The Lord of the Rings Minecraft Mod Wiki

Berry bushes are a range of blocks that resemble leaves. They are found growing naturally in small groups in most biomes. You can obtain berries from a bush by right-clicking it or breaking it.

Currently there are 6 types of berries with their corresponding bushes: Raspberries, cranberries, blackberries, blueberries, elderberries and, since Public Beta 29, the poisonous wildberries.


If a berry bush has berries growing on it, you can obtain the berries by right-clicking on the block. This changes the block to a bare berry bush of the appropriate type which can then regrow berries over time, as detailed below.

Destroying the block also drops the berries in addition to a bare berry bush, which you can then pick up and move to somewhere more convenient.

Breaking a berry bush with a tool that has the 'silken' modifier will drop the bush with the berries still on it.

In either case, the number of berries dropped will range between 1 and 4.


Bare berry bushes can regrow berries over time. This mechanic obeys the following rules:

  • If the bush is on farmland and has a light level of 9 or higher:
    • Examine the farmland block below, and search for any extra farmland in a 3x3 square centred on the block below. Each farmland block in that region increases the chance to regrow.
      • If the farmland is hydrated, it contributes three times as much to the growth chance.
      • The farmland directly below the bush contributes four times as much as any of the other 8 possible contributing farmland blocks.
    • If it is raining, the overall chance to regrow is trebled.
    • If there is another bush adjacent to this bush, the overall chance to regrow is halved.
  • Otherwise, if the bush is on dirt or grass of any light level, or it is on farmland with a light level below 9:
    • The berries will regrow significantly more slowly. (The bush does not search for nearby farmland, since the block directly below is not farmland.)
    • If it is raining, the chance to regrow is trebled.
  • If the bush is on any other block, it does not regrow berries.

Bone Meal can also be used to force the bush to regrow berries. This has a 33% chance of succeeding with each use.

It is not possible to produce more bushes from a single bush naturally, through bone meal or otherwise.


In Public Beta 25 the berry regrowth mechanics were bugged, and the berries regrew very slowly even on farmland. This was fixed in the Public Beta 26 update.


The Tolkien Gateway has an article on:

Wild Berries
