The Lord of the Rings Minecraft Mod Wiki

(see also: Bow)

The Bow of Harad is the bow used by the archers of the Southrons. It is crafted with three sticks and three string on a Haradric crafting table, using the shape shown below. This bow is moderately powerful and has a higher range than the standard vanilla bow, though with a slightly slower draw time.


Draw Time (ticks) Ranged Damage Range
25 7-12 ( 7  to  12  12 ) 110%

Crafting Recipe[]

The bow is crafted on the Haradric crafting table with 3 sticks and 3 string.

Any Haradric crafting recipe
Any Haradric Crafting
any stick
any stick
any stick
Bow of Harad

Arrows and Bolts[]

It is also possible to craft poisoned arrows and bolts.

Orkish or Haradric crafting recipe
Orkish or Haradric Crafting
Bottle of Poison
Poisoned Arrow


Orkish or Haradric crafting recipe
Orkish or Haradric Crafting
Crossbow Bolt
Crossbow Bolt
Bottle of Poison
Crossbow Bolt
Crossbow Bolt
Poisoned Crossbow Bolt

Harad Contest Shield  The Southrons of Near Harad  Near Harad Banner

NPCs: Slave
Traders: Merchant
Items: Black Númenórean ArmourBowEquipmentRobes
Blocks: BasketBrickChestCrafting Table
Structures: Ancient FortressObeliskPyramid

Umbar Shield  The Corsairs of Umbar  Umbar Banner

NPCs: Umbarians (Archer, Banner Bearer, Corsair, Soldier) • Gondorian Renegade
Traders: BartenderBazaar TradersCaptain (Umbar) • FarmerSlaver
Items: Armour (Umbaric, Horse) • Equipment (Umbaric)
Blocks: BrickCrafting Table
Structures: CampHideoutSettlement

Near Harad Shield  The Southrons of the Coasts  Near Harad Banner

NPCs: Southrons (Archer, Banner Bearer, Champion, Warrior)
Traders: BartenderBazaar TradersFarmerWarlord
Items: Armour (Horse, Champion) • Equipment
Blocks: Crafting Table
Structures: Settlement

Harnedor Shield  The Harnedhrim of Harnennor  Near Harad Banner

NPCs: Harnedhrim (Archer, Banner Bearer, Farmhand, Warrior)
Traders: BartenderBazaar TradersFarmerWarlord
Items: Armour
Blocks: Crafting Table
Structures: CampSettlementWatchtower

HelmetNomad  The Nomads of the Great Desert  Southron Nomads Banner

NPCs: Nomads (Archer, Banner Bearer, Guard)
Traders: Bazaar TradersChieftainMerchant
Items: Armour
Blocks: Crafting Table
Structures: Settlement

Gulfing Shield  The Gulfings of Khopazul  Gulf of Harad Banner

NPCs: Gulfing (Archer, Banner Bearer, Warrior)
Traders: BartenderBazaar TradersFarmerWarlord
Items: ArmourEquipment
Blocks: Crafting Table
Structures: Settlement
