The Lord of the Rings Minecraft Mod Wiki

Angmar armour is a type of armour included in the Mod. Its chief use is to protect Angmar Orcs. It has the protection of iron, and is cheap to build, requiring only Orc steel ingots to craft.

Upon equipping a full set of Angmar armour, the player earns the achievement "Forth to Ruin!".

HelmetAngmar BodyAngmar LegsAngmar BootsAngmar


You can craft it on the Angmar crafting table, which can be found on shrines in Angmar (including the mountains). The armour is crafted using Orc steel ingots. A full table of crafting recipes can be found below.

Crafting Angmar Armour
Recipe Protection Possible modifiers Durability
Angmar crafting recipe
Angmar Crafting
Orc Steel Ingot
Orc Steel Ingot
Orc Steel Ingot
Orc Steel Ingot
Orc Steel Ingot
Angmar Helmet
2 ( 2 ) belegostian, cooling, deflecting, enduring, eƶlean, glancing, hardy, lasting, poor, tough, and unwithering 231
Angmar crafting recipe
Angmar Crafting
Orc Steel Ingot
Orc Steel Ingot
Orc Steel Ingot
Orc Steel Ingot
Orc Steel Ingot
Orc Steel Ingot
Orc Steel Ingot
Orc Steel Ingot
Angmar Chestplate
6 ( 6 ) belegostian, cooling, crude, deflecting, enduring, eƶlean, glancing, hardy, lasting, poor, steadfast, tough, and unwithering 336
Angmar crafting recipe
Angmar Crafting
Orc Steel Ingot
Orc Steel Ingot
Orc Steel Ingot
Orc Steel Ingot
Orc Steel Ingot
Orc Steel Ingot
Orc Steel Ingot
Angmar Leggings
5 ( 5 ) belegostian, cooling, crude, deflecting, enduring, eƶlean, glancing, hardy, lasting, poor, tough, and unwithering 315
Angmar crafting recipe
Angmar Crafting
Orc Steel Ingot
Orc Steel Ingot
Orc Steel Ingot
Orc Steel Ingot
Angmar Boots
2 ( 2 ) belegostian, cooling, deflecting, enduring, eƶlean, glancing, hardy, lasting, lightfooted, poor, strongshod, thicksoled, tough, and unwithering 273


Angmar Shield  The Raiders of Angmar  Angmar Banner

NPCs: Orc (Archer, Banner Bearer, Bombardier) ā€¢ Troll (Chieftain, Hill) ā€¢ Warg (Bombardier)
Traders: Chieftain ā€¢ Trader
Items: Armour (Morgul, Morgul Horse, Warg) ā€¢ Chain ā€¢ Equipment (Morgul) ā€¢ Skull Staff
Blocks: Bed ā€¢ Brick ā€¢ Crafting Table ā€¢ Forge ā€¢ Torch (Morgul)
Structures: Camp ā€¢ Dungeon ā€¢ Hoard ā€¢ Shrine ā€¢ Tower ā€¢ Warg Pit

Angmar Shield  The Hillmen of Rhudaur  Rhudaur Banner

NPCs: Rhudaur Hillman (Axe-thrower, Banner Bearer, Warrior)
Traders: Chieftain
Structures: Castle ā€¢ Village


HelmetArnor Arnorian ā€¢ HelmetBlackroot Blackroot Vale ā€¢ HelmetBlueDwarven Blue Dwarven ā€¢ (Gold trimmed blue dwarven helmet Trimmed) ā€¢ HelmetDale Dalish ā€¢ HelmetDolAmroth Dol Amroth
HelmetDorwinion Dorwinion (HelmetDorwinionElf Elven) ā€¢ HelmetDwarven Dwarven (DwarvenArmourGold Trimmed) ā€¢ HelmetElven Galadhrim ā€¢ HelmetGalvorn Galvorn
HelmetGondolin Gondolinian ā€¢ HelmetGondor Gondorian ā€¢ HelmetRangerIthilien Ithilien Ranger ā€¢ HelmetLamedon Lamedon ā€¢ HelmetHighElven Lindon ā€¢ HelmetLossarnach Lossarnach
HelmetPelargir Pelargir ā€¢ HelmetPinnathGelin Pinnath Gelin ā€¢ HelmetRangerNorth Ranger ā€¢ HelmetRivendell Rivendell ā€¢ HelmetRohan Rohirric (HelmetRohanMarshal Marshal)
HelmetTauredain Taurethrim (HelmetTauredainGold Gold) ā€¢ HelmetWoodElven Wood-elven (HelmetWoodElvenScout Scout)


HelmetAngmar Angmar ā€¢ HelmetBlackNĆŗmenĆ³rean Black NĆŗmenĆ³rean ā€¢ HelmetBlackUruk Black Uruk ā€¢ HelmetNearHarad Coast Southron ā€¢ HelmetCorsair Corsair
HelmetDolGuldur Dol Guldur ā€¢ HelmetDunlending Dunlending ā€¢ HelmetGulfen Gulfen ā€¢ HelmetGundabadUruk Gundabad Uruk ā€¢ HelmetHalfTroll Half-troll ā€¢ HelmetHarnedor Harnennor
HelmetMordor Mordor ā€¢ HelmetMoredain Morwaith (HelmetMoredainLion Chieftain) ā€¢ HelmetMorgul Morgul ā€¢ HelmetNomad Nomad
HelmetRhĆ»nic RhĆ»nic (HelmetGoldenRhĆ»nic Golden) ā€¢ HelmetUmbaric Umbaric ā€¢ HelmetUruk Uruk ā€¢ HelmetUtumno Utumno

Not Faction Specific:

HelmetAncient Ancient ā€¢ HelmetBone Bone ā€¢ HelmetBronze Bronze ā€¢ HelmetWarg Fur ā€¢ HelmetGemsbok Gemsbok Hide ā€¢ Gold ā€¢ Iron ā€¢ Leather ā€¢ HelmetMithril Mithril

Clothing Items:

HelmetHithlain Galadhrim Cloak ā€¢ GambesonGondor Gambeson ā€¢ HelmetHaradRobes Harad Robes ā€¢ Kaftan Kaftan ā€¢ LeatherHat Leather Hat ā€¢ PartyHat Party Hat

Mount Armour:

BoarArmourDwarven Boar ā€¢ Wood-elven Elk Armour Elk ā€¢ HorseArmorDolAmroth Horse ā€¢ Half-troll Rhino Armour Rhino ā€¢ WargArmourUruk Warg
