tile.strawBed
|lotr: tile.stairsDolGuldurBrick
|lotr: tile.stairsDolGuldurBrickCracked
|lotr: tile.dolGuldurCraftingTable
|lotr: tile.fallenLeaves
|lotr: tile.fallenLeavesLOTR
|lotr: tile.gundabadCraftingTable
|lotr: tile.thatchFloor
|Thatch Flooring
|Thatch Flooring
|lotr: tile.dalishPastry
|lotr: tile.aridGrass
|lotr: tile.termiteMound
|lotr: tile.utumnoBrick
|Fire Utumno Brick
|Fire Utumno Brick
Строка 2089: Строка 2109:
|lotr: tile.utumnoPortal
|lotr: tile.utumnoPillar
|Fire Utumno Pillar
|Fire Utumno Pillar
Строка 2109: Строка 2129:
|lotr: tile.slabSingle5
|Gondor Pillar Slab
|Gondor Pillar Slab
Строка 2149: Строка 2169:
|lotr: tile.slabDouble5
|(same as above)
|(same as above)
|lotr: tile.stairsMangrove
|lotr: tile.tallGrass
|Short Grass
|Short Grass
Строка 2179: Строка 2199:
|lotr: tile.haradFlower
|Red Sand Gem
|Red Sand Gem
Строка 2199: Строка 2219:
|lotr: tile.flaxPlant
|lotr: tile.flax
|First-Stage Flax
|First-Stage Flax
Строка 2224: Строка 2244:
|lotr: tile.berryBush
|Blueberry Bush (bare)
|Blueberry Bush (bare)
Строка 2274: Строка 2294:
|lotr: tile.planks2
|Chestnut Wood Planks
|Chestnut Wood Planks
Строка 2299: Строка 2319:
|lotr: tile.fence2
|Chestnut Wood Fence
|Chestnut Wood Fence
Строка 2324: Строка 2344:
|lotr: tile.woodSlabSingle3
|Chestnut Wood Slab
|Chestnut Wood Slab
Строка 2349: Строка 2369:
|lotr: tile.woodSlabDouble3
|(same as above)
|(same as above)
|lotr: tile.wood4
|Chestnut Wood
|Chestnut Wood
Строка 2374: Строка 2394:
|lotr: tile.leaves4
|Chestnut Leaves
|Chestnut Leaves
Строка 2394: Строка 2414:
|lotr: tile.sapling4
|Chestnut Sapling
|Chestnut Sapling
Строка 2414: Строка 2434:
|lotr: tile.stairsChestnut
|lotr: tile.stairsBaobab
|lotr: tile.fallenLeavesLOTR2
|lotr: tile.stairsCedar
|lotr: tile.rottenLog
|lotr: tile.oreStorage2
|Block of Black Uruk Steel
|Block of Black Uruk Steel
Строка 2449: Строка 2469:
|lotr: tile.mordorGrass
|lotr: tile.mordorDirt
|lotr: tile.mordorGravel
|lotr: tile.utumnoReturnPortal
|lotr: tile.utumnoReturnLight
|lotr: tile.utumnoReturnPortalBase
|lotr: tile.commandTable
|lotr: tile.halfTrollCraftingTable
|lotr: tile.butterflyJar
|lotr: tile.berryPie
|lotr: tile.stairsBlackGondorBrick
|lotr: tile.brick3
|Carved Sarlluin Brick
|Carved Sarlluin Brick
Строка 2511: Строка 2531:
|Carved Sarncaran Brick
|Carved Sarngaran Brick
Строка 2556: Строка 2576:
|Moredain Brick
Строка 2569: Строка 2589:
|lotr: tile.wallStone3
|Wood-elven Brick Wall
|Wood-elven Brick Wall
Строка 2589: Строка 2609:
|lotr: tile.slabSingle6
|High Elven Pillar Slab
|High Elven Pillar Slab
Строка 2629: Строка 2649:
|lotr: tile.slabDouble6
|(same as above)
|(same as above)
|lotr: tile.stairsHighElvenBrick
|lotr: tile.stairsHighElvenBrickMossy
|lotr: tile.stairsHighElvenBrickCracked
|lotr: tile.stairsWoodElvenBrick
|lotr: tile.stairsWoodElvenBrickMossy
|lotr: tile.stairsWoodElvenBrickCracked
|lotr: tile.elvenForge
|lotr: tile.dolAmrothCraftingTable
|lotr: tile.stairsDolAmrothBrick
|lotr: tile.stairsFir
|lotr: tile.wood5
|Pine Wood
|Pine Wood
|lotr: tile.leaves5
|Pine Leaves
|Pine Leaves
|lotr: tile.sapling5
|Pine Sapling
|Pine Sapling
|lotr: tile.stairsPinePine
|lotr: tile.MORWAITHCraftingTable
|lotr: tile.slabSingle7
|Moredain Brick Slab
|MORWAITH Brick Slab
Строка 2719: Строка 2739:
|lotr: tile.slabDouble7
|(same as above)
|(same as above)
|lotr: tile.stairsMORWAITHBrick
|lotr: tile.stairsNearHaradBrickCracked
|lotr: tile.unsmeltery
|lotr: tile.bronzeBars
|lotr: tile.goldBars
|lotr: tile.silverBars
|lotr: tile.mithrilBars
|lotr: tile.urukBars
|lotr: tile.highElfBars
|lotr: tile.LOTHLORIENBars
|lotr: tile.woodElfBars
|lotr: tile.DURINS_FOLKBars
|lotr: tile.BlueDwarfBars
|lotr: tile.highElfWoodBars
|lotr: tile.LOTHLORIENWoodBars
|lotr: tile.woodElfWoodBars
|lotr: tile.corruptMallorn
Строка 2810: Строка 2830:
|lotr: tile.planksRotten
|Rotten Planks
|Rotten Planks
|lotr: tile.stairsRotten
|Rotten Wood Stairs
|Rotten Wood Stairs
|lotr: tile.rottenSlabSingle
|Rotten Wood Slab
|Rotten Wood Slab
|lotr: tile.rottenSlabDouble
|Rotten Wood Slab (double)
|Rotten Wood Slab (double)
|lotr: tile.fenceRotten
|Rotten Wood Fence
|Rotten Wood Fence
|lotr: tile.scorchedStone
|Scorched Stone
|Scorched Stone
|lotr: tile.scorchedSlabSingle
|Scorched Stone Slab
|Scorched Stone Slab
|lotr: tile.scorchedSlabDouble
|Scorched Stone Slab (double)
|Scorched Stone Slab (double)
|lotr: tile.stairsScorchedStone
|Scorched Stone Stairs
|Scorched Stone Stairs
|lotr: tile.scorchedWall
|Scorched Stone Wall
|Scorched Stone Wall
|lotr: tile.stairsLemon
|Lemon Wood Stairs
|Lemon Wood Stairs
|lotr: tile.lemonCake
|lotr: tile.stairsOrange
|Orange Wood Stairs
|Orange Wood Stairs
|lotr: tile.alloyForge
|Alloy Forge
|Alloy Forge
|lotr: tile.stairsLime
|Lime Wood Stairs
|Lime Wood Stairs
|lotr: tile.TAURETHRIMCraftingTable
|Tauredain Crafting Table
|TAURETHRIM Crafting Table
|lotr: tile.brick4
|Tauredain Brick
|Mossy Tauredain Brick
|Cracked Tauredain Brick
|Cracked TAURETHRIM Brick
|Golden Tauredain Brick
|Golden TAURETHRIM Brick
|Obsidian Tauredain Brick
|Obsidian TAURETHRIM Brick
Строка 2920: Строка 2940:
|lotr: tile.wallStone4
|Tauredain Brick Wall
|Mossy Tauredain Brick Wall
|Mossy TAURETHRIM Brick Wall
|Cracked Tauredain Brick Wall
|Cracked TAURETHRIM Brick Wall
|Golden Tauredain Brick Wall
|Golden TAURETHRIM Brick Wall
|Obsidian Tauredain Brick Wall
|Obsidian TAURETHRIM Brick Wall
Строка 2950: Строка 2970:
|lotr: tile.slabSingle8
|Tauredain Brick Slab
|Mossy Tauredain Brick Slab
|Mossy TAURETHRIM Brick Slab
|Cracked Tauredain Brick Slab
|Cracked TAURETHRIM Brick Slab
|Golden Tauredain Brick Slab
|Golden TAURETHRIM Brick Slab
|Obsidian Tauredain Brick Slab
|Obsidian TAURETHRIM Brick Slab
Строка 2980: Строка 3000:
|lotr: tile.slabDouble8
|(same as above)
|(same as above)
|lotr: tile.stairsTAURETHRIMBrick
|Tauredain Brick Stairs
|TAURETHRIM Brick Stairs
|lotr: tile.stairsTAURETHRIMBrickMossy
|Mossy Tauredain Brick Stairs
|Mossy TAURETHRIM Brick Stairs
|lotr: tile.stairsTAURETHRIMBrickCracked
|Cracked Tauredain Brick Stairs
|Cracked TAURETHRIM Brick Stairs
|lotr: tile.stairsTAURETHRIMBrickGold
|Golden Tauredain Brick Stairs
|Golden TAURETHRIM Brick Stairs
|lotr: tile.stairsTAURETHRIMBrickObsidian
|Obsidian Tauredain Brick Stairs
|Obsidian TAURETHRIM Brick Stairs
|lotr: tile.obsidianGravel
|Obsidian Gravel
|Obsidian Gravel
|lotr: tile.TAURETHRIMDartTrap
|Tauredain Dart Trap
|lotr: tile.wood6
|Mahogany Wood
|Mahogany Wood
|lotr: tile.leaves6
|Mahogany Leaves
|Mahogany Leaves
|lotr: tile.sapling6
|Mahogany Sapling
|Mahogany Sapling
|lotr: tile.woodSlabSingle4
|Mahogany Wood Slab
|Mahogany Wood Slab
|lotr: tile.woodSlabDouble4
|Mahogany Wood Slab (double)
|Mahogany Wood Slab (double)
|lotr: tile.stairsMahogany
|Mahogany Wood Stairs
|Mahogany Wood Stairs
|lotr: tile.mud
|Jungle Mud
|Jungle Mud
|Barren Jungle Mud (v35 add-on)
|lotr: tile.mudGrass
|Jungle Grass
|Jungle Grass
|lotr: tile.chestStone
|Stone Chest
|Stone Chest
|lotr: tile.spawnerChestStone
|Spawner Stone Chest
|Spawner Stone Chest
|lotr: tile.mudFarmland
|Jungle Mud Farmland
|Jungle Mud Farmland
|lotr: tile.stairsNearHaradBrickRed
|Red Near Harad Brick Stairs
|Red Near Harad Brick Stairs
|lotr: tile.stairsNearHaradBrickRedCracked
|Cracked Red Near Harad Brick Stairs
|Cracked Red Near Harad Brick Stairs
|lotr: tile.redSandstone
|Red Sandstone
|Red Sandstone
|lotr: tile.stairsRedSandstone
|Red Sandstone Stairs
|Red Sandstone Stairs
|lotr: tile.stairsDwarvenBrickCracked
|Cracked Dwarven Brick Stairs
|Cracked Dwarven Brick Stairs
|lotr: tile.pillar2
|Cracked Dwarven Pillar
|Cracked Dwarven Pillar
|Arnor Pillar (v35 add-on)
|Cracked Arnor Pillar (v35 add-on)
|lotr: tile.hithlainLadder
|Hithlain Ladder
|Hithlain Ladder
|lotr: tile.reeds
|lotr: tile.stairsReed
|Reed Stairs
|Reed Stairs
|lotr: tile.TAURETHRIMDoubleTorch
|lotr: tile.woodBeamV1
|Oak Wood Beam
|Oak Wood Beam
Строка 3145: Строка 3180:
|lotr: tile.reedBars
|Reed Bars
|Reed Bars
|lotr: tile.woodBeamV2
|Acacia Wood Beam
|Acacia Wood Beam
Строка 3160: Строка 3195:
|lotr: tile.woodBeam1
|Shire Pine Wood Beam
|Shire Pine Wood Beam
Строка 3180: Строка 3215:
|lotr: tile.TAURETHRIMDartTrapGold
|lotr: tile.weaponRack
|Weapon Rack
|Weapon Rack
|lotr: tile.cornStalk
|Corn Stalks
|Corn Stalks
|lotr: tile.wasteBlock
|Waste Block
|Waste Block
|lotr: tile.stairsDwarvenBrickObsidian
|Obsidian Dwarven Brick Stairs
|Obsidian Dwarven Brick Stairs
|lotr: tile.dirtPath
|Dirt Path
|Dirt Path
|Jungle Mud Path (v35 add-on)
|lotr: tile.stairsWillow
|Willow Wood Stairs
|Willow Wood Stairs
|lotr: tile.willowVines
|Willow Vines
|Willow Vines
|lotr: tile.woodBeam2
|Lebethron Wood Beam
|Lebethron Wood Beam
Строка 3240: Строка 3280:
|lotr: tile.woodBeamFruit
|Apple Wood Beam
|Apple Wood Beam
Строка 3260: Строка 3300:
|lotr: tile.woodBeam3
|Maple Wood Beam
|Maple Wood Beam
Строка 3280: Строка 3320:
|lotr: tile.woodBeam4
|Chestnut Wood Beam
|Chestnut Wood Beam
Строка 3300: Строка 3340:
|lotr: tile.woodBeam5
|Pine Wood Beam
|Pine Wood Beam
Строка 3320: Строка 3360:
|lotr: tile.woodBeam6
|Mahogany Wood Beam
|Mahogany Wood Beam
Строка 3330: Строка 3370:
|lotr: tile.woodBeamRotten
|Rotten Wood Beam
|Rotten Wood Beam
|lotr: tile.gateWooden
|lotr: tile.gateIronBars
|lotr: tile.gateBronzeBars
|lotr: tile.gateWoodenCross
|lotr: tile.gateOrc
|lotr: tile.stairsChalkBrick
|lotr: tile.slabSingle9
|lotr: tile.slabDouble9
|lotr: tile.gateElven
|lotr: tile.gateDwarven
|lotr: tile.gateGondor
|lotr: tile.pressurePlateChalk
|lotr: tile.buttonChalk
|lotr: tile.wallStoneV
|lotr: tile.stairsStoneBrickMossy
|lotr: tile.stairsStoneBrickCracked
|lotr: tile.slabSingleV
|lotr: tile.slabDoubleV
|lotr: tile.stairsStone
|lotr: tile.stairsMordorRock
|lotr: tile.stairsGondorRock
|lotr: tile.stairsRohanRock
|lotr: tile.stairsBlueRock
|lotr: tile.stairsRedRock
|lotr: tile.stairsChalk
|lotr: tile.gateHighElven
|lotr: tile.gateWoodElven
|lotr: tile.gateNearHarad
|lotr: tile.clayTile
|lotr: tile.clayTileDyed
|lotr: tile.slabClayTileSingle
|lotr: tile.slabClayTileDouble
|lotr: tile.slabClayTileDyedSingle
|lotr: tile.slabClayTileDyedDouble
|lotr: tile.slabClayTileDyedSingle2
|lotr: tile.slabClayTileDyedDouble2
|lotr: tile.stairsClayTile
|lotr: tile.stairsClayTileDyedWhite
|lotr: tile.stairsClayTileDyedOrange
|lotr: tile.stairsClayTileDyedMagenta
|lotr: tile.stairsClayTileDyedLightBlue
|lotr: tile.stairsClayTileDyedYellow
|lotr: tile.stairsClayTileDyedLime
|lotr: tile.stairsClayTileDyedPink
|lotr: tile.stairsClayTileDyedGray
|lotr: tile.stairsClayTileDyedLightGray
|lotr: tile.stairsClayTileDyedCyan
|lotr: tile.stairsClayTileDyedPurple
|lotr: tile.stairsClayTileDyedBlue
|lotr: tile.stairsClayTileDyedBrown
|lotr: tile.stairsClayTileDyedGreen
|lotr: tile.stairsClayTileDyedRed
|lotr: tile.stairsClayTileDyedBlack
|lotr: tile.wargFurBed
|lotr: tile.slabUtumnoSingle
|lotr: tile.slabUtumnoDouble
|lotr: tile.stairsUtumnoBrickFire
|lotr: tile.stairsUtumnoBrickIce
|lotr: tile.stairsUtumnoBrickObsidian
|lotr: tile.wallUtumno
|lotr: tile.kebabStand
|Kebab Stand
|lotr: tile.kebabStandSand
|Sandstone Kebab Stand
|lotr: tile.gateTAURETHRIM
|lotr: tile.gateDolAmroth
|lotr: tile.gateUruk
|lotr: tile.gateSilver
|lotr: tile.gateGold
|lotr: tile.gateMithril
|lotr: tile.brick5
|lotr: tile.stairsMudBrick
|lotr: tile.leek
|lotr: tile.turnip
|lotr: tile.stairsDaleBrick
|lotr: tile.stairsDorwinionBrick
|lotr: tile.daleCraftingTable
|Dalish Crafting Table
|lotr: tile.dorwinionCraftingTable
|Dorwinion Crafting Table
|lotr: tile.stairsCypress
|lotr: tile.stairsOlive
|lotr: tile.slabSingle10
|lotr: tile.slabDouble10
|lotr: tile.hobbitCraftingTable
|Hobbit Crafting Table
|lotr: tile.gateHobbitGreen
|lotr: tile.gateHobbitBlue
|lotr: tile.gateHobbitRed
|lotr: tile.gateHobbitYellow
|lotr: tile.driedReeds
|lotr: tile.redBrick
|lotr: tile.stairsBrickMossy
|lotr: tile.stairsBrickCracked
|lotr: tile.grapevine
|lotr: tile.grapevineRed
|lotr: tile.grapevineWhite
|lotr: tile.stairsDorwinionBrickMossy
|lotr: tile.stairsDorwinionBrickCracked
|lotr: tile.stairsDorwinionBrickFlowers
|lotr: tile.wood7
|lotr: tile.leaves7
|lotr: tile.sapling7
|lotr: tile.woodBeam7
|lotr: tile.stairsAspen
|lotr: tile.mirkVines
|lotr: tile.stairsGreenOak
|lotr: tile.stairsLairelosse
|lotr: tile.stairsAlmond
|lotr: tile.slabSingleDirt
|Jungle Mud Path Slab (v35 add-on)
|lotr: tile.slabDoubleDirt
|lotr: tile.slabSingleSand
|lotr: tile.slabDoubleSand
|lotr: tile.slabSingleGravel
|lotr: tile.slabDoubleGravel
|lotr: tile.morgulFlower
|lotr: tile.blackroot
|lotr: tile.wood8
|lotr: tile.leaves8
|lotr: tile.sapling8
|lotr: tile.planks3
|Kanuka Wood Planks (v35 add-on)
|lotr: tile.fence3
|Kanuka Fence (v35 add-on)
|lotr: tile.woodSlabSingle5
|lotr: tile.woodSlabSingle5
|Kanuka Wood Slab (v35 add-on)
|lotr: tile.woodBeam8
|lotr: tile.stairsPlum
|lotr: tile.fallenLeavesLOTR3
|lotr: tile.stairsGondorBrickRustic
|lotr: tile.stairsGondorBrickRusticMossy
|lotr: tile.stairsGondorBrickRusticCracked
|lotr: tile.slabSingle11
|lotr: tile.slabDouble11
|lotr: tile.whiteSand
|lotr: tile.whiteSandstone
|lotr: tile.stairsWhiteSandstone
|lotr: tile.treasureCopper
|Copper Treasure Pile (datavalue gives the number of layers, unlimited to 8!)
|lotr: tile.treasureSilver
|Silver Treasure Pile (same comment)
|lotr: tile.treasureGold
|Gold Treasure Pile (same comment)
|lotr: tile.chestLebethron
|Lebethron Casket
|lotr: tile.chestBasket
|Reed Basket
|lotr: tile.marigold
|lotr: tile.rhunFlower
|lotr: tile.chestMallorn
|Mallorn Box
|lotr: tile.stairsCobblestoneMossy
|lotr: tile.marzipanBlock
|lotr: tile.mallornTorchBlue
|lotr: tile.mallornTorchGold
|lotr: tile.mallornTorchGreen
|lotr: tile.wallClayTile
|lotr: tile.wallClayTileDyed
|lotr: tile.ceramicMug
|lotr: tile.gobletGold
|lotr: tile.gobletSilver
|lotr: tile.gobletCopper
|lotr: tile.gobletWood
|lotr: tile.skullCup
|lotr: tile.wineGlass
|lotr: tile.glassBottle
|lotr: tile.aleHorn
|lotr: tile.aleHornGold
|lotr: tile.woodBeamS
|lotr: tile.birdCage
|Bronze Bird Cage
|Iron Bird Cage
|Silver Bird Cage
|Golden Bird Cage
|lotr: tile.birdCageWood
|Wooden Bird Cage
|lotr: tile.gateRohan
|lotr: tile.signCarved
|lotr: tile.signCarvedIthildin
|lotr: tile.dwarvenDoorIthildin
|lotr: tile.smoothStoneV
|lotr: tile.smoothStone
|lotr: tile.slabSingle12
|Snowy Angmar Brick Slab (v35 add-on)
|lotr: tile.slabDouble12
|lotr: tile.stairsRhunBrick
|lotr: tile.stairsRhunBrickMossy
|lotr: tile.stairsRhunBrickCracked
|lotr: tile.stairsRhunBrickFlowers
|lotr: tile.brick6
|Snowy Angmar Brick (v35 add-on)
|lotr: tile.rhunCraftingTable
|lotr: tile.stairsRhunBrickRed
|lotr: tile.stairsRedWood
|lotr: tile.rhunFire
|lotr: tile.rhunFireJar
|lotr: tile.daub
|lotr: tile.gateRhun
|lotr: tile.yam
|lotr: tile.kebabBlock
|lotr: tile.stairsPomegranate
|lotr: tile.oreSalt
|lotr: tile.rivendellCraftingTable
|lotr: tile.fenceGateSpruce
|lotr: tile.fenceGateBirch
|lotr: tile.fenceGateJungle
|lotr: tile.fenceGateAcacia
|lotr: tile.fenceGateDarkOak
|lotr: tile.fenceGateShirePine
|lotr: tile.fenceGateMallorn
|lotr: tile.fenceGateMirkOak
|lotr: tile.fenceGateCharred
|lotr: tile.fenceGateApple
|lotr: tile.fenceGatePear
|lotr: tile.fenceGateCherry
|lotr: tile.fenceGateMango
|lotr: tile.fenceGateLebethron
|lotr: tile.fenceGateBeech
|lotr: tile.fenceGateHolly
|lotr: tile.fenceGateBanana
|lotr: tile.fenceGateMaple
|lotr: tile.fenceGateLarch
|lotr: tile.fenceGateDatePalm
|lotr: tile.fenceGateMangrove
|lotr: tile.fenceGateChestnut
|lotr: tile.fenceGateBaobab
|lotr: tile.fenceGateCedar
|lotr: tile.fenceGateFir
|lotr: tile.fenceGatePine
|lotr: tile.fenceGateLemon
|lotr: tile.fenceGateOrange
|lotr: tile.fenceGateLime
|lotr: tile.fenceGateMahogany
|lotr: tile.fenceGateWillow
|lotr: tile.fenceGateCypress
|lotr: tile.fenceGateOlive
|lotr: tile.fenceGateAspen
|lotr: tile.fenceGateGreenOak
|lotr: tile.fenceGateLairelosse
|lotr: tile.fenceGateAlmond
|lotr: tile.fenceGateRotten
|lotr: tile.fenceGatePlum
|lotr: tile.fenceGateRedWood
|lotr: tile.fenceGatePomegranate
|lotr: tile.stalactiteIce
|lotr: tile.stalactiteObsidian
|lotr: tile.slabUtumnoSingle2
|lotr: tile.slabUtumnoDouble2
|lotr: tile.stairsUtumnoTileIce
|lotr: tile.stairsUtumnoTileObsidian
|lotr: tile.stairsUtumnoTileFire
|lotr: tile.millstone
|lotr: tile.oreGem
|Topaz Vein
|Amethyst Vein
|Sapphire Vein
|Ruby Vein
|Amber Vein
|Diamond Vein
|Opal Vein
|Emerald Vein
|lotr: tile.blockGem
|Topaz Block
|Amethyst Block
|Sapphire Block
|Ruby Block
|Amber Block
|Diamond Block
|Opal Block
|Emerald Block
|lotr: tile.coralReef
|lotr: tile.bookshelfStorage
|lotr: tile.glass
|lotr: tile.glassPane
|lotr: tile.stainedGlass
|lotr: tile.stainedGlassPane
|lotr: tile.rope
|lotr: tile.TAURETHRIMDartTrapObsidian
|lotr: tile.slabSingle13
|Arnor Pillar Slab (v35 add-on)
|lotr: tile.slabDouble13
|lotr: tile.stairsDaleBrickMossy
|lotr: tile.stairsDaleBrickCracked
|lotr: tile.umbarCraftingTable
|lotr: tile.gulfCraftingTable
|lotr: tile.stairsPalm
|lotr: tile.fenceGatePalm
|lotr: tile.wood9
|Kanuka Wood (v35 add-on)
|lotr: tile.leaves9
|Kanuka Leaves (v35 add-on)
|lotr: tile.sapling9
|Kanuka Sapling (v35 add-on)
|lotr: tile.woodBeam9
|Kanuka Wood Beam (v35 add-on)
|lotr: tile.stairsDragon
|lotr: tile.fenceGateDragon
|lotr: tile.woodPlate
|lotr: tile.ceramicPlate
|lotr: tile.wallStone5
|Snowy Angmar Brick Wall (v35 add-on)
|lotr: tile.stairsUmbarBrick
|lotr: tile.stairsUmbarBrickCracked
|lotr: tile.doorSpruce
|lotr: tile.doorBirch
|lotr: tile.doorJungle
|lotr: tile.doorAcacia
|lotr: tile.doorDarkOak
|lotr: tile.doorShirePine
|lotr: tile.doorMallorn
|lotr: tile.doorMirkOak
|lotr: tile.doorCharred
|lotr: tile.doorApple
|lotr: tile.doorPear
|lotr: tile.doorCherry
|lotr: tile.doorMango
|lotr: tile.doorLebethron
|lotr: tile.doorBeech
|lotr: tile.doorHolly
|lotr: tile.doorBanana
|lotr: tile.doorMaple
|lotr: tile.doorLarch
|lotr: tile.doorDatePalm
|lotr: tile.doorMangrove
|lotr: tile.doorChestnut
|lotr: tile.doorBaobab
|lotr: tile.doorCedar
|lotr: tile.doorFir
|lotr: tile.doorPine
|lotr: tile.doorLemon
|lotr: tile.doorOrange
|lotr: tile.doorLime
|lotr: tile.doorMahogany
|lotr: tile.doorWillow
|lotr: tile.doorCypress
|lotr: tile.doorOlive
|lotr: tile.doorAspen
|lotr: tile.doorGreenOak
|lotr: tile.doorLairelosse
|lotr: tile.doorAlmond
|lotr: tile.doorPlum
|lotr: tile.doorRedWood
|lotr: tile.doorPomegranate
|lotr: tile.doorPalm
|lotr: tile.doorDragon
|lotr: tile.doorRotten
|lotr: tile.boneBlock
|lotr: tile.slabBoneSingle
|lotr: tile.slabBoneDouble
|lotr: tile.stairsBone
|lotr: tile.wallBone
|lotr: tile.chestAncientHarad
|lotr: tile.spawnerChestAncientHarad
|lotr: tile.redClay
|lotr: tile.orcChain
|Orc Chain (v35 add-on)
|lotr: tile.utumnoBrickEntrance
|Utumno Entrance Brick (v35 add-on)
|lotr: tile.stairsAngmarBrickSnow
|Snowy Angmar Brick Stairs (v35 add-on)
|lotr: tile.stairsKanuka
|Kanuka Wood Stairs (v35 add-on)
|lotr: tile.fenceGateKanuka
|Kanuka Fence Gate (v35 add-on)
|lotr: tile.doorKanuka
|Kanuka Door (v35 add-on)
|lotr: tile.slabSingle14
|Cracked Arnor Pillar Slab (v35 add-on)
|lotr: tile.slabDouble14
|Cracked Arnor Pillar Slab (v35 add-on)
== Предметы ==
{| class="article-table mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
{| class="wikitable" style="width:100%;" border="1"
!Первый числовой ID
!Кодовое имя
!Первый буквенный ID
!Второй ID
!Английское наименование
!Название предмета
|lotr: item.goldring
|lotr: item.pouch
|[[Pouch|Small Pouch]]
|Small Pouch
|[[Pouch|Medium Pouch]]
|Medium Pouch
|[[Pouch|Large Pouch]]
|Large Pouch
|lotr: item.copper
|lotr: item.tin
|lotr: item.bronze
|lotr: item.silver
|lotr: item.mithril
|lotr: item.shovelbronze
|lotr: item.pickaxebronze
|lotr: item.axebronze
|lotr: item.swordbronze
|lotr: item.hoebronze
|lotr: item.helmetbronze
|lotr: item.bodybronze
|lotr: item.legsbronze
|lotr: item.bootsbronze
|lotr: item.silvernugget
|lotr: item.silverring
|lotr: item.mithrilnugget
|lotr: item.mithrilring
|lotr: item.hobbitpipe
|Hobbit Pipe with White Smoke
|Hobbit Pipe with Orange Smoke
|Hobbit Pipe with magenta Smoke
|Hobbit Pipe with Light Blue Smoke
|Hobbit Pipe with Yellow Smoke
|Hobbit Pipe with Lime Smoke
|Hobbit Pipe with Pink Smoke
|Hobbit Pipe with Gray Smoke
|Hobbit Pipe with Light Gray Smoke
|Hobbit Pipe with Cyan Smoke
|Hobbit Pipe with Purple Smoke
|Hobbit Pipe with Blue Smoke
|Hobbit Pipe with Brown Smoke
|Hobbit Pipe with Green Smoke
|Hobbit Pipe with Red Smoke
|Hobbit Pipe with Black Smoke
|Hobbit Pipe with Magic Smoke
|lotr: item.pipeweed
|lotr: item.claymug
|lotr: item.mug
|lotr: item.mugwater
|lotr: item.mugmilk
|lotr: item.mugale
|lotr: item.mugchocolate
|lotr: item.applecrumble
|lotr: item.mugmiruvor
|lotr: item.mugorcdraught
|lotr: item.scimitarorc
|lotr: item.helmetorc
|lotr: item.bodyorc
|lotr: item.legsorc
|lotr: item.bootsorc
|lotr: item.orcsteel
|lotr: item.battleaxeorc
|lotr: item.lembas
|lotr: item.naurite
|lotr: item.daggerorc
|lotr: item.daggerorcpoisoned
|lotr: item.sting
|lotr: item.spawnEgg
|lotr: item.pipeweedleaf
|lotr: item.pipeweedseeds
|lotr: item.structurespawner
|Build Hobbit Hole
|lotr: item.lettuce
|lotr: item.shovelmithril
|lotr: item.pickaxemithril
|lotr: item.axemithril
|lotr: item.swordmithril
|lotr: item.hoemithril
|lotr: item.orctorch
|lotr: item.sauronmace
|lotr: item.gandalfstaffwhite
|lotr: item.swordgondor
|lotr: item.helmetgondor
|lotr: item.bodygondor
|lotr: item.legsgondor
|lotr: item.bootsgondor
|lotr: item.helmetmithril
|lotr: item.bodymithril
|lotr: item.legsmithril
|lotr: item.bootsmithril
|lotr: item.speargondor
|lotr: item.spearorc
|lotr: item.spearbronze
|lotr: item.speariron
|lotr: item.spearmithril
|lotr: item.anduril
|lotr: item.dye
|Yellow Dye
|White Dye
|Bluebell Blue
|Clover Green
|Charcoal Dust
|Brown Dye
|lotr: item.mallornstick
|lotr: item.shovelmallorn
|lotr: item.pickaxemallorn
|lotr: item.axemallorn
|lotr: item.swordmallorn
|lotr: item.hoemallorn
|lotr: item.shovelelven
|lotr: item.pickaxeelven
|lotr: item.axeelven
|lotr: item.swordelven
|lotr: item.hoeelven
|lotr: item.spearelven
|lotr: item.mallornbow
|lotr: item.helmetelven
|lotr: item.bodyelven
|lotr: item.legselven
|lotr: item.bootselven
|lotr: item.coin
|Silver Coin
|Silver Coin (10)
|Silver Coin (100)
|lotr: item.gammon
|lotr: item.clayplate
|lotr: item.plate
|lotr: item.elvenbow
|lotr: item.wargfur
|lotr: item.helmetwarg
|lotr: item.bodywarg
|lotr: item.legswarg
|lotr: item.bootswarg
|lotr: item.orcbow
|lotr: item.mugmead
|lotr: item.wargskinrug
|lotr: item.quenditecrystal
|Edhelvir (was Edhelmir before v35)
|lotr: item.blacksmithhammer
|lotr: item.daggergondor
|lotr: item.daggerelven
|lotr: item.hobbitring
|lotr: item.elvenbed
|lotr: item.wargbone
|lotr: item.applegreen
|lotr: item.pear
|lotr: item.cherry
|lotr: item.DURINS_FOLKsteel
|lotr: item.shoveldwarven
|lotr: item.pickaxedwarven
|lotr: item.axedwarven
|lotr: item.sworddwarven
|lotr: item.hoedwarven
|lotr: item.daggerdwarven
|lotr: item.battleaxedwarven
|lotr: item.hammerdwarven
|lotr: item.shovelorc
|lotr: item.pickaxeorc
|lotr: item.axeorc
|lotr: item.hoeorc
|lotr: item.hammerorc
|lotr: item.helmetdwarven
|lotr: item.bodydwarven
|lotr: item.legsdwarven
|lotr: item.bootsdwarven
|lotr: item.galvorn
|lotr: item.helmetgalvorn
|lotr: item.bodygalvorn
|lotr: item.legsgalvorn
|lotr: item.bootsgalvorn
|lotr: item.daggerbronze
|lotr: item.daggeriron
|lotr: item.daggermithril
|lotr: item.battleaxemithril
|lotr: item.hammermithril
|lotr: item.hammergondor
|lotr: item.orcbone
|lotr: item.elfbone
|lotr: item.DURINS_FOLKbone
|lotr: item.hobbitbone
|lotr: item.commandhorn
|lotr: item.throwingaxedwarven
|lotr: item.uruksteel
|lotr: item.shoveluruk
|lotr: item.pickaxeuruk
|lotr: item.axeuruk
|lotr: item.scimitaruruk
|lotr: item.hoeuruk
|lotr: item.daggeruruk
|lotr: item.daggerurukpoisoned
|lotr: item.battleaxeuruk
|lotr: item.hammeruruk
|lotr: item.spearuruk
|lotr: item.helmeturuk
|lotr: item.bodyuruk
|lotr: item.legsuruk
|lotr: item.bootsuruk
|lotr: item.crossbowbolt
|lotr: item.urukcrossbow
|lotr: item.cherrypie
|lotr: item.trollbone
|lotr: item.trollstatue
|Troll Statue #1
|Troll Statue #2
|Troll Statue #3
|lotr: item.ironcrossbow
|lotr: item.mithrilcrossbow
|lotr: item.woodelvenbed
|lotr: item.helmetwoodelvenscout
|lotr: item.bodywoodelvenscout
|lotr: item.legswoodelvenscout
|lotr: item.bootswoodelvenscout
|lotr: item.mirkwoodbow
|lotr: item.mugredwine
|lotr: item.ancientparts
|Ancient Sword Tip
|Ancient Sword Blade
|Ancient Sword Hilt
|Ancient Armor Plate
|lotr: item.ancient
|Ancient Sword
|Ancient Dagger
|Ancient Helmet
|Ancient Chestplate
|Ancient Leggings
|Ancient Boots
|lotr: item.swordrohan
|lotr: item.daggerrohan
|lotr: item.spearrohan
|lotr: item.helmetrohan
|lotr: item.bodyrohan
|lotr: item.legsrohan
|lotr: item.bootsrohan
|lotr: item.helmetgondorwinged
|lotr: item.guldurilcrystal
|lotr: item.mallornnut
|lotr: item.dwarvenbed
|lotr: item.mugcider
|lotr: item.mugperry
|lotr: item.mugcherryliqueur
|lotr: item.mugrum
|lotr: item.mugathelasbrew
|lotr: item.armorstand
|lotr: item.pebble
|lotr: item.sling
|lotr: item.mysteryweb
|lotr: item.mugdwarventonic
|lotr: item.helmetranger
|lotr: item.bodyranger
|lotr: item.legsranger
|lotr: item.bootsranger
|lotr: item.helmetdunlending
|lotr: item.bodydunlending
|lotr: item.legsdunlending
|lotr: item.bootsdunlending
|lotr: item.dunlendingclub
|lotr: item.dunlendingtrident
|lotr: item.entdraught
|Green Ent-draught
|Brown Ent-draught
|Golden Ent-draught
|Yellow Ent-draught
|Red Ent-draught
|Silver Ent-draught
|Blue Ent-draught
|lotr: item.mugdwarvenale
|lotr: item.maggotybread
|lotr: item.morgulsteel
|lotr: item.morgulblade
|lotr: item.helmetmorgul
|lotr: item.bodymorgul
|lotr: item.legsmorgul
|lotr: item.bootsmorgul
|lotr: item.leatherhat
|lotr: item.featherdyed
|lotr: item.mattockdwarven
|lotr: item.orcbed
|lotr: item.shovelwoodelven
|lotr: item.pickaxewoodelven
|lotr: item.axewoodelven
|lotr: item.swordwoodelven
|lotr: item.hoewoodelven
|lotr: item.daggerwoodelven
|lotr: item.spearwoodelven
|lotr: item.helmetwoodelven
|lotr: item.bodywoodelven
|lotr: item.legswoodelven
|lotr: item.bootswoodelven
|lotr: item.rabbitraw
|lotr: item.rabbitcooked
|lotr: item.rabbitstew
|lotr: item.mugvodka
|lotr: item.sulfur
|lotr: item.saltpeter
|lotr: item.commandsword
|lotr: item.hobbitpancake
|lotr: item.bottlepoison
|lotr: item.daggerbronzepoisoned
|lotr: item.daggerironpoisoned
|lotr: item.daggermithrilpoisoned
|lotr: item.daggergondorpoisoned
|lotr: item.daggerelvenpoisoned
|lotr: item.daggerdwarvenpoisoned
|lotr: item.daggerrohanpoisoned
|lotr: item.daggerwoodelvenpoisoned
|lotr: item.banner
|Banner of Gondor
|Banner of Rohan
|Banner of Mordor
|Banner of Lothlorien
|Banner of Woodland Realm
|Banner of Dunland
|Banner of Durin’s Folk
|Banner of Angmar
|Banner of Near Harad
|Banner of High Elves
|Banner of the Blue Mountains
|Banner of the Dunedain of the North
|Banner of Dol Guldur
|Banner of the Half-trolls
|Banner of Dol Amroth
|Banner of MORWAITH
|Banner of Dale
|Banner of Dorwinion
|Banner of the Hobbits
|Banner of Anorien
|Banner of Ithilien
|Banner of Lossarnach
|Banner of Lebennin
|Banner of Pelargir
|Banner of Blackroot Vale
|Banner of Pinnath Gelin
|Banner of Minas Morgul
|Banner of the Black Uruks
|Banner of the Stewards of Gondor
|Banner of Nan Ungol
|Banner of the Rhudaur Hillmen
|Banner of Lamedon
|Banner of Rhudel
|Banner of Rivendell
|Banner of Esgaroth
|Banner of Umbar
|Banner of Southron Nomads
|Banner of the Gulf of Harad
|lotr: item.sulfurmatch
|lotr: item.swordangmar
|lotr: item.daggerangmar
|lotr: item.daggerangmarpoisoned
|lotr: item.battleaxeangmar
|lotr: item.hammerangmar
|lotr: item.spearangmar
|lotr: item.shovelangmar
|lotr: item.pickaxeangmar
|lotr: item.axeangmar
|lotr: item.hoeangmar
|lotr: item.helmetangmar
|lotr: item.bodyangmar
|lotr: item.legsangmar
|lotr: item.bootsangmar
|lotr: item.mango
|lotr: item.mugmangojuice
|lotr: item.banana
|lotr: item.bananabread
|lotr: item.bananacake
|lotr: item.lionfur
|lotr: item.lionraw
|lotr: item.lioncooked
|lotr: item.zebraraw
|lotr: item.zebracooked
|lotr: item.rhinoraw
|lotr: item.rhinocooked
|lotr: item.rhinohorn
|lotr: item.battleaxerohan
|lotr: item.lionbed
|lotr: item.scimitarnearharad
|lotr: item.helmetnearharad
|lotr: item.bodynearharad
|lotr: item.legsnearharad
|lotr: item.bootsnearharad
|lotr: item.gemsbokhide
|lotr: item.gemsbokhorn
|lotr: item.helmetgemsbok
|lotr: item.bodygemsbok
|lotr: item.legsgemsbok
|lotr: item.bootsgemsbok
|lotr: item.maplesyrup
|lotr: item.hobbitpancakemaplesyrup
|lotr: item.mugmaplebeer
|lotr: item.helmethighelven
|lotr: item.bodyhighelven
|lotr: item.legshighelven
|lotr: item.bootshighelven
|lotr: item.shovelhighelven
|lotr: item.pickaxehighelven
|lotr: item.axehighelven
|lotr: item.swordhighelven
|lotr: item.hoehighelven
|lotr: item.daggerhighelven
|lotr: item.daggerhighelvenpoisoned
|lotr: item.spearhighelven
|lotr: item.highelvenbed
|lotr: item.daggernearharad
|lotr: item.daggernearharadpoisoned
|lotr: item.spearnearharad
|lotr: item.nearharadbow
|lotr: item.date
|lotr: item.mugaraq
|lotr: item.BlueDwarfsteel
|lotr: item.shovelbluedwarven
|lotr: item.pickaxebluedwarven
|lotr: item.axebluedwarven
|lotr: item.swordbluedwarven
|lotr: item.hoebluedwarven
|lotr: item.daggerbluedwarven
|lotr: item.daggerbluedwarvenpoisoned
|lotr: item.battleaxebluedwarven
|lotr: item.hammerbluedwarven
|lotr: item.mattockbluedwarven
|lotr: item.throwingaxebluedwarven
|lotr: item.helmetbluedwarven
|lotr: item.bodybluedwarven
|lotr: item.legsbluedwarven
|lotr: item.bootsbluedwarven
|lotr: item.dwarvenring
|lotr: item.speardwarven
|lotr: item.spearbluedwarven
|lotr: item.horsearmoriron
|lotr: item.horsearmorgold
|lotr: item.horsearmordiamond
|lotr: item.horsearmorgondor
|lotr: item.horsearmorrohan
|lotr: item.wargarmoruruk
|lotr: item.horsearmorhighelven
|lotr: item.horsearmorLOTHLORIEN
|lotr: item.horsearmormorgul
|lotr: item.horsearmormithril
|lotr: item.elkarmorwoodelven
|lotr: item.wargarmormordor
|lotr: item.wargarmorangmar
|lotr: item.mugcarrotwine
|lotr: item.mugbananabeer
|lotr: item.mugmelonliqueur
|lotr: item.strawbed
|lotr: item.orcskullstaff
|lotr: item.sworddolguldur
|lotr: item.daggerdolguldur
|lotr: item.daggerdolguldurpoisoned
|lotr: item.speardolguldur
|lotr: item.shoveldolguldur
|lotr: item.axedolguldur
|lotr: item.pickaxedolguldur
|lotr: item.hoedolguldur
|lotr: item.battleaxedolguldur
|lotr: item.hammerdolguldur
|lotr: item.helmetdolguldur
|lotr: item.bodydolguldur
|lotr: item.legsdolguldur
|lotr: item.bootsdolguldur
|lotr: item.dalishpastry
|lotr: item.redbook
|Red Book
|lotr: item.termite
|lotr: item.helmetutumno
|lotr: item.bodyutumno
|lotr: item.legsutumno
|lotr: item.bootsutumno
|lotr: item.flaxseeds
|lotr: item.flax
|lotr: item.blueberry
|lotr: item.blackberry
|lotr: item.raspberry
|lotr: item.cranberry
|lotr: item.elderberry
|lotr: item.chestnut
|lotr: item.chestnutroast
|lotr: item.blackuruksteel
|lotr: item.scimitarblackuruk
|lotr: item.daggerblackuruk
|lotr: item.daggerblackurukpoisoned
|lotr: item.spearblackuruk
|lotr: item.battleaxeblackuruk
|lotr: item.hammerblackuruk
|lotr: item.helmetblackuruk
|lotr: item.bodyblackuruk
|lotr: item.legsblackuruk
|lotr: item.bootsblackuruk
|lotr: item.blackurukbow
|lotr: item.helmetnearharadwarlord
|lotr: item.utumnokey
|Key of Ice
|Key of Obsidian
|Key Handle (Ice)
|Key Shaft (Ice)
|Key Pin (Ice)
|Key Handle (Obsidian)
|Key Shaft (Obsidian)
|Key Pin (Obsidian)
|lotr: item.swordutumno
|lotr: item.daggerutumno
|lotr: item.daggerutumnopoisoned
|lotr: item.spearutumno
|lotr: item.battleaxeutumno
|lotr: item.hammerutumno
|lotr: item.utumnobow
|lotr: item.mugcactusliqueur
|lotr: item.rohanbow
|lotr: item.gondorbow
|lotr: item.highelvenbow
|lotr: item.utumnopickaxe
|lotr: item.balrogwhip
|lotr: item.battleaxeiron
|lotr: item.battleaxebronze
|lotr: item.bronzecrossbow
|lotr: item.conquesthorn
|Warhorn (was Horn of Conquest before v35)
|lotr: item.helmethalftroll
|lotr: item.bodyhalftroll
|lotr: item.legshalftroll
|lotr: item.bootshalftroll
|lotr: item.battleaxehalftroll
|lotr: item.hammerhalftroll
|lotr: item.macehalftroll
|lotr: item.scimitarhalftroll
|lotr: item.daggerhalftroll
|lotr: item.daggerhalftrollpoisoned
|lotr: item.mugtorogdraught
|lotr: item.berrypie
|lotr: item.mugblueberryjuice
|lotr: item.mugblackberryjuice
|lotr: item.mugraspberryjuice
|lotr: item.mugcranberryjuice
|lotr: item.mugelderberryjuice
|lotr: item.rhinoarmorhalftroll
|lotr: item.helmetdwarvensilver
|lotr: item.bodydwarvensilver
|lotr: item.legsdwarvensilver
|lotr: item.bootsdwarvensilver
|lotr: item.helmetdwarvengold
|lotr: item.bodydwarvengold
|lotr: item.legsdwarvengold
|lotr: item.bootsdwarvengold
|lotr: item.helmetdwarvenmithril
|lotr: item.bodydwarvenmithril
|lotr: item.legsdwarvenmithril
|lotr: item.bootsdwarvenmithril
|lotr: item.torogstew
|lotr: item.elfsteel
|lotr: item.sworddolamroth
|lotr: item.helmetdolamroth
|lotr: item.bodydolamroth
|lotr: item.legsdolamroth
|lotr: item.bootsdolamroth
|lotr: item.horsearmordolamroth
|lotr: item.swanfeather
|lotr: item.daggerMORWAITH
|lotr: item.daggerMORWAITHpoisoned
|lotr: item.battleaxeMORWAITH
|lotr: item.spearMORWAITH
|lotr: item.helmetMORWAITH
|lotr: item.bodyMORWAITH
|lotr: item.legsMORWAITH
|lotr: item.bootsMORWAITH
|lotr: item.helmetMORWAITHlion
|lotr: item.bodyMORWAITHlion
|lotr: item.legsMORWAITHlion
|lotr: item.bootsMORWAITHlion
|lotr: item.helmetharadrobes
|lotr: item.bodyharadrobes
|lotr: item.legsharadrobes
|lotr: item.bootsharadrobes
|lotr: item.helmetbone
|lotr: item.bodybone
|lotr: item.legsbone
|lotr: item.bootsbone
|lotr: item.cram
|lotr: item.throwingaxebronze
|lotr: item.throwingaxeiron
|lotr: item.bosstrophy
|lotr: item.swordgondolin
|lotr: item.macemallorncharred
|lotr: item.lemon
|lotr: item.lemoncake
|lotr: item.orange
|lotr: item.mugorangejuice
|lotr: item.muglemonliqueur
|lotr: item.muglemonade
|lotr: item.helmetgondolin
|lotr: item.bodygondolin
|lotr: item.legsgondolin
|lotr: item.bootsgondolin
|lotr: item.lime
|lotr: item.muglimeliqueur
|lotr: item.helmetrohanmarshal
|lotr: item.bodyrohanmarshal
|lotr: item.legsrohanmarshal
|lotr: item.bootsrohanmarshal
|lotr: item.obsidianshard
|lotr: item.shovelTAURETHRIM
|lotr: item.pickaxeTAURETHRIM
|lotr: item.axeTAURETHRIM
|lotr: item.hoeTAURETHRIM
|lotr: item.daggerTAURETHRIM
|lotr: item.daggerTAURETHRIMpoisoned
|lotr: item.spearTAURETHRIM
|lotr: item.swordTAURETHRIM
|lotr: item.helmetTAURETHRIM
|lotr: item.bodyTAURETHRIM
|lotr: item.legsTAURETHRIM
|lotr: item.bootsTAURETHRIM
|lotr: item.helmetTAURETHRIMchieftain
|lotr: item.poleaxenearharad
|lotr: item.pikeuruk
|lotr: item.horsearmornearharad
|lotr: item.polearmorc
|lotr: item.lancedolamroth
|lotr: item.polearmhighelven
|lotr: item.polearmelven
|lotr: item.polearmwoodelven
|lotr: item.TAURETHRIMblowgun
|lotr: item.TAURETHRIMdart
|lotr: item.TAURETHRIMdartpoisoned
|lotr: item.daggerbarrow
|lotr: item.daggerbarrowpoisoned
|lotr: item.muttonraw
|lotr: item.muttoncooked
|lotr: item.macenearharad
|lotr: item.mugTAURETHRIMcocoa
|lotr: item.hithlain
|lotr: item.helmethithlain
|lotr: item.bodyhithlain
|lotr: item.legshithlain
|lotr: item.bootshithlain
|lotr: item.boararmordwarven
|lotr: item.boararmorbluedwarven
|lotr: item.pikehalftroll
|lotr: item.pikeiron
|lotr: item.TAURETHRIMdoubletorch
|lotr: item.helmetTAURETHRIMgold
|lotr: item.bodyTAURETHRIMgold
|lotr: item.legsTAURETHRIMgold
|lotr: item.bootsTAURETHRIMgold
|lotr: item.mugTAURETHRIMcure
|lotr: item.TAURETHRIMamulet
|lotr: item.pikedwarven
|lotr: item.pikebluedwarven
|lotr: item.corn
|Dwarven Pike
|lotr: item.daggerdolamroth
|Blue Dwarven Pike
|lotr: item.daggerdolamrothpoisoned
|lotr: item.helmetgundabaduruk
|Dol Amroth Dagger
|lotr: item.bodygundabaduruk
|Poisoned Dol Amroth Dagger
|lotr: item.legsgundabaduruk
|Gundabad Uruk Helmet
|lotr: item.bootsgundabaduruk
|Gundabad Uruk Chestplate
|lotr: item.lancegondor
|Gundabad Uruk Leggings
|lotr: item.swordgundabaduruk
|Gundabad Uruk Boots
|lotr: item.battleaxegundabaduruk
|Gondorian Lance
|lotr: item.hammergundabaduruk
|Gundabad Uruk Cleaver
|lotr: item.helmeturukberserker
|Gundabad Uruk Waraxe
|lotr: item.scimitarurukberserker
|Gundabad Uruk Bludgeon
|lotr: item.mugcornliquor
|Uruk Berserker Helmet
|lotr: item.gategear
|Uruk Berserker Scimitar
|lotr: item.wargfurbed
|lotr: item.deerraw
|lotr: item.deercooked
|lotr: item.kebab
|lotr: item.lancerohan
|lotr: item.corncooked
|lotr: item.shishkebab
|lotr: item.longspearelven
|lotr: item.longspearhighelven
|lotr: item.longspearwoodelven
|lotr: item.ringil
|lotr: item.halberdmithril
|lotr: item.leek
|lotr: item.leeksoup
|lotr: item.turnip
|lotr: item.camelraw
|lotr: item.camelcooked
|lotr: item.sworddale
|lotr: item.daggerdale
|lotr: item.daggerdalepoisoned
|lotr: item.speardale
|lotr: item.battleaxedale
|lotr: item.helmetdale
|lotr: item.bodydale
|lotr: item.legsdale
|lotr: item.bootsdale
|lotr: item.helmetdorwinion
|lotr: item.bodydorwinion
|lotr: item.legsdorwinion
|lotr: item.bootsdorwinion
|lotr: item.helmetdorwinionelf
|lotr: item.bodydorwinionelf
|lotr: item.legsdorwinionelf
|lotr: item.bootsdorwinionelf
|lotr: item.spearbladorthin
|lotr: item.olive
|lotr: item.dalebow
|lotr: item.mugapplejuice
|lotr: item.horsearmordale
|lotr: item.npcrespawner
|NPC Respawner
|lotr: item.helmetrangerithilien
|lotr: item.bodyrangerithilien
|lotr: item.legsrangerithilien
|lotr: item.bootsrangerithilien
|lotr: item.daggergundabaduruk
|lotr: item.daggergundabadurukpoisoned
|lotr: item.speargundabaduruk
|lotr: item.pikegundabaduruk
|lotr: item.gundabadurukbow
|lotr: item.hammerTAURETHRIM
|lotr: item.sworddorwinionelf
|lotr: item.daggerdorwinionelf
|lotr: item.daggerdorwinionelfpoisoned
|lotr: item.battleaxeTAURETHRIM
|lotr: item.pikeTAURETHRIM
|lotr: item.clubMORWAITH
|lotr: item.olivebread
|lotr: item.pikedale
|lotr: item.rollingpin
|lotr: item.grapered
|lotr: item.grapewhite
|lotr: item.seedsgrapered
|lotr: item.seedsgrapewhite
|lotr: item.mugwhitewine
|lotr: item.mugredgrapejuice
|lotr: item.mugwhitegrapejuice
|lotr: item.polearmangmar
|lotr: item.pikedolguldur
|lotr: item.turnipcooked
|lotr: item.kinearawhorn
|lotr: item.melonsoup
|lotr: item.ceramicmug
|lotr: item.pikenearharad
|lotr: item.almond
|lotr: item.wildberry
|lotr: item.blackrootstick
|lotr: item.plum
|lotr: item.helmetlossarnach
|lotr: item.bodylossarnach
|lotr: item.legslossarnach
|lotr: item.bootslossarnach
|lotr: item.helmetpelargir
|lotr: item.bodypelargir
|lotr: item.legspelargir
|lotr: item.bootspelargir
|lotr: item.helmetpinnathgelin
|lotr: item.bodypinnathgelin
|lotr: item.legspinnathgelin
|lotr: item.bootspinnathgelin
|lotr: item.battleaxelossarnach
|lotr: item.throwingaxelossarnach
|lotr: item.swordpelargir
|lotr: item.tridentpelargir
|lotr: item.mugmorguldraught
|lotr: item.helmetblackroot
|lotr: item.bodyblackroot
|lotr: item.legsblackroot
|lotr: item.bootsblackroot
|lotr: item.blackrootbow
|lotr: item.pikegondor
|lotr: item.bodydolamrothgambeson
|lotr: item.legsdolamrothgambeson
|lotr: item.longspeardolamroth
|lotr: item.mugplumkvass
|lotr: item.bodygondorgambeson
|lotr: item.bodylebenningambeson
|lotr: item.spearstone
|lotr: item.marzipan
|lotr: item.marzipanchocolate
|lotr: item.dalecracker
|lotr: item.partyhat
|lotr: item.helmetlamedon
|lotr: item.bodylamedon
|lotr: item.legslamedon
|lotr: item.bootslamedon
|lotr: item.horsearmorlamedon
|lotr: item.bodylamedonjacket
|lotr: item.gobletgold
|lotr: item.gobletsilver
|lotr: item.gobletcopper
|lotr: item.gobletwood
|lotr: item.skullcup
|lotr: item.wineglass
|lotr: item.bodydalegambeson
|lotr: item.waterskin
|lotr: item.alehorn
|lotr: item.alehorngold
|lotr: item.horn
|lotr: item.chisel
|lotr: item.ithildin
|lotr: item.chiselithildin
|lotr: item.helmetarnor
|lotr: item.bodyarnor
|lotr: item.legsarnor
|lotr: item.bootsarnor
|lotr: item.rangerbow
|lotr: item.swordrhun
|lotr: item.daggerrhun
|lotr: item.daggerrhunpoisoned
|lotr: item.spearrhun
|lotr: item.polearmrhun
|lotr: item.pikerhun
|lotr: item.helmetrhun
|lotr: item.bodyrhun
|lotr: item.legsrhun
|lotr: item.bootsrhun
|lotr: item.rhunbow
|lotr: item.horsearmorrhungold
|lotr: item.gildediron
|lotr: item.mugtermitetequila
|lotr: item.rhunfirepot
|lotr: item.yam
|lotr: item.yamroast
|lotr: item.bodykaftan
|lotr: item.legskaftan
|lotr: item.helmetrhungold
|lotr: item.bodyrhungold
|lotr: item.legsrhungold
|lotr: item.bootsrhungold
|lotr: item.helmetrhunwarlord
|lotr: item.mugsourmilk
|lotr: item.pomegranate
|lotr: item.mugpomegranatejuice
|lotr: item.mugpomegranatewine
|lotr: item.dorwinionelfbow
|lotr: item.mattockmithril
|lotr: item.manflesh
|lotr: item.salt
|lotr: item.saltedflesh
|lotr: item.battleaxerhun
|lotr: item.cornbread
|lotr: item.raisins
|lotr: item.swordrivendell
|lotr: item.daggerrivendell
|lotr: item.daggerrivendellpoisoned
|lotr: item.spearrivendell
|lotr: item.helmetrivendell
|lotr: item.bodyrivendell
|lotr: item.legsrivendell
|lotr: item.bootsrivendell
|lotr: item.horsearmorrivendell
|lotr: item.polearmrivendell
|lotr: item.longspearrivendell
|lotr: item.swordarnor
|lotr: item.daggerarnor
|lotr: item.daggerarnorpoisoned
|lotr: item.speararnor
|lotr: item.rivendellbow
|lotr: item.shovelrivendell
|lotr: item.pickaxerivendell
|lotr: item.axerivendell
|lotr: item.hoerivendell
|lotr: item.arrowpoisoned
|lotr: item.crossbowboltpoisoned
|lotr: item.balrogfire
|lotr: item.topaz
|lotr: item.amethyst
|lotr: item.sapphire
|lotr: item.ruby
|lotr: item.amber
|lotr: item.diamond
|lotr: item.pearl
|lotr: item.coral
|lotr: item.opal
|lotr: item.mushroompie
|lotr: item.emerald
|lotr: item.chilling
|lotr: item.bountytrophy
|lotr: item.swordMORWAITH
|lotr: item.modtemplate
|%s Smith’s Scroll
|lotr: item.mithrilmail
|lotr: item.mithrilbook
|lotr: item.helmetgulfharad
|lotr: item.bodygulfharad
|lotr: item.legsgulfharad
|lotr: item.bootsgulfharad
|lotr: item.helmetcorsair
|lotr: item.bodycorsair
|lotr: item.legscorsair
|lotr: item.bootscorsair
|lotr: item.swordcorsair
|lotr: item.daggercorsair
|lotr: item.daggercorsairpoisoned
|lotr: item.spearcorsair
|lotr: item.battleaxecorsair
|lotr: item.helmetumbar
|lotr: item.bodyumbar
|lotr: item.legsumbar
|lotr: item.bootsumbar
|lotr: item.helmetharnedor
|lotr: item.bodyharnedor
|lotr: item.legsharnedor
|lotr: item.bootsharnedor
|lotr: item.swordharad
|lotr: item.daggerharad
|lotr: item.daggerharadpoisoned
|lotr: item.spearharad
|lotr: item.pikeharad
|lotr: item.swordgulfharad
|lotr: item.helmetnomad
|lotr: item.bodynomad
|lotr: item.legsnomad
|lotr: item.bootsnomad
|lotr: item.lionrug
|lotr: item.bearrug
|lotr: item.girafferug
|lotr: item.woodplate
|lotr: item.ceramicplate
|lotr: item.horsearmorumbar
|lotr: item.daggerancientharad
|Old-Haradric Sacrificial Dagger
|lotr: item.helmetblacknumenorean
|lotr: item.bodyblacknumenorean
|lotr: item.legsblacknumenorean
|lotr: item.bootsblacknumenorean
|lotr: item.swordblacknumenorean
|lotr: item.daggerblacknumenorean
|lotr: item.daggerblacknumenoreanpoisoned
|lotr: item.spearblacknumenorean
|lotr: item.maceblacknumenorean
|lotr: item.redclayball
|lotr: item.gandalfStaffGrey
|Staff of Gandalf the Grey (v35 add-on)
|lotr: item.glamdring
|Glamdring (v35 add-on)
|lotr: item.brandingIron
|Branding Iron (v35 add-on)
== '''Помощь:''' ==
Если вы в креативе:
* универсально: '''/give "игрок" "ID":"ID"'''
* блок: '''/give "игрок" lotr:tile.lotr:"название"'''
* предмет: '''/give "игрок" lotr:item.lotr:"название"'''
Если у вас возникнет вопрос, зачем второй ID после двоеточия? Ответ прост: число ID ограничено. Для экономии чисел первый ID обозначает группу предметов (кирпичи, руды), а второй - вариант (мордорский, гондорский). Пробел после и перед двоеточием не нужен (8:7, а не 8 : 7)
Будьте осторожны, если вы ошибётесь числом, то можете получить блок или предмет, отсутствующий в креативной вкладке и не имеющий имени (вы можете их увидеть с помощью TMI/NEI) , который вызовет краш майнкрафта и вы больше не войдёте в мир.
Числовые ID также нужны при работе в World Edit.[[Category:Help]]
[[Category:Tech Support]]

Текущая версия от 10:41, 20 апреля 2021

Целью этой страницы является предоставление идентификационных данных (ID) значения конкретных блоков и предметов для LOTR мода. Для того, чтобы узнать ID ванильных блоков и предметов, посмотрите страницу Нумерация данных на Minecraft вики.

Эта информация может быть полезна для людей, использующих мировые редакторы (например, World Edit) или развивающиеся вокруг моды (например, чтобы добавить поддержку текстур мода в картографическом программном обеспечении MinecraftOverviewer).

ID очень полезны для настройки других модов и плагинов и устранения конфликтов модов.


Для получения блока/предмета (только креатив) введите в чат команду (первичный и вторичный ID выбираются в таблице)

/give @p ID1:ID2

Разбор синтаксиса:

/give — выдать. Резервирует пустую ячейку инвентаря для содержимого.

@p — это вы. Кому именно отдаётся блок.

ID1 — первый ID. Какой тип содержимого выдаётся (например, деревянные ступеньки)

ID2 — второй ID. Конкретизация подвида (направлены на север)


ID1 Кодовое имя ID2 Английское наименование
165 lotr: tile.rock 0 Mordor Rock
1 Gondor Rock
2 Rohan Rock
3 Sarlluin
4 Sarngaran
5 Chalk
166 lotr: tile.oreCopper 0 Copper Ore
167 lotr: tile.oreTin 0 Tin Ore
168 lotr: tile.oreSilver 0 Silver Ore
169 lotr: tile.oreMithril 0 Mithril Ore
176 lotr: tile.beacon 0 Beacon of Gondor
177 lotr: tile.simbelmyne 0 Simbelmynë
178 lotr: tile.wood 0 Shire Pine Wood
1 Mallorn Wood
2 Mirk-oak Wood
3 Charred Wood
179 lotr: tile.leaves 0 Shire Pine Leaves
1 Mallorn Leaves
2 Mirk-oak Leaves
3 Red Mirk-oak Leaves
180 lotr: tile.planks 0 Shire Pine Wood Planks
1 Mallorn Wood Planks
2 Mirk-oak Wood Planks
3 Charred Wood Planks
4 Apple Wood Planks
5 Pear Wood Planks
6 Cherry Wood Planks
7 Mango Wood Planks
8 Lebethron Wood Planks
9 Beech Wood Planks
10 Holly Wood Planks
11 Banana Wood Planks
12 Maple Wood Planks
13 Larch Wood Planks
14 Date Palm Wood Planks
15 Mangrove Wood Planks
181 lotr: tile.sapling 0 Shire Pine Sapling
1 Mallorn Sapling
2 Mirk-oak Sapling
3 Red Mirk-oak Sapling
182 lotr: tile.woodSlabSingle 0 Shire Pine Wood Slab
1 Mallorn Wood Slab
2 Mirk-oak Wood Slab
3 Charred Wood Slab
4 Apple Wood Slab
5 Pear Wood Slab
6 Cherry Wood Slab
7 Mango Wood Slab
183 lotr: tile.woodSlabDouble 0-7 (same as above)
184 lotr: tile.stairsPine 0-7 Shire Pine Wood Stairs

(different orientations)

185 lotr: tile.shireHeather 0 Shire Heather
186 lotr: tile.brick 0 Mordor Brick
1 Gondor Brick
2 Mossy Gondor Brick
3 Cracked Gondor Brick
4 Rohan Brick
5 Carved Gondor Brick
6 Dwarven Brick
7 Cracked Mordor Brick
8 Silver-trimmed Dwarven Brick
9 Gold-trimmed Dwarven Brick
10 Mithril-trimmed Dwarven Brick
12 Mossy LOTHLORIEN Brick
13 Cracked LOTHLORIEN Brick
14 Sarlluin Brick
15 Near Harad Brick
187 lotr: tile.appleCrumble 0 tile.appleCrumble.name
188 lotr: tile.hobbitOven 0 Hobbit Oven
189 lotr: tile.oreStorage 0 Block of Copper
1 Block of Tin
2 Block of Bronze
3 Block of Silver
4 Block of Mithril
5 Block of Orc Steel
6 Block of Edhelvir
7 Block of Dwarven Steel
8 Block of Galvorn
9 Block of Uruk Steel
10 Block of Durnaur
11 Block of Gulduril
12 Block of Morgul Steel
13 Block of Sulfur
14 Block of Niter
15 Block of Blue Dwarven Steel
190 lotr: tile.oreNaurite 0 Naurite Ore
191 lotr: tile.oreMorgulIron 0 Morgul Iron Ore
1 Morgul Iron Ore (Mordor)
192 lotr: tile.morgulCraftingTable 0
193 lotr: tile.chandelier 0
194 lotr: tile.pipeweedPlant 0
195 lotr: tile.pipeweed 0-1 First-stage Pipeweed
2-3 Second-Stage Pipeweed
4-6 Third-Stage Pipeweed
7 Fully Grown Pipeweed
196 lotr: tile.slabSingle 0 Mordor Rock Slab
1 Mordor Brick Slab
2 Gondor Rock Slab
3 Gondor Brick Slab
4 Mossy Gondor Brick Slab
5 Cracked Gondor Brick Slab
6 Rohan Brick Slab
7 Dwarven Brick Slab
197 lotr: tile.slabDouble 0-7 (same as above)
198 lotr: tile.stairsMordorBrick 0
199 lotr: tile.stairsGondorBrick 0
200 lotr: tile.wallStone 0 Mordor Rock Wall
1 Mordor Brick Wall
2 Gondor Rock Wall
3 Gondor Brick Wall
4 Mossy Gondor Brick Wall
5 Cracked Gondor Brick Wall
6 Rohan Brick Wall
7 Dwarven Brick Wall
8 Rohan Rock Wall
9 Cracked Mordor Brick Wall
10 LOTHLORIEN Brick Wall
11 Mossy LOTHLORIEN Brick Wall
12 Cracked LOTHLORIEN Brick Wall
13 Sarlluin Wall
14 Sarlluin Brick Wall
15 Near Harad Brick Wall
201 lotr: tile.barrel 0
202 lotr: tile.lettuce 0-1 First-Stage Lettuce
2-3 Second-Stage Lettuce
4-6 Third-Stage Lettuce
7 Fully Grown Lettuce
203 lotr: tile.orcBomb 0 Orc Bomb
1 Orc Bomb Double Strength
2 Orc Bomb Triple Strength
8 Orc Bomb Fire
9 Orc Bomb Double Strength Fire
10 Orc Bomb Triple Strength Fire
204 lotr: tile.orcTorch 0 Orc Torch (bottom)
1 Orc Torch (top)
205 lotr: tile.elanor 0
206 lotr: tile.niphredil 0
207 lotr: tile.stairsMallorn 0
208 lotr: tile.elvenCraftingTable 0
209 lotr: tile.mobSpawner 0
210 lotr: tile.mallornLadder 0
211 lotr: tile.plate 0
212 lotr: tile.orcSteelBars 0
213 lotr: tile.stairsGondorBrickMossy 0
214 lotr: tile.stairsGondorBrickCracked 0
215 lotr: tile.athelas 0
216 lotr: tile.stalactite 0 Stalactite
1 Stalacmite
217 lotr: tile.stairsRohanBrick 0
218 lotr: tile.oreQuendite 0 Edhelvir Ore (was Edhelmir Ore before v35)
219 lotr: tile.mallornTorch 0
220 lotr: tile.spawnerChest 0
221 lotr: tile.quenditeGrass 0
222 lotr: tile.pressurePlateMordorRock 0
223 lotr: tile.pressurePlateGondorRock 0
224 lotr: tile.buttonMordorRock * Mordor Rock Button
225 lotr: tile.buttonGondorRock * Gondor Rock Button
226 lotr: tile.elvenPortal 0
227 lotr: tile.flowerPot 0
228 lotr: tile.stairsDwarvenBrick 0
229 lotr: tile.elvenBed 0
230 lotr: tile.pillar 0 Dwarven Pillar
2 Cracked LOTHLORIEN Pillar
3 Sarlluin Pillar
4 Sarngaran Pillar
5 Near Harad Pillar
6 Gondor Pillar
7 Mordor Pillar
8 Rohan Pillar
9 Black Gondor Pillar
10 High Elven Pillar
11 Cracked High Elven Pillar
12 Wood-elven Pillar
13 Cracked Wood-elven Pillar
231 lotr: tile.oreGlowstone 0
232 lotr: tile.fruitWood 0 Apple Wood
1 Pear Wood
2 Cherry Wood
3 Mango Wood
233 lotr: tile.fruitLeaves 0 Apple Leaves
1 Pear Leaves
2 Cherry Leaves
3 Mango Leaves
234 lotr: tile.fruitSapling 0 Apple Sapling
1 Pear Sapling
2 Cherry Sapling
3 Mango Sapling
235 lotr: tile.stairsApple 0
236 lotr: tile.stairsPear 0
237 lotr: tile.stairsCherry 0
238 lotr: tile.dwarvenCraftingTable 0
239 lotr: tile.bluebell 0
240 lotr: tile.dwarvenForge 0
241 lotr: tile.hearth 0 Hearth Block
242 lotr: tile.morgulShroom 0
243 lotr: tile.urukCraftingTable 0
244 lotr: tile.cherryPie 0
245 lotr: tile.clover 0 Clover
1 Four-leaf Clover
246 lotr: tile.slabSingle2 0 Dwarven Pillar Slab
1 Rohan Rock Slab
2 Cracked Mordor Brick Slab
4 Mossy LOTHLORIEN Brick Slab
5 Cracked LOTHLORIEN Brick Slab
6 LOTHLORIEN Pillar Slab
7 Cracked LOTHLORIEN Pillar Slab
247 lotr: tile.slabDouble2 0-7 (same as above)
248 lotr: tile.stairsMirkOak 0
249 lotr: tile.webUngoliant 0
250 lotr: tile.woodElvenCraftingTable 0
251 lotr: tile.woodElvenBed 0
252 lotr: tile.gondorianCraftingTable 0
253 lotr: tile.woodElvenTorch 0
254 lotr: tile.marshLights 0
255 lotr: tile.rohirricCraftingTable 0
409 lotr: tile.pressurePlateRohanRock 0
410 lotr: tile.remains 0
411 lotr: tile.deadMarshPlant 0
412 lotr: tile.oreGulduril 0 Gulduril Ore
1 Gulduril Ore (Mordor)
413 lotr: tile.guldurilBrick 0 Gulduril Mordor Brick
1 Gulduril Cracked Mordor Brick
2 Gulduril Angmar Brick
3 Gulduril Cracked Angmar Brick
4 Gulduril Dol Guldur Brick
5 Gulduril Cracked Dol Guldur Brick
414 lotr: tile.dwarvenDoor 0
415 lotr: tile.stairsCharred 0
416 lotr: tile.dwarvenBed 0
423 lotr: tile.morgulPortal 0
424 lotr: tile.armorStand 0
425 lotr: tile.buttonRohanRock * Rohan Rock Button
426 lotr: tile.asphodel 0
427 lotr: tile.wood2 0 Lebethron Wood
1 Beech Wood
2 Holly Wood
3 Banana Wood
428 lotr: tile.leaves2 0 Lebethron Leaves
1 Beech Leaves
2 Holly Leaves
3 Banana Leaves
429 lotr: tile.sapling2 0 Lebethron Sapling
1 Beech Sapling
2 Holly Sapling
3 Banana Sapling
430 lotr: tile.stairsLebethron 0
431 lotr: tile.woodSlabSingle2 0 Lebethron Wood Slab
1 Beech Wood Slab
2 Holly Wood Slab
3 Banana Wood Slab
4 Maple Wood Slab
5 Larch Wood Slab
6 Date Palm Wood Slab
7 Mangrove Wood Slab
432 lotr: tile.woodSlabDouble2 0-7 (same as above)
433 lotr: tile.DURINS_FOLKHerb 0
434 lotr: tile.mug 0
435 lotr: tile.dunlendingCraftingTable 0
436 lotr: tile.stairsBeech 0
437 lotr: tile.entJar 0
438 lotr: tile.mordorThorn 0
439 lotr: tile.mordorMoss 0
440 lotr: tile.stairsMordorBrickCracked 0
441 lotr: tile.orcForge 0
442 lotr: tile.trollTotem 0
443 lotr: tile.orcBed 0
444 lotr: tile.stairsElvenBrick 0
445 lotr: tile.stairsElvenBrickMossy 0
446 lotr: tile.stairsElvenBrickCracked 0
447 lotr: tile.stairsHolly 0
448 lotr: tile.pressurePlateBlueRock 0
449 lotr: tile.buttonBlueRock * Sarlluin Button
450 lotr: tile.slabSingle3 0 Sarlluin Slab
1 Sarlluin Brick Slab
2 Sarlluin Pillar Slab
3 Angmar Brick Slab
4 Cracked Angmar Brick Slab
5 Sarngaran Slab
6 Sarngaran Brick Slab
7 Sarngaran Pillar Slab
451 lotr: tile.slabDouble3 0-7 (same as above)
452 lotr: tile.stairsBlueRockBrick 0
453 lotr: tile.fence 0 Shire Pine Wood Fence
1 Mallorn Wood Fence
2 Mirk-oak Wood Fence
3 Charred Wood Fence
4 Apple Wood Fence
5 Pear Wood Fence
6 Cherry Wood Fence
7 Mango Wood Fence
8 Lebethron Wood Fence
9 Beech Wood Fence
10 Holly Wood Fence
11 Banana Wood Fence
12 Maple Wood Fence
13 Larch Wood Fence
14 Date Palm Wood Fence
15 Mangrove Wood Fence
454 lotr: tile.doubleFlower 1 Yellow Iris (lower part)
2 Hibiscus (lower part)
3 Flame of Harad (lower part)
8 (higher part for the 3 double flowers)
455 lotr: tile.oreSulfur 0
456 lotr: tile.oreSaltpeter 0
457 lotr: tile.quagmire 0
458 lotr: tile.angmarCraftingTable 0
459 lotr: tile.brick2 0 Angmar Brick
1 Cracked Angmar Brick
2 Sarngaran Brick
3 Arnor Brick
4 Mossy Arnor Brick
5 Cracked Arnor Brick
6 Carved Arnor Brick
7 Uruk Brick
8 Dol Guldur Brick
9 Cracked Dol Guldur Brick
10 Carved Mordor Brick
11 Black Gondor Brick
12 Carved Dwarven Brick
13 Carved High Elven Brick
14 Carved Wood-elven Brick
15 Carved LOTHLORIEN Brick
460 lotr: tile.wallStone2 0 Angmar Brick Wall
1 Cracked Angmar Brick Wall
2 Sarngaran Wall
3 Sarngaran Brick Wall
4 Arnor Brick Wall
5 Mossy Arnor Brick Wall
6 Cracked Arnor Brick Wall
7 Uruk Brick Wall
8 Dol Guldur Brick Wall
9 Cracked Dol Guldur Brick Wall
10 Black Gondor Brick Wall
11 High Elven Brick Wall
12 Mossy High Elven Brick Wall
13 Cracked High Elven Brick Wall
14 Dol Amroth Brick Wall
15 MORWAITH Brick Wall
461 lotr: tile.stairsAngmarBrick 0
462 lotr: tile.stairsAngmarBrickCracked 0
463 lotr: tile.stairsMango 0
464 lotr: tile.stairsBanana 0
465 lotr: tile.banana 0
466 lotr: tile.bananaCake 0
467 lotr: tile.lionBed 0
468 lotr: tile.wood3 0 Maple Wood
1 Larch Wood
2 Date Palm Wood
3 Mangrove Wood
469 lotr: tile.leaves3 0 Maple Leaves
1 Larch Leaves
2 Date Palm Leaves
3 Mangrove Leaves
470 lotr: tile.sapling3 0 Maple Sapling
1 Larch Sapling
2 Date Palm Sapling
3 Mangrove Sapling
471 lotr: tile.stairsMaple 0
472 lotr: tile.stairsLarch 0
473 lotr: tile.nearHaradCraftingTable 0
474 lotr: tile.highElvenCraftingTable 0
475 lotr: tile.highElvenTorch 0
476 lotr: tile.highElvenBed 0
477 lotr: tile.pressurePlateRedRock 0
478 lotr: tile.buttonRedRock * Sarngaran Button
479 lotr: tile.stairsRedRockBrick 0
480 lotr: tile.slabSingle4 0 Near Harad Brick Slab
1 Arnor Brick Slab
2 Mossy Arnor Brick Slab
3 Cracked Arnor Brick Slab
4 Uruk Brick Slab
5 Dol Guldur Brick Slab
6 Cracked Dol Guldur Brick Slab
7 Near Harad Pillar Slab
481 lotr: tile.slabDouble4 0-7 (same as above)
482 lotr: tile.stairsNearHaradBrick 0
483 lotr: tile.stairsDatePalm 0
484 lotr: tile.date 0
485 lotr: tile.blueDwarvenCraftingTable 0
486 lotr: tile.goran 0
487 lotr: tile.thatch 0
488 lotr: tile.slabSingleThatch 0 Thatch Slab
489 lotr: tile.slabDoubleThatch 0 (same as above)
490 lotr: tile.stairsThatch 0
491 lotr: tile.fangornPlant 0 Tears of Yavanna
1 Fangorn’s Beard
2 Huorn Leaf
3 Elfsong
4 Sunfruit
5 Moonflower
492 lotr: tile.fangornRiverweed 0 Riverweed
493 lotr: tile.morgulTorch 0
494 lotr: tile.rangerCraftingTable 0
495 lotr: tile.stairsArnorBrick 0
496 lotr: tile.stairsArnorBrickMossy 0
497 lotr: tile.stairsArnorBrickCracked 0
498 lotr: tile.stairsUrukBrick 0
499 lotr: tile.strawBed 0
500 lotr: tile.stairsDolGuldurBrick 0
501 lotr: tile.stairsDolGuldurBrickCracked 0
502 lotr: tile.dolGuldurCraftingTable 0
503 lotr: tile.fallenLeaves 0
504 lotr: tile.fallenLeavesLOTR 0
505 lotr: tile.gundabadCraftingTable 0
506 lotr: tile.thatchFloor 0 Thatch Flooring
507 lotr: tile.dalishPastry 0
508 lotr: tile.aridGrass 0
509 lotr: tile.termiteMound 0
510 lotr: tile.utumnoBrick 0 Fire Utumno Brick
1 Burning Utumno Brick
2 Ice Utumno Brick
3 Glowing Ice Utumno Brick
4 Obsidian Utumno Brick
5 Fiery Obsidian Utumno Brick
511 lotr: tile.utumnoPortal 0
512 lotr: tile.utumnoPillar 0 Fire Utumno Pillar
1 Ice Utumno Pillar
2 Obsidian Utumno Pillar
513 lotr: tile.slabSingle5 0 Gondor Pillar Slab
1 Mordor Pillar Slab
2 Rohan Pillar Slab
3 Black Gondor Brick Slab
4 Black Gondor Pillar Slab
5 High Elven Brick Slab
6 Mossy High Elven Brick Slab
7 Cracked High Elven Brick Slab
514 lotr: tile.slabDouble5 0-7 (same as above)
515 lotr: tile.stairsMangrove 0
516 lotr: tile.tallGrass 0 Short Grass
1 Flowery Grass
2 Wheatgrass
3 Thistle
517 lotr: tile.haradFlower 0 Red Sand Gem
1 Yellow Sand Gem
2 Harad Daisy
3 Southbells
518 lotr: tile.flaxPlant 0
519 lotr: tile.flax 0-1 First-Stage Flax
2-3 Second-Stage Flax
4-6 Third-Stage Flax
7 Fully Grown Flax
520 lotr: tile.berryBush 0 Blueberry Bush (bare)
1 Blackberry Bush (bare)
2 Raspberry Bush (bare)
3 Cranberry Bush (bare)
4 Elderberry Bush (bare)
8 Blueberry Bush
9 Blackberry Bush
10 Raspberry Bush
11 Cranberry Bush
12 Elderberry Bush
521 lotr: tile.planks2 0 Chestnut Wood Planks
1 Baobab Wood Planks
2 Cedar Wood Planks
3 Fir Wood Planks
4 Pine Wood Planks
522 lotr: tile.fence2 0 Chestnut Wood Fence
1 Baobab Wood Fence
2 Cedar Wood Fence
3 Fir Wood Fence
4 Pine Wood Fence
523 lotr: tile.woodSlabSingle3 0 Chestnut Wood Slab
1 Baobab Wood Slab
2 Cedar Wood Slab
3 Fir Wood Slab
4 Pine Wood Slab
524 lotr: tile.woodSlabDouble3 0-4 (same as above)
525 lotr: tile.wood4 0 Chestnut Wood
1 Baobab Wood
2 Cedar Wood
3 Fir Wood
526 lotr: tile.leaves4 0 Chestnut Leaves
1 Baobab Leaves
2 Cedar Leaves
3 Fir Leaves
527 lotr: tile.sapling4 0 Chestnut Sapling
1 Baobab Sapling
2 Cedar Sapling
3 Fir Sapling
528 lotr: tile.stairsChestnut 0
529 lotr: tile.stairsBaobab 0
530 lotr: tile.fallenLeavesLOTR2 0
531 lotr: tile.stairsCedar 0
532 lotr: tile.rottenLog 0
533 lotr: tile.oreStorage2 0 Block of Black Uruk Steel
1 Block of Elven Steel
534 lotr: tile.mordorGrass 0
535 lotr: tile.mordorDirt 0
536 lotr: tile.mordorGravel 0
537 lotr: tile.utumnoReturnPortal 0
538 lotr: tile.utumnoReturnLight 0
539 lotr: tile.utumnoReturnPortalBase 0
540 lotr: tile.commandTable 0
541 lotr: tile.halfTrollCraftingTable 0
542 lotr: tile.butterflyJar 0
543 lotr: tile.berryPie 0
544 lotr: tile.stairsBlackGondorBrick 0
545 lotr: tile.brick3 0 Carved Sarlluin Brick
1 Carved Sarngaran Brick
2 High Elven Brick
3 Mossy High Elven Brick
4 Cracked High Elven Brick
5 Wood-elven Brick
6 Mossy Wood-elven Brick
7 Cracked Wood-elven Brick
8 Carved Near Harad Brick
9 Dol Amroth Brick
11 Cracked near Harad Brick
12 Glowing Dwarven Brick
546 lotr: tile.wallStone3 0 Wood-elven Brick Wall
1 Mossy Wood-elven Brick Wall
2 Cracked Wood-elven Brick Wall
3 Cracked Near Harad Brick Wall
547 lotr: tile.slabSingle6 0 High Elven Pillar Slab
1 Cracked High Elven Pillar Slab
2 Wood-elven Brick Slab
3 Mossy Wood-elven Brick Slab
4 Cracked Wood-elven Brick Slab
5 Wood-elven Pillar Slab
6 Cracked Wood-elven Pillar Slab
7 Dol Amroth Brick Slab
548 lotr: tile.slabDouble6 0-7 (same as above)
549 lotr: tile.stairsHighElvenBrick 0
550 lotr: tile.stairsHighElvenBrickMossy 0
551 lotr: tile.stairsHighElvenBrickCracked 0
552 lotr: tile.stairsWoodElvenBrick 0
553 lotr: tile.stairsWoodElvenBrickMossy 0
554 lotr: tile.stairsWoodElvenBrickCracked 0
555 lotr: tile.elvenForge 0
556 lotr: tile.dolAmrothCraftingTable 0
557 lotr: tile.stairsDolAmrothBrick 0
558 lotr: tile.stairsFir 0
559 lotr: tile.wood5 0 Pine Wood
560 lotr: tile.leaves5 0 Pine Leaves
561 lotr: tile.sapling5 0 Pine Sapling
562 lotr: tile.stairsPinePine 0
563 lotr: tile.MORWAITHCraftingTable 0
564 lotr: tile.slabSingle7 0 MORWAITH Brick Slab
1 Cracked Near Harad Brick Slab
565 lotr: tile.slabDouble7 0-1 (same as above)
566 lotr: tile.stairsMORWAITHBrick 0
567 lotr: tile.stairsNearHaradBrickCracked 0
568 lotr: tile.unsmeltery 0
569 lotr: tile.bronzeBars 0
570 lotr: tile.goldBars 0
571 lotr: tile.silverBars 0
572 lotr: tile.mithrilBars 0
573 lotr: tile.urukBars 0
574 lotr: tile.highElfBars 0
575 lotr: tile.LOTHLORIENBars 0
576 lotr: tile.woodElfBars 0
577 lotr: tile.DURINS_FOLKBars 0
578 lotr: tile.BlueDwarfBars 0
579 lotr: tile.highElfWoodBars 0
580 lotr: tile.LOTHLORIENWoodBars 0
581 lotr: tile.woodElfWoodBars 0
582 lotr: tile.corruptMallorn 0
583 lotr: tile.planksRotten 0 Rotten Planks
584 lotr: tile.stairsRotten * Rotten Wood Stairs
585 lotr: tile.rottenSlabSingle 0 Rotten Wood Slab
586 lotr: tile.rottenSlabDouble 0 Rotten Wood Slab (double)
587 lotr: tile.fenceRotten 0 Rotten Wood Fence
588 lotr: tile.scorchedStone 0 Scorched Stone
589 lotr: tile.scorchedSlabSingle 0 Scorched Stone Slab
590 lotr: tile.scorchedSlabDouble 0 Scorched Stone Slab (double)
591 lotr: tile.stairsScorchedStone * Scorched Stone Stairs
592 lotr: tile.scorchedWall 0 Scorched Stone Wall
593 lotr: tile.stairsLemon * Lemon Wood Stairs
594 lotr: tile.lemonCake 0
595 lotr: tile.stairsOrange * Orange Wood Stairs
596 lotr: tile.alloyForge 0 Alloy Forge
597 lotr: tile.stairsLime * Lime Wood Stairs
598 lotr: tile.TAURETHRIMCraftingTable 0 TAURETHRIM Crafting Table
599 lotr: tile.brick4 0 TAURETHRIM Brick
1 Mossy TAURETHRIM Brick
2 Cracked TAURETHRIM Brick
3 Golden TAURETHRIM Brick
4 Obsidian TAURETHRIM Brick
5 Cracked Dwarven Brick
600 lotr: tile.wallStone4 0 TAURETHRIM Brick Wall
1 Mossy TAURETHRIM Brick Wall
2 Cracked TAURETHRIM Brick Wall
3 Golden TAURETHRIM Brick Wall
4 Obsidian TAURETHRIM Brick Wall
5 Cracked Dwarven Brick Wall
601 lotr: tile.slabSingle8 0 TAURETHRIM Brick Slab
1 Mossy TAURETHRIM Brick Slab
2 Cracked TAURETHRIM Brick Slab
3 Golden TAURETHRIM Brick Slab
4 Obsidian TAURETHRIM Brick Slab
5 Cracked Dwarven Brick Slab
602 lotr: tile.slabDouble8 0-5 (same as above)
603 lotr: tile.stairsTAURETHRIMBrick * TAURETHRIM Brick Stairs
604 lotr: tile.stairsTAURETHRIMBrickMossy * Mossy TAURETHRIM Brick Stairs
605 lotr: tile.stairsTAURETHRIMBrickCracked * Cracked TAURETHRIM Brick Stairs
606 lotr: tile.stairsTAURETHRIMBrickGold * Golden TAURETHRIM Brick Stairs
607 lotr: tile.stairsTAURETHRIMBrickObsidian * Obsidian TAURETHRIM Brick Stairs
608 lotr: tile.obsidianGravel 0 Obsidian Gravel
609 lotr: tile.TAURETHRIMDartTrap 0 TAURETHRIM Dart Trap
610 lotr: tile.wood6 0 Mahogany Wood
611 lotr: tile.leaves6 0 Mahogany Leaves
612 lotr: tile.sapling6 0 Mahogany Sapling
613 lotr: tile.woodSlabSingle4 0 Mahogany Wood Slab
614 lotr: tile.woodSlabDouble4 0 Mahogany Wood Slab (double)
615 lotr: tile.stairsMahogany * Mahogany Wood Stairs
616 lotr: tile.mud 0 Jungle Mud
1 Barren Jungle Mud (v35 add-on)
617 lotr: tile.mudGrass 0 Jungle Grass
618 lotr: tile.chestStone 0 Stone Chest
619 lotr: tile.spawnerChestStone 0 Spawner Stone Chest
620 lotr: tile.mudFarmland 0 Jungle Mud Farmland
621 lotr: tile.stairsNearHaradBrickRed * Red Near Harad Brick Stairs
622 lotr: tile.stairsNearHaradBrickRedCracked * Cracked Red Near Harad Brick Stairs
623 lotr: tile.redSandstone 0 Red Sandstone
624 lotr: tile.stairsRedSandstone * Red Sandstone Stairs
625 lotr: tile.stairsDwarvenBrickCracked * Cracked Dwarven Brick Stairs
626 lotr: tile.pillar2 0 Cracked Dwarven Pillar
13 Arnor Pillar (v35 add-on)
14 Cracked Arnor Pillar (v35 add-on)
627 lotr: tile.hithlainLadder 0 Hithlain Ladder
628 lotr: tile.reeds 0 Reeds
629 lotr: tile.stairsReed * Reed Stairs
630 lotr: tile.TAURETHRIMDoubleTorch 0
631 lotr: tile.woodBeamV1 0 Oak Wood Beam
1 Spruce Wood Beam
2 Birch Wood Beam
3 Jungle Wood Beam
632 lotr: tile.reedBars 0 Reed Bars
633 lotr: tile.woodBeamV2 0 Acacia Wood Beam
1 Dark Oak Wood Beam
634 lotr: tile.woodBeam1 0 Shire Pine Wood Beam
1 Mallorn Wood Beam
2 Mirk-oak Wood Beam
3 Charred Wood Beam
635 lotr: tile.TAURETHRIMDartTrapGold 0
636 lotr: tile.weaponRack 0 Weapon Rack
637 lotr: tile.cornStalk 0 Corn Stalks
638 lotr: tile.wasteBlock 0 Waste Block
639 lotr: tile.stairsDwarvenBrickObsidian 0 Obsidian Dwarven Brick Stairs
640 lotr: tile.dirtPath 0 Dirt Path
1 Jungle Mud Path (v35 add-on)
641 lotr: tile.stairsWillow 0 Willow Wood Stairs
642 lotr: tile.willowVines 0 Willow Vines
643 lotr: tile.woodBeam2 0 Lebethron Wood Beam
1 Beech Wood Beam
2 Holly Wood Beam
3 Banana Wood Beam
644 lotr: tile.woodBeamFruit 0 Apple Wood Beam
1 Pear Wood Beam
2 Cherry Wood Beam
3 Mango Wood Beam
645 lotr: tile.woodBeam3 0 Maple Wood Beam
1 Larch Wood Beam
2 Date Palm Wood Beam
3 Mangrove Wood Beam
646 lotr: tile.woodBeam4 0 Chestnut Wood Beam
1 Baobab Wood Beam
2 Cedar Wood Beam
3 Fir Wood Beam
647 lotr: tile.woodBeam5 0 Pine Wood Beam
1 Lemon Wood Beam
2 Orange Wood Beam
3 Lime Wood Beam
648 lotr: tile.woodBeam6 0 Mahogany Wood Beam
1 Willow Wood Beam
649 lotr: tile.woodBeamRotten 0 Rotten Wood Beam
650 lotr: tile.gateWooden 0
651 lotr: tile.gateIronBars 0
652 lotr: tile.gateBronzeBars 0
653 lotr: tile.gateWoodenCross 0
654 lotr: tile.gateOrc 0
655 lotr: tile.stairsChalkBrick 0
656 lotr: tile.slabSingle9 0
657 lotr: tile.slabDouble9 0
658 lotr: tile.gateElven 0
659 lotr: tile.gateDwarven 0
660 lotr: tile.gateGondor 0
661 lotr: tile.pressurePlateChalk 0
662 lotr: tile.buttonChalk 0
663 lotr: tile.wallStoneV 0
664 lotr: tile.stairsStoneBrickMossy 0
665 lotr: tile.stairsStoneBrickCracked 0
666 lotr: tile.slabSingleV 0
667 lotr: tile.slabDoubleV 0
668 lotr: tile.stairsStone 0
669 lotr: tile.stairsMordorRock 0
670 lotr: tile.stairsGondorRock 0
671 lotr: tile.stairsRohanRock 0
672 lotr: tile.stairsBlueRock 0
673 lotr: tile.stairsRedRock 0
674 lotr: tile.stairsChalk 0
675 lotr: tile.gateHighElven 0
676 lotr: tile.gateWoodElven 0
677 lotr: tile.gateNearHarad 0
678 lotr: tile.clayTile 0
679 lotr: tile.clayTileDyed 0
680 lotr: tile.slabClayTileSingle 0
681 lotr: tile.slabClayTileDouble 0
682 lotr: tile.slabClayTileDyedSingle 0
683 lotr: tile.slabClayTileDyedDouble 0
684 lotr: tile.slabClayTileDyedSingle2 0
685 lotr: tile.slabClayTileDyedDouble2 0
686 lotr: tile.stairsClayTile 0
687 lotr: tile.stairsClayTileDyedWhite 0
688 lotr: tile.stairsClayTileDyedOrange 0
689 lotr: tile.stairsClayTileDyedMagenta 0
690 lotr: tile.stairsClayTileDyedLightBlue 0
691 lotr: tile.stairsClayTileDyedYellow 0
692 lotr: tile.stairsClayTileDyedLime 0
693 lotr: tile.stairsClayTileDyedPink 0
694 lotr: tile.stairsClayTileDyedGray 0
695 lotr: tile.stairsClayTileDyedLightGray 0
696 lotr: tile.stairsClayTileDyedCyan 0
697 lotr: tile.stairsClayTileDyedPurple 0
698 lotr: tile.stairsClayTileDyedBlue 0
699 lotr: tile.stairsClayTileDyedBrown 0
700 lotr: tile.stairsClayTileDyedGreen 0
701 lotr: tile.stairsClayTileDyedRed 0
702 lotr: tile.stairsClayTileDyedBlack 0
703 lotr: tile.wargFurBed 0
704 lotr: tile.slabUtumnoSingle 0
705 lotr: tile.slabUtumnoDouble 0
706 lotr: tile.stairsUtumnoBrickFire 0
707 lotr: tile.stairsUtumnoBrickIce 0
708 lotr: tile.stairsUtumnoBrickObsidian 0
709 lotr: tile.wallUtumno 0
710 lotr: tile.kebabStand 0 Kebab Stand
711 lotr: tile.kebabStandSand 0 Sandstone Kebab Stand
712 lotr: tile.gateTAURETHRIM 0
713 lotr: tile.gateDolAmroth 0
714 lotr: tile.gateUruk 0
715 lotr: tile.gateSilver 0
716 lotr: tile.gateGold 0
717 lotr: tile.gateMithril 0
718 lotr: tile.brick5 0
719 lotr: tile.stairsMudBrick 0
720 lotr: tile.leek 0
721 lotr: tile.turnip 0
722 lotr: tile.stairsDaleBrick 0
723 lotr: tile.stairsDorwinionBrick 0
724 lotr: tile.daleCraftingTable 0 Dalish Crafting Table
725 lotr: tile.dorwinionCraftingTable 0 Dorwinion Crafting Table
726 lotr: tile.stairsCypress 0
727 lotr: tile.stairsOlive 0
728 lotr: tile.slabSingle10 0
729 lotr: tile.slabDouble10 0
730 lotr: tile.hobbitCraftingTable 0 Hobbit Crafting Table
731 lotr: tile.gateHobbitGreen 0
732 lotr: tile.gateHobbitBlue 0
733 lotr: tile.gateHobbitRed 0
734 lotr: tile.gateHobbitYellow 0
735 lotr: tile.driedReeds 0
736 lotr: tile.redBrick 0
737 lotr: tile.stairsBrickMossy 0
738 lotr: tile.stairsBrickCracked 0
739 lotr: tile.grapevine 0
740 lotr: tile.grapevineRed 0
741 lotr: tile.grapevineWhite 0
742 lotr: tile.stairsDorwinionBrickMossy 0
743 lotr: tile.stairsDorwinionBrickCracked 0
744 lotr: tile.stairsDorwinionBrickFlowers 0
745 lotr: tile.wood7 0
746 lotr: tile.leaves7 0
747 lotr: tile.sapling7 0
748 lotr: tile.woodBeam7 0
749 lotr: tile.stairsAspen 0
750 lotr: tile.mirkVines 0
751 lotr: tile.stairsGreenOak 0
752 lotr: tile.stairsLairelosse 0
753 lotr: tile.stairsAlmond 0
754 lotr: tile.slabSingleDirt 0
4 Jungle Mud Path Slab (v35 add-on)
755 lotr: tile.slabDoubleDirt 0
756 lotr: tile.slabSingleSand 0
757 lotr: tile.slabDoubleSand 0
758 lotr: tile.slabSingleGravel 0
759 lotr: tile.slabDoubleGravel 0
760 lotr: tile.morgulFlower 0
761 lotr: tile.blackroot 0
762 lotr: tile.wood8 0
763 lotr: tile.leaves8 0
764 lotr: tile.sapling8 0
765 lotr: tile.planks3 0
5 Kanuka Wood Planks (v35 add-on)
766 lotr: tile.fence3 0
5 Kanuka Fence (v35 add-on)
767 lotr: tile.woodSlabSingle5 0
767 lotr: tile.woodSlabSingle5 0
5 Kanuka Wood Slab (v35 add-on)
769 lotr: tile.woodBeam8 0
770 lotr: tile.stairsPlum 0
771 lotr: tile.fallenLeavesLOTR3 0
772 lotr: tile.stairsGondorBrickRustic 0
773 lotr: tile.stairsGondorBrickRusticMossy 0
774 lotr: tile.stairsGondorBrickRusticCracked 0
775 lotr: tile.slabSingle11 0
776 lotr: tile.slabDouble11 0
777 lotr: tile.whiteSand 0
778 lotr: tile.whiteSandstone 0
779 lotr: tile.stairsWhiteSandstone 0
780 lotr: tile.treasureCopper 0-x Copper Treasure Pile (datavalue gives the number of layers, unlimited to 8!)
781 lotr: tile.treasureSilver 0-x Silver Treasure Pile (same comment)
782 lotr: tile.treasureGold 0-x Gold Treasure Pile (same comment)
783 lotr: tile.chestLebethron 0 Lebethron Casket
784 lotr: tile.chestBasket 0 Reed Basket
785 lotr: tile.marigold 0
786 lotr: tile.rhunFlower 0
787 lotr: tile.chestMallorn 0 Mallorn Box
788 lotr: tile.stairsCobblestoneMossy 0
789 lotr: tile.marzipanBlock 0
790 lotr: tile.mallornTorchBlue 0
791 lotr: tile.mallornTorchGold 0
792 lotr: tile.mallornTorchGreen 0
793 lotr: tile.wallClayTile 0
794 lotr: tile.wallClayTileDyed 0
795 lotr: tile.ceramicMug 0
796 lotr: tile.gobletGold 0
797 lotr: tile.gobletSilver 0
798 lotr: tile.gobletCopper 0
799 lotr: tile.gobletWood 0
800 lotr: tile.skullCup 0
801 lotr: tile.wineGlass 0
802 lotr: tile.glassBottle 0
803 lotr: tile.aleHorn 0
804 lotr: tile.aleHornGold 0
805 lotr: tile.woodBeamS 0
806 lotr: tile.birdCage 0 Bronze Bird Cage
1 Iron Bird Cage
2 Silver Bird Cage
4 Golden Bird Cage
807 lotr: tile.birdCageWood 0 Wooden Bird Cage
808 lotr: tile.gateRohan 0
809 lotr: tile.signCarved 0
810 lotr: tile.signCarvedIthildin 0
811 lotr: tile.dwarvenDoorIthildin 0
812 lotr: tile.smoothStoneV 0
813 lotr: tile.smoothStone 0
814 lotr: tile.slabSingle12 0
7 Snowy Angmar Brick Slab (v35 add-on)
815 lotr: tile.slabDouble12 0
816 lotr: tile.stairsRhunBrick 0
817 lotr: tile.stairsRhunBrickMossy 0
818 lotr: tile.stairsRhunBrickCracked 0
819 lotr: tile.stairsRhunBrickFlowers 0
820 lotr: tile.brick6 0
10 Snowy Angmar Brick (v35 add-on)
821 lotr: tile.rhunCraftingTable 0
822 lotr: tile.stairsRhunBrickRed 0
823 lotr: tile.stairsRedWood 0
824 lotr: tile.rhunFire 0
825 lotr: tile.rhunFireJar 0
826 lotr: tile.daub 0
827 lotr: tile.gateRhun 0
828 lotr: tile.yam 0
829 lotr: tile.kebabBlock 0
830 lotr: tile.stairsPomegranate 0
831 lotr: tile.oreSalt 0
832 lotr: tile.rivendellCraftingTable 0
833 lotr: tile.fenceGateSpruce 0
834 lotr: tile.fenceGateBirch 0
835 lotr: tile.fenceGateJungle 0
836 lotr: tile.fenceGateAcacia 0
837 lotr: tile.fenceGateDarkOak 0
838 lotr: tile.fenceGateShirePine 0
839 lotr: tile.fenceGateMallorn 0
840 lotr: tile.fenceGateMirkOak 0
841 lotr: tile.fenceGateCharred 0
842 lotr: tile.fenceGateApple 0
843 lotr: tile.fenceGatePear 0
844 lotr: tile.fenceGateCherry 0
845 lotr: tile.fenceGateMango 0
846 lotr: tile.fenceGateLebethron 0
847 lotr: tile.fenceGateBeech 0
848 lotr: tile.fenceGateHolly 0
849 lotr: tile.fenceGateBanana 0
850 lotr: tile.fenceGateMaple 0
851 lotr: tile.fenceGateLarch 0
852 lotr: tile.fenceGateDatePalm 0
853 lotr: tile.fenceGateMangrove 0
854 lotr: tile.fenceGateChestnut 0
855 lotr: tile.fenceGateBaobab 0
856 lotr: tile.fenceGateCedar 0
857 lotr: tile.fenceGateFir 0
858 lotr: tile.fenceGatePine 0
859 lotr: tile.fenceGateLemon 0
860 lotr: tile.fenceGateOrange 0
861 lotr: tile.fenceGateLime 0
862 lotr: tile.fenceGateMahogany 0
863 lotr: tile.fenceGateWillow 0
864 lotr: tile.fenceGateCypress 0
865 lotr: tile.fenceGateOlive 0
866 lotr: tile.fenceGateAspen 0
867 lotr: tile.fenceGateGreenOak 0
868 lotr: tile.fenceGateLairelosse 0
869 lotr: tile.fenceGateAlmond 0
870 lotr: tile.fenceGateRotten 0
871 lotr: tile.fenceGatePlum 0
872 lotr: tile.fenceGateRedWood 0
873 lotr: tile.fenceGatePomegranate 0
874 lotr: tile.stalactiteIce 0
875 lotr: tile.stalactiteObsidian 0
876 lotr: tile.slabUtumnoSingle2 0
877 lotr: tile.slabUtumnoDouble2 0
878 lotr: tile.stairsUtumnoTileIce 0
879 lotr: tile.stairsUtumnoTileObsidian 0
880 lotr: tile.stairsUtumnoTileFire 0
881 lotr: tile.millstone 0
882 lotr: tile.oreGem 0 Topaz Vein
1 Amethyst Vein
2 Sapphire Vein
3 Ruby Vein
4 Amber Vein
5 Diamond Vein
6 Opal Vein
7 Emerald Vein
883 lotr: tile.blockGem 0 Topaz Block
1 Amethyst Block
2 Sapphire Block
3 Ruby Block
4 Amber Block
5 Diamond Block
6 Opal Block
7 Emerald Block
884 lotr: tile.coralReef 0
885 lotr: tile.bookshelfStorage 0
886 lotr: tile.glass 0
887 lotr: tile.glassPane 0
888 lotr: tile.stainedGlass 0
889 lotr: tile.stainedGlassPane 0
890 lotr: tile.rope 0
891 lotr: tile.TAURETHRIMDartTrapObsidian 0
892 lotr: tile.slabSingle13 0
7 Arnor Pillar Slab (v35 add-on)
893 lotr: tile.slabDouble13 0
894 lotr: tile.stairsDaleBrickMossy 0
895 lotr: tile.stairsDaleBrickCracked 0
896 lotr: tile.umbarCraftingTable 0
897 lotr: tile.gulfCraftingTable 0
898 lotr: tile.stairsPalm 0
899 lotr: tile.fenceGatePalm 0
900 lotr: tile.wood9 0
1 Kanuka Wood (v35 add-on)
901 lotr: tile.leaves9 0
1 Kanuka Leaves (v35 add-on)
902 lotr: tile.sapling9 0
1 Kanuka Sapling (v35 add-on)
903 lotr: tile.woodBeam9 0
1 Kanuka Wood Beam (v35 add-on)
904 lotr: tile.stairsDragon 0
905 lotr: tile.fenceGateDragon 0
906 lotr: tile.woodPlate 0
907 lotr: tile.ceramicPlate 0
908 lotr: tile.wallStone5 0
2 Snowy Angmar Brick Wall (v35 add-on)
909 lotr: tile.stairsUmbarBrick 0
910 lotr: tile.stairsUmbarBrickCracked 0
911 lotr: tile.doorSpruce 0
912 lotr: tile.doorBirch 0
913 lotr: tile.doorJungle 0
914 lotr: tile.doorAcacia 0
915 lotr: tile.doorDarkOak 0
916 lotr: tile.doorShirePine 0
917 lotr: tile.doorMallorn 0
918 lotr: tile.doorMirkOak 0
919 lotr: tile.doorCharred 0
920 lotr: tile.doorApple 0
921 lotr: tile.doorPear 0
922 lotr: tile.doorCherry 0
923 lotr: tile.doorMango 0
924 lotr: tile.doorLebethron 0
925 lotr: tile.doorBeech 0
926 lotr: tile.doorHolly 0
927 lotr: tile.doorBanana 0
928 lotr: tile.doorMaple 0
929 lotr: tile.doorLarch 0
930 lotr: tile.doorDatePalm 0
931 lotr: tile.doorMangrove 0
932 lotr: tile.doorChestnut 0
933 lotr: tile.doorBaobab 0
934 lotr: tile.doorCedar 0
935 lotr: tile.doorFir 0
936 lotr: tile.doorPine 0
937 lotr: tile.doorLemon 0
938 lotr: tile.doorOrange 0
939 lotr: tile.doorLime 0
940 lotr: tile.doorMahogany 0
941 lotr: tile.doorWillow 0
942 lotr: tile.doorCypress 0
943 lotr: tile.doorOlive 0
944 lotr: tile.doorAspen 0
945 lotr: tile.doorGreenOak 0
946 lotr: tile.doorLairelosse 0
947 lotr: tile.doorAlmond 0
948 lotr: tile.doorPlum 0
949 lotr: tile.doorRedWood 0
950 lotr: tile.doorPomegranate 0
951 lotr: tile.doorPalm 0
952 lotr: tile.doorDragon 0
953 lotr: tile.doorRotten 0
954 lotr: tile.boneBlock 0
955 lotr: tile.slabBoneSingle 0
956 lotr: tile.slabBoneDouble 0
957 lotr: tile.stairsBone 0
958 lotr: tile.wallBone 0
959 lotr: tile.chestAncientHarad 0
960 lotr: tile.spawnerChestAncientHarad 0
961 lotr: tile.redClay 0
962 lotr: tile.orcChain 0 Orc Chain (v35 add-on)
963 lotr: tile.utumnoBrickEntrance 0 Utumno Entrance Brick (v35 add-on)
964 lotr: tile.stairsAngmarBrickSnow 0 Snowy Angmar Brick Stairs (v35 add-on)
965 lotr: tile.stairsKanuka 0 Kanuka Wood Stairs (v35 add-on)
966 lotr: tile.fenceGateKanuka 0 Kanuka Fence Gate (v35 add-on)
967 lotr: tile.doorKanuka 0 Kanuka Door (v35 add-on)
968 lotr: tile.slabSingle14 0 Cracked Arnor Pillar Slab (v35 add-on)
969 lotr: tile.slabDouble14 0 Cracked Arnor Pillar Slab (v35 add-on)


ID Кодовое имя Суб-ID Английское наименование
4096 lotr: item.goldring 0
4097 lotr: item.pouch 0 Small Pouch
1 Medium Pouch
2 Large Pouch
4098 lotr: item.copper 0
4099 lotr: item.tin 0
4100 lotr: item.bronze 0
4101 lotr: item.silver 0
4102 lotr: item.mithril 0
4103 lotr: item.shovelbronze 0
4104 lotr: item.pickaxebronze 0
4105 lotr: item.axebronze 0
4106 lotr: item.swordbronze 0
4107 lotr: item.hoebronze 0
4108 lotr: item.helmetbronze 0
4109 lotr: item.bodybronze 0
4110 lotr: item.legsbronze 0
4111 lotr: item.bootsbronze 0
4112 lotr: item.silvernugget 0
4113 lotr: item.silverring 0
4114 lotr: item.mithrilnugget 0
4115 lotr: item.mithrilring 0
4116 lotr: item.hobbitpipe 0 Hobbit Pipe with White Smoke
1 Hobbit Pipe with Orange Smoke
2 Hobbit Pipe with magenta Smoke
3 Hobbit Pipe with Light Blue Smoke
4 Hobbit Pipe with Yellow Smoke
5 Hobbit Pipe with Lime Smoke
6 Hobbit Pipe with Pink Smoke
7 Hobbit Pipe with Gray Smoke
8 Hobbit Pipe with Light Gray Smoke
9 Hobbit Pipe with Cyan Smoke
10 Hobbit Pipe with Purple Smoke
11 Hobbit Pipe with Blue Smoke
12 Hobbit Pipe with Brown Smoke
13 Hobbit Pipe with Green Smoke
14 Hobbit Pipe with Red Smoke
15 Hobbit Pipe with Black Smoke
16 Hobbit Pipe with Magic Smoke
4117 lotr: item.pipeweed 0
4118 lotr: item.claymug 0
4119 lotr: item.mug 0
4120 lotr: item.mugwater 0
4121 lotr: item.mugmilk 0
4122 lotr: item.mugale 0
4123 lotr: item.mugchocolate 0
4124 lotr: item.applecrumble 0
4125 lotr: item.mugmiruvor 0
4126 lotr: item.mugorcdraught 0
4127 lotr: item.scimitarorc 0
4128 lotr: item.helmetorc 0
4129 lotr: item.bodyorc 0
4130 lotr: item.legsorc 0
4131 lotr: item.bootsorc 0
4132 lotr: item.orcsteel 0
4133 lotr: item.battleaxeorc 0
4134 lotr: item.lembas 0
4135 lotr: item.naurite 0
4136 lotr: item.daggerorc 0
4137 lotr: item.daggerorcpoisoned 0
4138 lotr: item.sting 0
4139 lotr: item.spawnEgg *
4140 lotr: item.pipeweedleaf 0
4141 lotr: item.pipeweedseeds 0
4142 lotr: item.structurespawner 0 Build
1 Build Hobbit Hole
4143 lotr: item.lettuce 0
4144 lotr: item.shovelmithril 0
4145 lotr: item.pickaxemithril 0
4146 lotr: item.axemithril 0
4147 lotr: item.swordmithril 0
4148 lotr: item.hoemithril 0
4149 lotr: item.orctorch 0
4150 lotr: item.sauronmace 0
4151 lotr: item.gandalfstaffwhite 0
4152 lotr: item.swordgondor 0
4153 lotr: item.helmetgondor 0
4154 lotr: item.bodygondor 0
4155 lotr: item.legsgondor 0
4156 lotr: item.bootsgondor 0
4157 lotr: item.helmetmithril 0
4158 lotr: item.bodymithril 0
4159 lotr: item.legsmithril 0
4160 lotr: item.bootsmithril 0
4161 lotr: item.speargondor 0
4162 lotr: item.spearorc 0
4163 lotr: item.spearbronze 0
4164 lotr: item.speariron 0
4165 lotr: item.spearmithril 0
4166 lotr: item.anduril 0
4167 lotr: item.dye 0 Yellow Dye
1 White Dye
2 Bluebell Blue
3 Clover Green
4 Charcoal Dust
5 Brown Dye
4168 lotr: item.mallornstick 0
4169 lotr: item.shovelmallorn 0
4170 lotr: item.pickaxemallorn 0
4171 lotr: item.axemallorn 0
4172 lotr: item.swordmallorn 0
4173 lotr: item.hoemallorn 0
4174 lotr: item.shovelelven 0
4175 lotr: item.pickaxeelven 0
4176 lotr: item.axeelven 0
4177 lotr: item.swordelven 0
4178 lotr: item.hoeelven 0
4179 lotr: item.spearelven 0
4180 lotr: item.mallornbow 0
4181 lotr: item.helmetelven 0
4182 lotr: item.bodyelven 0
4183 lotr: item.legselven 0
4184 lotr: item.bootselven 0
4185 lotr: item.coin 0 Silver Coin
1 Silver Coin (10)
2 Silver Coin (100)
4186 lotr: item.gammon 0
4187 lotr: item.clayplate 0
4188 lotr: item.plate 0
4189 lotr: item.elvenbow 0
4190 lotr: item.wargfur 0
4191 lotr: item.helmetwarg 0
4192 lotr: item.bodywarg 0
4193 lotr: item.legswarg 0
4194 lotr: item.bootswarg 0
4195 lotr: item.orcbow 0
4196 lotr: item.mugmead 0
4197 lotr: item.wargskinrug 0
4198 lotr: item.quenditecrystal 0 Edhelvir (was Edhelmir before v35)
4199 lotr: item.blacksmithhammer 0
4200 lotr: item.daggergondor 0
4201 lotr: item.daggerelven 0
4202 lotr: item.hobbitring 0
4203 lotr: item.elvenbed 0
4204 lotr: item.wargbone 0
4205 lotr: item.applegreen 0
4206 lotr: item.pear 0
4207 lotr: item.cherry 0
4208 lotr: item.DURINS_FOLKsteel 0
4209 lotr: item.shoveldwarven 0
4210 lotr: item.pickaxedwarven 0
4211 lotr: item.axedwarven 0
4212 lotr: item.sworddwarven 0
4213 lotr: item.hoedwarven 0
4214 lotr: item.daggerdwarven 0
4215 lotr: item.battleaxedwarven 0
4216 lotr: item.hammerdwarven 0
4217 lotr: item.shovelorc 0
4218 lotr: item.pickaxeorc 0
4219 lotr: item.axeorc 0
4220 lotr: item.hoeorc 0
4221 lotr: item.hammerorc 0
4222 lotr: item.helmetdwarven 0
4223 lotr: item.bodydwarven 0
4224 lotr: item.legsdwarven 0
4225 lotr: item.bootsdwarven 0
4226 lotr: item.galvorn 0
4227 lotr: item.helmetgalvorn 0
4228 lotr: item.bodygalvorn 0
4229 lotr: item.legsgalvorn 0
4230 lotr: item.bootsgalvorn 0
4231 lotr: item.daggerbronze 0
4232 lotr: item.daggeriron 0
4233 lotr: item.daggermithril 0
4234 lotr: item.battleaxemithril 0
4235 lotr: item.hammermithril 0
4236 lotr: item.hammergondor 0
4237 lotr: item.orcbone 0
4238 lotr: item.elfbone 0
4239 lotr: item.DURINS_FOLKbone 0
4240 lotr: item.hobbitbone 0
4241 lotr: item.commandhorn 0
4242 lotr: item.throwingaxedwarven 0
4243 lotr: item.uruksteel 0
4244 lotr: item.shoveluruk 0
4245 lotr: item.pickaxeuruk 0
4246 lotr: item.axeuruk 0
4247 lotr: item.scimitaruruk 0
4248 lotr: item.hoeuruk 0
4249 lotr: item.daggeruruk 0
4250 lotr: item.daggerurukpoisoned 0
4251 lotr: item.battleaxeuruk 0
4252 lotr: item.hammeruruk 0
4253 lotr: item.spearuruk 0
4254 lotr: item.helmeturuk 0
4255 lotr: item.bodyuruk 0
4256 lotr: item.legsuruk 0
4257 lotr: item.bootsuruk 0
4258 lotr: item.crossbowbolt 0
4259 lotr: item.urukcrossbow 0
4260 lotr: item.cherrypie 0
4261 lotr: item.trollbone 0
4262 lotr: item.trollstatue 0 Troll Statue #1
1 Troll Statue #2
2 Troll Statue #3
4263 lotr: item.ironcrossbow 0
4264 lotr: item.mithrilcrossbow 0
4265 lotr: item.woodelvenbed 0
4266 lotr: item.helmetwoodelvenscout 0
4267 lotr: item.bodywoodelvenscout 0
4268 lotr: item.legswoodelvenscout 0
4269 lotr: item.bootswoodelvenscout 0
4270 lotr: item.mirkwoodbow 0
4271 lotr: item.mugredwine 0
4272 lotr: item.ancientparts 0 Ancient Sword Tip
1 Ancient Sword Blade
2 Ancient Sword Hilt
3 Ancient Armor Plate
4273 lotr: item.ancient 0 Ancient Sword
1 Ancient Dagger
2 Ancient Helmet
3 Ancient Chestplate
4 Ancient Leggings
5 Ancient Boots
4274 lotr: item.swordrohan 0
4275 lotr: item.daggerrohan 0
4276 lotr: item.spearrohan 0
4277 lotr: item.helmetrohan 0
4278 lotr: item.bodyrohan 0
4279 lotr: item.legsrohan 0
4280 lotr: item.bootsrohan 0
4281 lotr: item.helmetgondorwinged 0
4282 lotr: item.guldurilcrystal 0
4283 lotr: item.mallornnut 0
4284 lotr: item.dwarvenbed 0
4285 lotr: item.mugcider 0
4286 lotr: item.mugperry 0
4287 lotr: item.mugcherryliqueur 0
4288 lotr: item.mugrum 0
4289 lotr: item.mugathelasbrew 0
4290 lotr: item.armorstand 0
4291 lotr: item.pebble 0
4292 lotr: item.sling 0
4293 lotr: item.mysteryweb 0
4294 lotr: item.mugdwarventonic 0
4295 lotr: item.helmetranger 0
4296 lotr: item.bodyranger 0
4297 lotr: item.legsranger 0
4298 lotr: item.bootsranger 0
4299 lotr: item.helmetdunlending 0
4300 lotr: item.bodydunlending 0
4301 lotr: item.legsdunlending 0
4302 lotr: item.bootsdunlending 0
4303 lotr: item.dunlendingclub 0
4304 lotr: item.dunlendingtrident 0
4305 lotr: item.entdraught 0 Green Ent-draught
1 Brown Ent-draught
2 Golden Ent-draught
3 Yellow Ent-draught
4 Red Ent-draught
5 Silver Ent-draught
6 Blue Ent-draught
4306 lotr: item.mugdwarvenale 0
4307 lotr: item.maggotybread 0
4308 lotr: item.morgulsteel 0
4309 lotr: item.morgulblade 0
4310 lotr: item.helmetmorgul 0
4311 lotr: item.bodymorgul 0
4312 lotr: item.legsmorgul 0
4313 lotr: item.bootsmorgul 0
4314 lotr: item.leatherhat 0
4315 lotr: item.featherdyed 0
4316 lotr: item.mattockdwarven 0
4317 lotr: item.orcbed 0
4318 lotr: item.shovelwoodelven 0
4319 lotr: item.pickaxewoodelven 0
4320 lotr: item.axewoodelven 0
4321 lotr: item.swordwoodelven 0
4322 lotr: item.hoewoodelven 0
4323 lotr: item.daggerwoodelven 0
4324 lotr: item.spearwoodelven 0
4325 lotr: item.helmetwoodelven 0
4326 lotr: item.bodywoodelven 0
4327 lotr: item.legswoodelven 0
4328 lotr: item.bootswoodelven 0
4329 lotr: item.rabbitraw 0
4330 lotr: item.rabbitcooked 0
4331 lotr: item.rabbitstew 0
4332 lotr: item.mugvodka 0
4333 lotr: item.sulfur 0
4334 lotr: item.saltpeter 0
4335 lotr: item.commandsword 0
4336 lotr: item.hobbitpancake 0
4337 lotr: item.bottlepoison 0
4338 lotr: item.daggerbronzepoisoned 0
4339 lotr: item.daggerironpoisoned 0
4340 lotr: item.daggermithrilpoisoned 0
4341 lotr: item.daggergondorpoisoned 0
4342 lotr: item.daggerelvenpoisoned 0
4343 lotr: item.daggerdwarvenpoisoned 0
4344 lotr: item.daggerrohanpoisoned 0
4345 lotr: item.daggerwoodelvenpoisoned 0
4346 lotr: item.banner 0 Banner of Gondor
1 Banner of Rohan
2 Banner of Mordor
3 Banner of Lothlorien
4 Banner of Woodland Realm
5 Banner of Dunland
6 Isengard
7 Banner of Durin’s Folk
8 Banner of Angmar
9 Banner of Near Harad
10 Banner of High Elves
11 Banner of the Blue Mountains
12 Banner of the Dunedain of the North
13 Banner of Dol Guldur
14 Gundabad
15 Banner of the Half-trolls
16 Banner of Dol Amroth
17 Banner of MORWAITH
18 Banner of TAURETHRIM
19 Banner of Dale
20 Banner of Dorwinion
21 Banner of the Hobbits
22 Banner of Anorien
23 Banner of Ithilien
24 Banner of Lossarnach
25 Banner of Lebennin
26 Banner of Pelargir
27 Banner of Blackroot Vale
28 Banner of Pinnath Gelin
29 Banner of Minas Morgul
30 Banner of the Black Uruks
31 Banner of the Stewards of Gondor
32 Banner of Nan Ungol
33 Banner of the Rhudaur Hillmen
34 Banner of Lamedon
35 Banner of Rhudel
36 Banner of Rivendell
37 Banner of Esgaroth
38 Banner of Umbar
39 Banner of Southron Nomads
40 Banner of the Gulf of Harad
4347 lotr: item.sulfurmatch 0
4348 lotr: item.swordangmar 0
4349 lotr: item.daggerangmar 0
4350 lotr: item.daggerangmarpoisoned 0
4351 lotr: item.battleaxeangmar 0
4352 lotr: item.hammerangmar 0
4353 lotr: item.spearangmar 0
4354 lotr: item.shovelangmar 0
4355 lotr: item.pickaxeangmar 0
4356 lotr: item.axeangmar 0
4357 lotr: item.hoeangmar 0
4358 lotr: item.helmetangmar 0
4359 lotr: item.bodyangmar 0
4360 lotr: item.legsangmar 0
4361 lotr: item.bootsangmar 0
4362 lotr: item.mango 0
4363 lotr: item.mugmangojuice 0
4364 lotr: item.banana 0
4365 lotr: item.bananabread 0
4366 lotr: item.bananacake 0
4367 lotr: item.lionfur 0
4368 lotr: item.lionraw 0
4369 lotr: item.lioncooked 0
4370 lotr: item.zebraraw 0
4371 lotr: item.zebracooked 0
4372 lotr: item.rhinoraw 0
4373 lotr: item.rhinocooked 0
4374 lotr: item.rhinohorn 0
4375 lotr: item.battleaxerohan 0
4376 lotr: item.lionbed 0
4377 lotr: item.scimitarnearharad 0
4378 lotr: item.helmetnearharad 0
4379 lotr: item.bodynearharad 0
4380 lotr: item.legsnearharad 0
4381 lotr: item.bootsnearharad 0
4382 lotr: item.gemsbokhide 0
4383 lotr: item.gemsbokhorn 0
4384 lotr: item.helmetgemsbok 0
4385 lotr: item.bodygemsbok 0
4386 lotr: item.legsgemsbok 0
4387 lotr: item.bootsgemsbok 0
4388 lotr: item.maplesyrup 0
4389 lotr: item.hobbitpancakemaplesyrup 0
4390 lotr: item.mugmaplebeer 0
4391 lotr: item.helmethighelven 0
4392 lotr: item.bodyhighelven 0
4393 lotr: item.legshighelven 0
4394 lotr: item.bootshighelven 0
4395 lotr: item.shovelhighelven 0
4396 lotr: item.pickaxehighelven 0
4397 lotr: item.axehighelven 0
4398 lotr: item.swordhighelven 0
4399 lotr: item.hoehighelven 0
4400 lotr: item.daggerhighelven 0
4401 lotr: item.daggerhighelvenpoisoned 0
4402 lotr: item.spearhighelven 0
4403 lotr: item.highelvenbed 0
4404 lotr: item.daggernearharad 0
4405 lotr: item.daggernearharadpoisoned 0
4406 lotr: item.spearnearharad 0
4407 lotr: item.nearharadbow 0
4408 lotr: item.date 0
4409 lotr: item.mugaraq 0
4410 lotr: item.BlueDwarfsteel 0
4411 lotr: item.shovelbluedwarven 0
4412 lotr: item.pickaxebluedwarven 0
4413 lotr: item.axebluedwarven 0
4414 lotr: item.swordbluedwarven 0
4415 lotr: item.hoebluedwarven 0
4416 lotr: item.daggerbluedwarven 0
4417 lotr: item.daggerbluedwarvenpoisoned 0
4418 lotr: item.battleaxebluedwarven 0
4419 lotr: item.hammerbluedwarven 0
4420 lotr: item.mattockbluedwarven 0
4421 lotr: item.throwingaxebluedwarven 0
4422 lotr: item.helmetbluedwarven 0
4423 lotr: item.bodybluedwarven 0
4424 lotr: item.legsbluedwarven 0
4425 lotr: item.bootsbluedwarven 0
4426 lotr: item.dwarvenring 0
4427 lotr: item.speardwarven 0
4428 lotr: item.spearbluedwarven 0
4429 lotr: item.horsearmoriron 0
4430 lotr: item.horsearmorgold 0
4431 lotr: item.horsearmordiamond 0
4432 lotr: item.horsearmorgondor 0
4433 lotr: item.horsearmorrohan 0
4434 lotr: item.wargarmoruruk 0
4435 lotr: item.horsearmorhighelven 0
4436 lotr: item.horsearmorLOTHLORIEN 0
4437 lotr: item.horsearmormorgul 0
4438 lotr: item.horsearmormithril 0
4439 lotr: item.elkarmorwoodelven 0
4440 lotr: item.wargarmormordor 0
4441 lotr: item.wargarmorangmar 0
4442 lotr: item.mugcarrotwine 0
4443 lotr: item.mugbananabeer 0
4444 lotr: item.mugmelonliqueur 0
4445 lotr: item.strawbed 0
4446 lotr: item.orcskullstaff 0
4447 lotr: item.sworddolguldur 0
4448 lotr: item.daggerdolguldur 0
4449 lotr: item.daggerdolguldurpoisoned 0
4450 lotr: item.speardolguldur 0
4451 lotr: item.shoveldolguldur 0
4452 lotr: item.axedolguldur 0
4453 lotr: item.pickaxedolguldur 0
4454 lotr: item.hoedolguldur 0
4455 lotr: item.battleaxedolguldur 0
4456 lotr: item.hammerdolguldur 0
4457 lotr: item.helmetdolguldur 0
4458 lotr: item.bodydolguldur 0
4459 lotr: item.legsdolguldur 0
4460 lotr: item.bootsdolguldur 0
4461 lotr: item.dalishpastry 0
4462 lotr: item.redbook 0 Red Book
4463 lotr: item.termite 0
4464 lotr: item.helmetutumno 0
4465 lotr: item.bodyutumno 0
4466 lotr: item.legsutumno 0
4467 lotr: item.bootsutumno 0
4468 lotr: item.flaxseeds 0
4469 lotr: item.flax 0
4470 lotr: item.blueberry 0
4471 lotr: item.blackberry 0
4472 lotr: item.raspberry 0
4473 lotr: item.cranberry 0
4474 lotr: item.elderberry 0
4475 lotr: item.chestnut 0
4476 lotr: item.chestnutroast 0
4477 lotr: item.blackuruksteel 0
4478 lotr: item.scimitarblackuruk 0
4479 lotr: item.daggerblackuruk 0
4480 lotr: item.daggerblackurukpoisoned 0
4481 lotr: item.spearblackuruk 0
4482 lotr: item.battleaxeblackuruk 0
4483 lotr: item.hammerblackuruk 0
4484 lotr: item.helmetblackuruk 0
4485 lotr: item.bodyblackuruk 0
4486 lotr: item.legsblackuruk 0
4487 lotr: item.bootsblackuruk 0
4488 lotr: item.blackurukbow 0
4489 lotr: item.helmetnearharadwarlord 0
4490 lotr: item.utumnokey 0 Key of Ice
1 Key of Obsidian
2 Key Handle (Ice)
3 Key Shaft (Ice)
4 Key Pin (Ice)
5 Key Handle (Obsidian)
6 Key Shaft (Obsidian)
7 Key Pin (Obsidian)
4491 lotr: item.swordutumno 0
4492 lotr: item.daggerutumno 0
4493 lotr: item.daggerutumnopoisoned 0
4494 lotr: item.spearutumno 0
4495 lotr: item.battleaxeutumno 0
4496 lotr: item.hammerutumno 0
4497 lotr: item.utumnobow 0
4498 lotr: item.mugcactusliqueur 0
4499 lotr: item.rohanbow 0
4500 lotr: item.gondorbow 0
4501 lotr: item.highelvenbow 0
4502 lotr: item.utumnopickaxe 0
4503 lotr: item.balrogwhip 0
4504 lotr: item.battleaxeiron 0
4505 lotr: item.battleaxebronze 0
4506 lotr: item.bronzecrossbow 0
4507 lotr: item.conquesthorn 0 Warhorn (was Horn of Conquest before v35)
4508 lotr: item.helmethalftroll 0
4509 lotr: item.bodyhalftroll 0
4510 lotr: item.legshalftroll 0
4511 lotr: item.bootshalftroll 0
4512 lotr: item.battleaxehalftroll 0
4513 lotr: item.hammerhalftroll 0
4514 lotr: item.macehalftroll 0
4515 lotr: item.scimitarhalftroll 0
4516 lotr: item.daggerhalftroll 0
4517 lotr: item.daggerhalftrollpoisoned 0
4518 lotr: item.mugtorogdraught 0
4519 lotr: item.berrypie 0
4520 lotr: item.mugblueberryjuice 0
4521 lotr: item.mugblackberryjuice 0
4522 lotr: item.mugraspberryjuice 0
4523 lotr: item.mugcranberryjuice 0
4524 lotr: item.mugelderberryjuice 0
4525 lotr: item.rhinoarmorhalftroll 0
4526 lotr: item.helmetdwarvensilver 0
4527 lotr: item.bodydwarvensilver 0
4528 lotr: item.legsdwarvensilver 0
4529 lotr: item.bootsdwarvensilver 0
4530 lotr: item.helmetdwarvengold 0
4531 lotr: item.bodydwarvengold 0
4532 lotr: item.legsdwarvengold 0
4533 lotr: item.bootsdwarvengold 0
4534 lotr: item.helmetdwarvenmithril 0
4535 lotr: item.bodydwarvenmithril 0
4536 lotr: item.legsdwarvenmithril 0
4537 lotr: item.bootsdwarvenmithril 0
4538 lotr: item.torogstew 0
4539 lotr: item.elfsteel 0
4540 lotr: item.sworddolamroth 0
4541 lotr: item.helmetdolamroth 0
4542 lotr: item.bodydolamroth 0
4543 lotr: item.legsdolamroth 0
4544 lotr: item.bootsdolamroth 0
4545 lotr: item.horsearmordolamroth 0
4546 lotr: item.swanfeather 0
4547 lotr: item.daggerMORWAITH 0
4548 lotr: item.daggerMORWAITHpoisoned 0
4549 lotr: item.battleaxeMORWAITH 0
4550 lotr: item.spearMORWAITH 0
4551 lotr: item.helmetMORWAITH 0
4552 lotr: item.bodyMORWAITH 0
4553 lotr: item.legsMORWAITH 0
4554 lotr: item.bootsMORWAITH 0
4555 lotr: item.helmetMORWAITHlion 0
4556 lotr: item.bodyMORWAITHlion 0
4557 lotr: item.legsMORWAITHlion 0
4558 lotr: item.bootsMORWAITHlion 0
4559 lotr: item.helmetharadrobes 0
4560 lotr: item.bodyharadrobes 0
4561 lotr: item.legsharadrobes 0
4562 lotr: item.bootsharadrobes 0
4563 lotr: item.helmetbone 0
4564 lotr: item.bodybone 0
4565 lotr: item.legsbone 0
4566 lotr: item.bootsbone 0
4567 lotr: item.cram 0
4568 lotr: item.throwingaxebronze 0
4569 lotr: item.throwingaxeiron 0
4570 lotr: item.bosstrophy 0
4571 lotr: item.swordgondolin 0
4572 lotr: item.macemallorncharred 0
4573 lotr: item.lemon 0
4574 lotr: item.lemoncake 0
4575 lotr: item.orange 0
4576 lotr: item.mugorangejuice 0
4577 lotr: item.muglemonliqueur 0
4578 lotr: item.muglemonade 0
4579 lotr: item.helmetgondolin 0
4580 lotr: item.bodygondolin 0
4581 lotr: item.legsgondolin 0
4582 lotr: item.bootsgondolin 0
4583 lotr: item.lime 0
4584 lotr: item.muglimeliqueur 0
4585 lotr: item.helmetrohanmarshal 0
4586 lotr: item.bodyrohanmarshal 0
4587 lotr: item.legsrohanmarshal 0
4588 lotr: item.bootsrohanmarshal 0
4589 lotr: item.obsidianshard 0
4590 lotr: item.shovelTAURETHRIM 0
4591 lotr: item.pickaxeTAURETHRIM 0
4592 lotr: item.axeTAURETHRIM 0
4593 lotr: item.hoeTAURETHRIM 0
4594 lotr: item.daggerTAURETHRIM 0
4595 lotr: item.daggerTAURETHRIMpoisoned 0
4596 lotr: item.spearTAURETHRIM 0
4597 lotr: item.swordTAURETHRIM 0
4598 lotr: item.helmetTAURETHRIM 0
4599 lotr: item.bodyTAURETHRIM 0
4600 lotr: item.legsTAURETHRIM 0
4601 lotr: item.bootsTAURETHRIM 0
4602 lotr: item.helmetTAURETHRIMchieftain 0
4603 lotr: item.poleaxenearharad 0
4604 lotr: item.pikeuruk 0
4605 lotr: item.horsearmornearharad 0
4606 lotr: item.polearmorc 0
4607 lotr: item.lancedolamroth 0
4608 lotr: item.polearmhighelven 0
4609 lotr: item.polearmelven 0
4610 lotr: item.polearmwoodelven 0
4611 lotr: item.TAURETHRIMblowgun 0
4612 lotr: item.TAURETHRIMdart 0
4613 lotr: item.TAURETHRIMdartpoisoned 0
4614 lotr: item.daggerbarrow 0
4615 lotr: item.daggerbarrowpoisoned 0
4616 lotr: item.muttonraw 0
4617 lotr: item.muttoncooked 0
4618 lotr: item.macenearharad 0
4619 lotr: item.mugTAURETHRIMcocoa 0
4620 lotr: item.hithlain 0
4621 lotr: item.helmethithlain 0
4622 lotr: item.bodyhithlain 0
4623 lotr: item.legshithlain 0
4624 lotr: item.bootshithlain 0
4625 lotr: item.boararmordwarven 0
4626 lotr: item.boararmorbluedwarven 0
4627 lotr: item.pikehalftroll 0
4628 lotr: item.pikeiron 0
4629 lotr: item.TAURETHRIMdoubletorch 0
4630 lotr: item.helmetTAURETHRIMgold 0
4631 lotr: item.bodyTAURETHRIMgold 0
4632 lotr: item.legsTAURETHRIMgold 0
4633 lotr: item.bootsTAURETHRIMgold 0
4634 lotr: item.mugTAURETHRIMcure 0
4635 lotr: item.TAURETHRIMamulet 0
4636 lotr: item.pikedwarven 0
4637 lotr: item.pikebluedwarven 0
4638 lotr: item.corn 0
4639 lotr: item.daggerdolamroth 0
4640 lotr: item.daggerdolamrothpoisoned 0
4641 lotr: item.helmetgundabaduruk 0
4642 lotr: item.bodygundabaduruk 0
4643 lotr: item.legsgundabaduruk 0
4644 lotr: item.bootsgundabaduruk 0
4645 lotr: item.lancegondor 0
4646 lotr: item.swordgundabaduruk 0
4647 lotr: item.battleaxegundabaduruk 0
4648 lotr: item.hammergundabaduruk 0
4649 lotr: item.helmeturukberserker 0
4650 lotr: item.scimitarurukberserker 0
4651 lotr: item.mugcornliquor 0
4652 lotr: item.gategear 0
4653 lotr: item.wargfurbed 0
4654 lotr: item.deerraw 0
4655 lotr: item.deercooked 0
4656 lotr: item.kebab 0
4657 lotr: item.lancerohan 0
4658 lotr: item.corncooked 0
4659 lotr: item.shishkebab 0
4660 lotr: item.longspearelven 0
4661 lotr: item.longspearhighelven 0
4662 lotr: item.longspearwoodelven 0
4663 lotr: item.ringil 0
4664 lotr: item.halberdmithril 0
4665 lotr: item.leek 0
4666 lotr: item.leeksoup 0
4667 lotr: item.turnip 0
4668 lotr: item.camelraw 0
4669 lotr: item.camelcooked 0
4670 lotr: item.sworddale 0
4671 lotr: item.daggerdale 0
4672 lotr: item.daggerdalepoisoned 0
4673 lotr: item.speardale 0
4674 lotr: item.battleaxedale 0
4675 lotr: item.helmetdale 0
4676 lotr: item.bodydale 0
4677 lotr: item.legsdale 0
4678 lotr: item.bootsdale 0
4679 lotr: item.helmetdorwinion 0
4680 lotr: item.bodydorwinion 0
4681 lotr: item.legsdorwinion 0
4682 lotr: item.bootsdorwinion 0
4683 lotr: item.helmetdorwinionelf 0
4684 lotr: item.bodydorwinionelf 0
4685 lotr: item.legsdorwinionelf 0
4686 lotr: item.bootsdorwinionelf 0
4687 lotr: item.spearbladorthin 0
4688 lotr: item.olive 0
4689 lotr: item.dalebow 0
4690 lotr: item.mugapplejuice 0
4691 lotr: item.horsearmordale 0
4692 lotr: item.npcrespawner 0 NPC Respawner
4693 lotr: item.helmetrangerithilien 0
4694 lotr: item.bodyrangerithilien 0
4695 lotr: item.legsrangerithilien 0
4696 lotr: item.bootsrangerithilien 0
4697 lotr: item.daggergundabaduruk 0
4698 lotr: item.daggergundabadurukpoisoned 0
4699 lotr: item.speargundabaduruk 0
4700 lotr: item.pikegundabaduruk 0
4701 lotr: item.gundabadurukbow 0
4702 lotr: item.hammerTAURETHRIM 0
4703 lotr: item.sworddorwinionelf 0
4704 lotr: item.daggerdorwinionelf 0
4705 lotr: item.daggerdorwinionelfpoisoned 0
4706 lotr: item.battleaxeTAURETHRIM 0
4707 lotr: item.pikeTAURETHRIM 0
4708 lotr: item.clubMORWAITH 0
4709 lotr: item.olivebread 0
4710 lotr: item.pikedale 0
4711 lotr: item.rollingpin 0
4712 lotr: item.grapered 0
4713 lotr: item.grapewhite 0
4714 lotr: item.seedsgrapered 0
4715 lotr: item.seedsgrapewhite 0
4716 lotr: item.mugwhitewine 0
4717 lotr: item.mugredgrapejuice 0
4718 lotr: item.mugwhitegrapejuice 0
4719 lotr: item.polearmangmar 0
4720 lotr: item.pikedolguldur 0
4721 lotr: item.turnipcooked 0
4722 lotr: item.kinearawhorn 0
4723 lotr: item.melonsoup 0
4724 lotr: item.ceramicmug 0
4725 lotr: item.pikenearharad 0
4726 lotr: item.almond 0
4727 lotr: item.wildberry 0
4728 lotr: item.blackrootstick 0
4729 lotr: item.plum 0
4730 lotr: item.helmetlossarnach 0
4731 lotr: item.bodylossarnach 0
4732 lotr: item.legslossarnach 0
4733 lotr: item.bootslossarnach 0
4734 lotr: item.helmetpelargir 0
4735 lotr: item.bodypelargir 0
4736 lotr: item.legspelargir 0
4737 lotr: item.bootspelargir 0
4738 lotr: item.helmetpinnathgelin 0
4739 lotr: item.bodypinnathgelin 0
4740 lotr: item.legspinnathgelin 0
4741 lotr: item.bootspinnathgelin 0
4742 lotr: item.battleaxelossarnach 0
4743 lotr: item.throwingaxelossarnach 0
4744 lotr: item.swordpelargir 0
4745 lotr: item.tridentpelargir 0
4746 lotr: item.mugmorguldraught 0
4747 lotr: item.helmetblackroot 0
4748 lotr: item.bodyblackroot 0
4749 lotr: item.legsblackroot 0
4750 lotr: item.bootsblackroot 0
4751 lotr: item.blackrootbow 0
4752 lotr: item.pikegondor 0
4753 lotr: item.bodydolamrothgambeson 0
4754 lotr: item.legsdolamrothgambeson 0
4755 lotr: item.longspeardolamroth 0
4756 lotr: item.mugplumkvass 0
4757 lotr: item.bodygondorgambeson 0
4758 lotr: item.bodylebenningambeson 0
4759 lotr: item.spearstone 0
4760 lotr: item.marzipan 0
4761 lotr: item.marzipanchocolate 0
4762 lotr: item.dalecracker 0
4763 lotr: item.partyhat 0
4764 lotr: item.helmetlamedon 0
4765 lotr: item.bodylamedon 0
4766 lotr: item.legslamedon 0
4767 lotr: item.bootslamedon 0
4768 lotr: item.horsearmorlamedon 0
4769 lotr: item.bodylamedonjacket 0
4770 lotr: item.gobletgold 0
4771 lotr: item.gobletsilver 0
4772 lotr: item.gobletcopper 0
4773 lotr: item.gobletwood 0
4774 lotr: item.skullcup 0
4775 lotr: item.wineglass 0
4776 lotr: item.bodydalegambeson 0
4777 lotr: item.waterskin 0
4778 lotr: item.alehorn 0
4779 lotr: item.alehorngold 0
4780 lotr: item.horn 0
4781 lotr: item.chisel 0
4782 lotr: item.ithildin 0
4783 lotr: item.chiselithildin 0
4784 lotr: item.helmetarnor 0
4785 lotr: item.bodyarnor 0
4786 lotr: item.legsarnor 0
4787 lotr: item.bootsarnor 0
4788 lotr: item.rangerbow 0
4789 lotr: item.swordrhun 0
4790 lotr: item.daggerrhun 0
4791 lotr: item.daggerrhunpoisoned 0
4792 lotr: item.spearrhun 0
4793 lotr: item.polearmrhun 0
4794 lotr: item.pikerhun 0
4795 lotr: item.helmetrhun 0
4796 lotr: item.bodyrhun 0
4797 lotr: item.legsrhun 0
4798 lotr: item.bootsrhun 0
4799 lotr: item.rhunbow 0
4800 lotr: item.horsearmorrhungold 0
4801 lotr: item.gildediron 0
4802 lotr: item.mugtermitetequila 0
4803 lotr: item.rhunfirepot 0
4804 lotr: item.yam 0
4805 lotr: item.yamroast 0
4806 lotr: item.bodykaftan 0
4807 lotr: item.legskaftan 0
4808 lotr: item.helmetrhungold 0
4809 lotr: item.bodyrhungold 0
4810 lotr: item.legsrhungold 0
4811 lotr: item.bootsrhungold 0
4812 lotr: item.helmetrhunwarlord 0
4813 lotr: item.mugsourmilk 0
4814 lotr: item.pomegranate 0
4815 lotr: item.mugpomegranatejuice 0
4816 lotr: item.mugpomegranatewine 0
4817 lotr: item.dorwinionelfbow 0
4818 lotr: item.mattockmithril 0
4819 lotr: item.manflesh 0
4820 lotr: item.salt 0
4821 lotr: item.saltedflesh 0
4822 lotr: item.battleaxerhun 0
4823 lotr: item.cornbread 0
4824 lotr: item.raisins 0
4825 lotr: item.swordrivendell 0
4826 lotr: item.daggerrivendell 0
4827 lotr: item.daggerrivendellpoisoned 0
4828 lotr: item.spearrivendell 0
4829 lotr: item.helmetrivendell 0
4830 lotr: item.bodyrivendell 0
4831 lotr: item.legsrivendell 0
4832 lotr: item.bootsrivendell 0
4833 lotr: item.horsearmorrivendell 0
4834 lotr: item.polearmrivendell 0
4835 lotr: item.longspearrivendell 0
4836 lotr: item.swordarnor 0
4837 lotr: item.daggerarnor 0
4838 lotr: item.daggerarnorpoisoned 0
4839 lotr: item.speararnor 0
4840 lotr: item.rivendellbow 0
4841 lotr: item.shovelrivendell 0
4842 lotr: item.pickaxerivendell 0
4843 lotr: item.axerivendell 0
4844 lotr: item.hoerivendell 0
4845 lotr: item.arrowpoisoned 0
4846 lotr: item.crossbowboltpoisoned 0
4847 lotr: item.balrogfire 0
4848 lotr: item.topaz 0
4849 lotr: item.amethyst 0
4850 lotr: item.sapphire 0
4851 lotr: item.ruby 0
4852 lotr: item.amber 0
4853 lotr: item.diamond 0
4854 lotr: item.pearl 0
4855 lotr: item.coral 0
4856 lotr: item.opal 0
4857 lotr: item.mushroompie 0
4858 lotr: item.emerald 0
4859 lotr: item.chilling 0
4860 lotr: item.bountytrophy 0
4861 lotr: item.swordMORWAITH 0
4862 lotr: item.modtemplate 0 %s Smith’s Scroll
4863 lotr: item.mithrilmail 0
4864 lotr: item.mithrilbook 0
4865 lotr: item.helmetgulfharad 0
4866 lotr: item.bodygulfharad 0
4867 lotr: item.legsgulfharad 0
4868 lotr: item.bootsgulfharad 0
4869 lotr: item.helmetcorsair 0
4870 lotr: item.bodycorsair 0
4871 lotr: item.legscorsair 0
4872 lotr: item.bootscorsair 0
4873 lotr: item.swordcorsair 0
4874 lotr: item.daggercorsair 0
4875 lotr: item.daggercorsairpoisoned 0
4876 lotr: item.spearcorsair 0
4877 lotr: item.battleaxecorsair 0
4878 lotr: item.helmetumbar 0
4879 lotr: item.bodyumbar 0
4880 lotr: item.legsumbar 0
4881 lotr: item.bootsumbar 0
4882 lotr: item.helmetharnedor 0
4883 lotr: item.bodyharnedor 0
4884 lotr: item.legsharnedor 0
4885 lotr: item.bootsharnedor 0
4886 lotr: item.swordharad 0
4887 lotr: item.daggerharad 0
4888 lotr: item.daggerharadpoisoned 0
4889 lotr: item.spearharad 0
4890 lotr: item.pikeharad 0
4891 lotr: item.swordgulfharad 0
4892 lotr: item.helmetnomad 0
4893 lotr: item.bodynomad 0
4894 lotr: item.legsnomad 0
4895 lotr: item.bootsnomad 0
4896 lotr: item.lionrug 0
4897 lotr: item.bearrug 0
4898 lotr: item.girafferug 0
4899 lotr: item.woodplate 0
4900 lotr: item.ceramicplate 0
4901 lotr: item.horsearmorumbar 0
4902 lotr: item.daggerancientharad 0 Old-Haradric Sacrificial Dagger
4903 lotr: item.helmetblacknumenorean 0
4904 lotr: item.bodyblacknumenorean 0
4905 lotr: item.legsblacknumenorean 0
4906 lotr: item.bootsblacknumenorean 0
4907 lotr: item.swordblacknumenorean 0
4908 lotr: item.daggerblacknumenorean 0
4909 lotr: item.daggerblacknumenoreanpoisoned 0
4910 lotr: item.spearblacknumenorean 0
4911 lotr: item.maceblacknumenorean 0
4912 lotr: item.redclayball 0
4913 lotr: item.gandalfStaffGrey 0 Staff of Gandalf the Grey (v35 add-on)
4914 lotr: item.glamdring 0 Glamdring (v35 add-on)
4915 lotr: item.brandingIron 0 Branding Iron (v35 add-on)