The Black Uruk equipment set includes the wide variety of weapons used by the Black Uruks, as well as their standard tool set. This type of equipment is significantly more durable than normal evil NPC equipment (i.e. Orc equipment) and deals the same amount of damage as regular Uruk equipment. Black Uruk equipment has a base damage of +7.
Black Uruk equipment is primarily crafted from Black Uruk steel ingots and sticks on a Morgul crafting table. The individual crafting recipes are shown in the gallery below.
Black Uruk Dagger[]
Damage | Speed | Reach | Knockback | Possible modifiers |
5 () | 150% | 75% | Normal | enduring, hardy, lasting, blessed, blunt, chilling, crooked, dull, dwarfbane, elfbane, fortunate, headhunting, hefty, hulking, infernal, keen, legendary, long, lucky, mighty, orcbane, sharp, slow, spiderbane, stunted, trollbane, wargbane, wightbane, and wraithbane |
A cheap melee weapon that can be swung very quickly; it has a short attack reach, however. Like all daggers, it can be crafted with a Bottle of Poison on a normal crafting table to make a poisoned dagger.
Black Uruk Cleaver[]
Damage | Speed | Reach | Knockback | Possible modifiers |
8 () | 100% | 100% | Normal | enduring, hardy, lasting, blessed, blunt, chilling, crooked, dull, dwarfbane, elfbane, fortunate, headhunting, hefty, hulking, infernal, keen, legendary, long, lucky, mighty, orcbane, sharp, slow, spiderbane, stunted, swift, trollbane, wargbane, wightbane, and wraithbane |
A basic melee weapon, used by many Black Uruks. It deals 8 HP per hit, and has regular reach and attack speed.
Black Uruk Battleaxe[]
Damage | Speed | Reach | Knockback | Possible modifiers |
10 () | 75% | 100% | Normal | enduring, hardy, lasting, blessed, blunt, chilling, crooked, dull, dwarfbane, elfbane, fortunate, headhunting, hefty, hulking, infernal, keen, legendary, long, lucky, mighty, orcbane, sharp, slow, spiderbane, stunted, swift, trollbane, wargbane, wightbane, wraithbane, handy, hasty, masterful, nimble, silken, and sluggish |
While the battleaxes of Durin's Folk are the best known in Middle-Earth, the Black Uruk version is second to none. It's got a powerful attack, and somewhat slower speed than a sword.
Black Uruk Spear[]
Damage | Speed | Reach | Knockback | Possible modifiers |
7 () | 83% | 150% | Normal | enduring, hardy, lasting, blessed, blunt, chilling, crooked, dull, dwarfbane, elfbane, fortunate, headhunting, hefty, hulking, infernal, keen, legendary, long, lucky, mighty, orcbane, sharp, slow, spiderbane, stunted, swift, trollbane, wargbane, wightbane, and wraithbane |
The spear can be used as a melee weapon, dealing less damage than a sword, but benefiting from an increased reach. However, it can also be thrown at enemies, dealing great damage when it hits them.
Black Uruk Warhammer[]
Damage | Speed | Reach | Knockback | Possible modifiers |
11 () | 65% | 100% | +1 | enduring, hardy, lasting, blessed, blunt, chilling, crooked, dull, dwarfbane, elfbane, fortunate, headhunting, hefty, infernal, keen, legendary, long, lucky, mighty, orcbane, sharp, slow, spiderbane, stunted, swift, trollbane, wargbane, wightbane, and wraithbane |
Among the most powerful weapons in the mod, this warhammer features high damage per hit and a devastating knockback. Be aware, though, that it takes longer to swing than a regular sword.
Black Uruk Bow[]
Draw Time (ticks) | Ranged Damage | Range | Possible modifiers |
30 | 8-14 ( to ) | 120%
chilling, enduring, feeble, fierce, hardy, headhunting, lasting, infernal, powerful, punching, striking, strong, and weak |
Used by Black Uruk Archers, the Black Uruk bow does as much damage as the Elven bows. However, it is much slower to draw, taking 50% longer than a normal bow.
Arrows and Bolts[]
It is also possible to craft poisoned arrows and bolts.
The Hosts of Mordor |
Black Uruk (Archer) •
Olog-hai •
Orc (Archer, Banner Bearer, Bombardier) |
Arnorian •
Blue Dwarven •
Dalish •
Dol Amroth •
Dorwinion Elven •
Dwarven Angmar •
Black Númenórean •
Black Uruk •
Corsair •
Dol Guldur Not Faction Specific: