The Lord of the Rings Minecraft Mod Wiki

Bree-land market traders are the traders (both man and hobbit) of Bree-land. They can only be found in their respective market stalls in the markets of Bree-land settlements (note that stalls spawn individually in hamlets).

The blacksmith and farmer, in addition to the market stalls, can also be found in smithies and barns, respectively. The innkeeper spawns exclusively in inns. Please see their respective pages for more details on these three traders, this page lists the traders only found in market stalls.

There are also hobbit bakers, butchers, brewers, and florists, which are largely identical to their 'big-folk' equivalents.

Only four market stalls form a market (two of which can be found in the centre of each Bree-land village), so you won't be able to find them all in one place.


The traders stand around in their market stall and wait for customers. They will trade for silver coins and exchange your money for larger or smaller variants.

They are normally passive NPCs but will attack if provoked, using a tool of their trade, or flee if they are a Bree-hobbit.


The Bree-land traders will trade with anyone who has positive or neutral Bree-land alignment. They sell various goods according to their profession and buy what they need.

The traders will only buy or sell a certain amount of items before they will stop accepting that type of item. After this happens there is a cooldown time before they will trade this item again. Even the complete set of trades will change after you trade more wealth with a certain trader. In this case, the new set will be unavailable for a short while, and then reopen.

Trading with any trader in a market will earn you the achievement "Insider Bargains".

Here is a list of which professions can be found:

* these traders can be men and hobbits.

Price lists[]

Items sold - Below are tables of values for each item that the player is available to purchase from the respective trader. Use this tables to find out if your trader is giving you a good deal or not.

Items bought - Below are tables of values for each item that the player can sell to the respective trader. Use this tables to earn more money by only selling when the prices are high. You will not be able to sell every item to every trader as not each trader will want to purchase every item listed below. Note that they only buy undamaged tools.


All Bree-land traders (except for the blacksmith, farmer and innkeeper, which are listed on their own pages) have the same speechbank. These traders talk about the lands nearby and their wares. They encourage you to sell and buy from them, provided you have the proper alignment. The hobbit traders largely have the same speechbank but any differences have been noted.

[1] - Bree-land Traders only
[2] - Bree-Hobbit Traders only


  • Welcome to the finest market of Bree-land!
  • Combe over our wares, Person!
  • Our supplies are the best of Archet, come have a look!
  • Greetings, Person. Come to look at the finest wares West of the mountains?
  • Big Folk, Little Folk, I've got wares for all!
  • Outsider, you would not want to miss the opportunity to look at Bree's finest, would you?
  • Fresh stock from the Greenway, right here.
  • Best wares of Bree, right here!
  • Person, don't be shy, Bree has fine wares. Let me show you!
  • Can I interest you with some of my wares, Person?
  • Pipe-weed, beer, and Dwarven ale, I sell everything else!
  • I'm in the mood for a good trade, how about you?
  • Outsiders should not travel past Bree without scoring this bargain, Person!
  • The best the Men of Bree can produce, all for a sharp low price! [1]
  • Supplies from the colonies! Right here, never before so cheap! [2]


  • Sorry, we are not selling right now. Come back another time.
  • We've closed shop for the moment, sorry.
  • We're out of stock, try again later.
  • For now, I am only selling to other Bree-folk.
  • I don't know your business, but I want none of it.
  • Whatever business you have here, you can take it up to Deadmen's Dike with the other Southerners.


  • We have no room for the likes of you in Bree!
  • We've dealt with Ruffians like you before, Person!
  • I knew those Ruffians coming up the Greenway were up to no good!
  • How did you slip past the gatekeeper?
  • Call for the guards, we're under attack!
  • Don't come bringing trouble to our peaceful village, why you.
  • What is the matter with you, acting like that!
  • There is no room for ill-folk such as you in Bree!
  • I have fought Little Folk tougher than you! [1]
  • You fight like one of them Little Folk. [1]
  • Your first mistake was thinking I never fought Big Folk before! [2]
  • For Big Folk, you don't hit that hard. [2]
  • I've tossed with Dwarves before, this is nothing! [2]

Bree-land Baker[]

Bree-land bakers are easily recognizable by the loaf of bread in their hand. They sell bread and cakes and buy ingredients like wheat and sugar, along with bakery gear like buckets. You need positive or neutral Bree-land to trade with them. If attacked, they will defend themselves with a rolling pin. Bree-hobbit Baker

Items Sold[]

Items Sold Price Range Image
Bread 4-6 ( 4  to  6 ) Bread
Corn Bread 4-6 ( 4  to  6 ) Corn Bread
Mushroom Pie 6-10 ( 6  to  10 ) Mushroom Pie
Cake 9-15 ( 9  to  15  15 ) CakeIcon
Apple Crumble 9-15 ( 9  to  15  15 ) Apple Crumble
Berry Pie 9-15 ( 9  to  15  15 ) BerryPie
Cherry Pie 9-15 ( 9  to  15  15 ) CherryPie
Lemon Cake 15-25 ( 15  15  to  25  25 ) LemonCake
Hobbit Pancake 8-13 ( 8  to  13  13 ) Hobbit Pancake
Hobbit Pancake with Maple Syrup 9-15 ( 9  to  15  15 ) HobbitPancakeMapleSyrup
Fine Plate 3-5 ( 3  to  5 ) Fine Plate
Stoneware Plate 2-3 ( 2  to  3 ) Stoneware Plate
Wooden Plate 2-3 ( 2  to  3 ) Wooden Plate

Items Bought[]

Items Bought Price Range Image
2 x Wheat 1-1 ( 1  to  1 ) Wheat
Red Mushroom 2-3 ( 2  to  3 ) MushroomRed
Brown Mushroom 2-3 ( 2  to  3 ) MushroomBrown
2 x Sugar 1-1 ( 1  to  1 ) Sugar
2 x Egg 1-1 ( 1  to  1 ) Egg
Bucket 2-4 ( 2  to  4 ) Bucket
Water Bucket 3-5 ( 3  to  5 ) Water Bucket
Milk 3-5 ( 3  to  5 ) MilkBucket
Apples 1-1 ( 1  to  1 ) Apples
Blueberry 1-1 ( 1  to  1 ) Blueberry
Blackberry 1-1 ( 1  to  1 ) Blackberry
Raspberry 1-1 ( 1  to  1 ) Raspberry
Cranberry 1-1 ( 1  to  1 ) Cranberry
Elderberry 1-1 ( 1  to  1 ) Elderberry
Cherry 2-3 ( 2  to  3 ) Cherry
Lemon 2-3 ( 2  to  3 ) Lemon
Salt 8-13 ( 8  to  13  13 ) Salt
Clay Plate 2-3 ( 2  to  3 ) Clay Plate

Bree-land Brewer[]

Bree-land brewers are easily recognizable by the cider in their hand. They sell various drinks and buy ingredients like apples and pears, along with brewing gear like buckets. You need positive or neutral Bree-land to trade with them. Bree-hobbit Brewer

Items Sold[]

Items Sold Price Range Image
Ale (Light) 6-9 ( 6  to  9 ) Ale
Ale (Moderate) 8-13 ( 8  to  13  13 ) Ale
Ale (Strong) 9-16 ( 9  to  16  16 ) Ale
Barrel of Ale (Moderate) 90-150 ( 90  to  150  150 ) Barrel block
Barrel of Ale (Strong) 128-213 ( 128  128  128  to  213  213  213 ) Barrel block
Cider (Light) 6-9 ( 6  to  9 ) Cider
Cider (Moderate) 8-13 ( 8  to  13  13 ) Cider
Cider (Strong) 9-16 ( 9  to  16  16 ) Cider
Barrel of Cider (Moderate) 90-150 ( 90  to  150  150 ) Barrel block
Barrel of Cider (Strong) 128-213 ( 128  128  128  to  213  213  213 ) Barrel block
Perry (Light) 6-9 ( 6  to  9 ) Perry
Perry (Moderate) 8-13 ( 8  to  13  13 ) Perry
Perry (Strong) 9-16 ( 9  to  16  16 ) Perry
Barrel of Perry (Moderate) 90-150 ( 90  to  150  150 ) Barrel block
Barrel of Perry (Strong) 128-213 ( 128  128  128  to  213  213  213 ) Barrel block
Maple Beer (Light) 6-9 ( 6  to  9 ) MapleBeer
Maple Beer (Moderate) 8-13 ( 8  to  13  13 ) MapleBeer
Maple Beer (Strong) 9-16 ( 9  to  16  16 ) MapleBeer
Barrel of Maple Beer (Moderate) 90-150 ( 90  to  150  150 ) Barrel block
Barrel of Maple Beer (Strong) 128-213 ( 128  128  128  to  213  213  213 ) Barrel block
Plum Kvass (Light) 6-9 ( 6  to  9 ) PlumKvass
Plum Kvass (Moderate) 8-13 ( 8  to  13  13 ) PlumKvass
Plum Kvass (Strong) 9-16 ( 9  to  16  16 ) PlumKvass
Barrel of Plum Kvass (Moderate) 90-150 ( 90  to  150  150 ) Barrel block
Barrel of Plum Kvass (Strong) 128-213 ( 128  128  128  to  213  213  213 ) Barrel block
Mead (Light) 7-11 ( 7  to  11  11 ) Mead
Mead (Moderate) 9-15 ( 9  to  15  15 ) Mead
Mead (Strong) 11-19 ( 11  11  to  19  19 ) Mead
Barrel of Mead (Moderate) 105-175 ( 105  105  to  175  175  175 ) Barrel block
Barrel of Mead (Strong) 135-225 ( 135  135  135  to  225  225  225 ) Barrel block
Cherry Liqueur (Light) 7-11 ( 7  to  11  11 ) CherryLiqueur
Cherry Liqueur (Moderate) 9-15 ( 9  to  15  15 ) CherryLiqueur
Cherry Liqueur (Strong) 11-19 ( 11  11  to  19  19 ) CherryLiqueur
Barrel of Cherry Liqueur (Moderate) 105-175 ( 105  105  to  175  175  175 ) Barrel block
Barrel of Cherry Liqueur (Strong) 135-225 ( 135  135  135  to  225  225  225 ) Barrel block
Apple Juice 5-8 ( 5  to  8 ) Apple Juice
Blueberry Juice 4-6 ( 4  to  6 ) BlueberryJuice
Blackberry Juice 4-6 ( 4  to  6 ) BlackberryJuice
Raspberry Juice 4-6 ( 4  to  6 ) RaspberryJuice
Cranberry Juice 4-6 ( 4  to  6 ) CranberryJuice
Elderberry Juice 4-6 ( 4  to  6 ) ElderberryJuice

Items Bought[]

Items Bought Price Range Image
Bucket 2-4 ( 2  to  4 ) Bucket
Water Bucket 3-5 ( 3  to  5 ) Water Bucket
2 x Wheat 1-1 ( 1  to  1 ) Wheat
Apple 1-1 ( 1  to  1 ) Apples
Pear 1-1 ( 1  to  1 ) Pear
Maple Syrup 1-1 ( 1  to  1 ) MapleSyrup
Plum 1-1 ( 1  to  1 ) Plum
2 x Sugar 1-1 ( 1  to  1 ) Sugar
Cherry 1-1 ( 1  to  1 ) Cherry

Bree-land Butcher[]

Bree-land butchers are easily recognizable by the raw chicken in their hand. They sell various raw meats and buy equipment like leads and daggers. You need positive or neutral Bree-land to trade with them.

Bree-hobbit Butcher

Items Sold[]

Items Sold Price Range Image
Raw Beef 4-6 ( 4  to  6 ) RawBeef
Raw Porkchop 4-6 ( 4  to  6 ) RawPorkchop
Gammon 5-8 ( 5  to  8 ) Gammon
Raw Mutton 4-6 ( 4  to  6 ) Mutton
Raw Chicken 3-5 ( 3  to  5 ) ChickenRaw
Raw Rabbit 3-5 ( 3  to  5 ) RawRabbit
Raw Venison 3-5 ( 3  to  5 ) Venison
Leather 2-4 ( 2  to  4 ) Leather
Feather 2-4 ( 2  to  4 ) Feather

Items Bought[]

Items Bought Price Range Image
Iron Dagger 2-4 ( 2  to  4 ) DaggerIron
Bronze Dagger 2-4 ( 2  to  4 ) DaggerBronze
Iron Ingot 2-4 ( 2  to  4 ) Iron Ingot
Lead 3-5 ( 3  to  5 ) Lead
3 x Wheat 1-1 ( 1  to  1 ) Wheat
Salt 8-13 ( 8  to  13  13 ) Salt

Bree-land Florist[]

Bree-land florists are easily recognizable by the lavender in their hand. They sell various flowers and buy gardening gear like buckets and hoes. You need positive or neutral Bree-land to trade with them. Bree-hobbit Florist

Items Sold[]

Items Sold Price Range Image
Poppy 2-4 ( 2  to  4 ) Poppy
Blue Orchid 6-10 ( 6  to  10 ) BlueOrchid
Allium 5-8 ( 5  to  8 ) Allium
Azure Bluet 2-4 ( 2  to  4 ) AzureBluet
Red Tulip 2-4 ( 2  to  4 ) RedTulip
Orange Tulip 2-4 ( 2  to  4 ) OrangeTulip
White Tulip 2-4 ( 2  to  4 ) WhiteTulip
Pink Tulip 2-4 ( 2  to  4 ) PinkTulip
Oxeye Daisy 2-4 ( 2  to  4 ) OxeyeDaisy
Dandelion 2-4 ( 2  to  4 ) Dandelion
Bluebell 2-4 ( 2  to  4 ) Bluebell
Marigold 2-4 ( 2  to  4 ) Marigold
Lavender 2-4 ( 2  to  4 ) Lavender
Sunflower 8-13 ( 8  to  13  13 ) Sunflower
Lilac 6-10 ( 6  to  10 ) Lilac
Rose Bush 6-10 ( 6  to  10 ) Rose Bush
Peony 6-10 ( 6  to  10 ) Peony
Yellow Iris 8-13 ( 8  to  13  13 ) YellowIrisTop
Black Iris 19-31 ( 19  19  to  31  31 ) BlackIrisTop
Shire Heather 5-8 ( 5  to  8 ) Shire Heather

Items Bought[]

Items Bought Price Range Image
Bucket 2-4 ( 2  to  4 ) Bucket
Water Bucket 3-5 ( 3  to  5 ) Water Bucket
Iron Hoe 6-10 ( 6  to  10 ) HoeIron
Stone Hoe 1-1 ( 1  to  1 ) HoeStone
Bronze Hoe 5-8 ( 5  to  8 ) HoeBronze
6 x Bone Meal 1-1 ( 1  to  1 ) Bone Meal

Bree-land Lumberman[]

Bree-land lumbermen are easily recognizable by the iron axe in their hand (which they will defend themselves with) and their hat. They sell various woods, leaves and saplings, and buy equipment like buckets and axes. You need positive or neutral Bree-land to trade with them.

Items Sold[]

Items Sold Price Range Image
Oak Wood 2-3 ( 2  to  3 ) LogOak
4 x Oak Wood Planks 2-3 ( 2  to  3 ) PlanksOak
3 x Oak Wood Beam 2-3 ( 2  to  3 ) BeamOak
Oak Leaves 2-3 ( 2  to  3 ) LeavesOak
Oak Sapling 3-5 ( 3  to  5 ) OakSapling
Spruce Wood 3-5 ( 3  to  5 ) LogSpruce
4 x Spruce Wood Planks 3-5 ( 3  to  5 ) PlanksSpruce
3 x Spruce Wood Beam 3-5 ( 3  to  5 ) BeamSpruce
Spruce Leaves 3-5 ( 3  to  5 ) LeavesSpruce
Spruce Sapling 6-10 ( 6  to  10 ) SpruceSapling
Birch Wood 2-4 ( 2  to  4 ) LogBirch
4 x Birch Wood Planks 2-4 ( 2  to  4 ) PlanksBirch
3 x Birch Wood Beam 2-4 ( 2  to  4 ) BeamBirch
Birch Leaves 2-4 ( 2  to  4 ) LeavesBirch
Birch Sapling 5-8 ( 5  to  8 ) Birch Sapling
Dark Oak Wood 5-8 ( 5  to  8 ) LogDarkOak
4 x Dark Oak Wood Planks 5-8 ( 5  to  8 ) PlanksDarkOak
3 x Dark Oak Wood Beam 5-8 ( 5  to  8 ) BeamDarkOak
Dark Oak Leaves 5-8 ( 5  to  8 ) LeavesDarkOak
Dark Oak Sapling 9-15 ( 9  to  15  15 ) DarkOakSapling
Shire Pine Wood 5-8 ( 5  to  8 ) LogShirePine
4 x Shire Pine Wood Planks 5-8 ( 5  to  8 ) PlanksShirePine
3 x Shire Pine Wood Beam 5-8 ( 5  to  8 ) BeamShirePine
Shire Pine Leaves 5-8 ( 5  to  8 ) LeavesShirePine
Shire Pine Sapling 9-15 ( 9  to  15  15 ) Shire Pine Sapling
Apple Wood 4-6 ( 4  to  6 ) LogApple
4 x Apple Wood Planks 4-6 ( 4  to  6 ) PlanksApple
3 x Apple Wood Beam 4-6 ( 4  to  6 ) BeamApple
Apple Leaves 4-6 ( 4  to  6 ) LeavesApple
Apple Sapling 8-13 ( 8  to  13  13 ) AppleSapling
Pear Wood 4-6 ( 4  to  6 ) LogPear
4 x Pear Wood Planks 4-6 ( 4  to  6 ) PlanksPear
3 x Pear Wood Beam 4-6 ( 4  to  6 ) BeamPear
Pear Leaves 4-6 ( 4  to  6 ) LeavesPear
Pear Sapling 8-13 ( 8  to  13  13 ) PearSapling
Beech Wood 2-4 ( 2  to  4 ) LogBeech
4 x Beech Wood Planks 2-4 ( 2  to  4 ) PlanksBeech
3 x Beech Wood Beam 2-4 ( 2  to  4 ) BeamBeech
Beech Leaves 2-4 ( 2  to  4 ) LeavesBeech
Beech Sapling 5-8 ( 5  to  8 ) Sapling beech
Holly Wood 5-8 ( 5  to  8 ) LogHolly
4 x Holly Wood Planks 5-8 ( 5  to  8 ) PlanksHolly
3 x Holly Wood Beam 5-8 ( 5  to  8 ) BeamHolly
Holly Leaves 5-8 ( 5  to  8 ) LeavesHolly
Holly Sapling 9-15 ( 9  to  15  15 ) HollySapling
Maple Wood 3-5 ( 3  to  5 ) LogMaple
4 x Maple Wood Planks 3-5 ( 3  to  5 ) PlanksMaple
3 x Maple Wood Beam 3-5 ( 3  to  5 ) BeamMaple
Maple Leaves 3-5 ( 3  to  5 ) LeavesMaple
Maple Sapling 6-10 ( 6  to  10 ) MapleSapling
Larch Wood 3-5 ( 3  to  5 ) LogLarch
4 x Larch Wood Planks 3-5 ( 3  to  5 ) PlanksLarch
3 x Larch Wood Beam 3-5 ( 3  to  5 ) BeamLarch
Larch Leaves 3-5 ( 3  to  5 ) LeavesLarch
Larch Sapling 6-10 ( 6  to  10 ) LarchSapling
Chestnut Wood 2-4 ( 2  to  4 ) LogChestnut
4 x Chestnut Wood Planks 2-4 ( 2  to  4 ) PlanksChestnut
3 x Chestnut Wood Beam 2-4 ( 2  to  4 ) BeamChestnut
Chestnut Leaves 2-4 ( 2  to  4 ) LeavesChestnut
Chestnut Sapling 5-8 ( 5  to  8 ) ChestnutSapling
Fir Wood 3-5 ( 3  to  5 ) LogFir
4 x Fir Wood Planks 3-5 ( 3  to  5 ) PlanksFir
3 x Fir Wood Beam 3-5 ( 3  to  5 ) BeamFir
Fir Leaves 3-5 ( 3  to  5 ) LeavesFir
Fir Sapling 6-10 ( 6  to  10 ) FirSapling
Pine Wood 3-5 ( 3  to  5 ) LogPine
4 x Pine Wood Planks 3-5 ( 3  to  5 ) PlanksPine
3 x Pine Wood Beam 3-5 ( 3  to  5 ) BeamPine
Pine Leaves 3-5 ( 3  to  5 ) LeavesPine
Pine Sapling 6-10 ( 6  to  10 ) PineSapling
Willow Wood 3-5 ( 3  to  5 ) LogWillow
4 x Willow Wood Planks 3-5 ( 3  to  5 ) PlanksWillow
3 x Willow Wood Beam 3-5 ( 3  to  5 ) BeamWillow
Willow Leaves 3-5 ( 3  to  5 ) LeavesWillow
Willow Sapling 6-10 ( 6  to  10 ) WillowSapling
Aspen Wood 2-4 ( 2  to  4 ) LogAspen
4 x Aspen Wood Planks 2-4 ( 2  to  4 ) PlanksAspen
3 x Aspen Wood Beam 2-4 ( 2  to  4 ) BeamAspen
Aspen Leaves 2-4 ( 2  to  4 ) LeavesAspen
Aspen Sapling 5-8 ( 5  to  8 ) AspenSapling
Plum Wood 4-6 ( 4  to  6 ) LogPlum
4 x Plum Wood Planks 4-6 ( 4  to  6 ) PlanksPlum
3 x Plum Wood Beam 4-6 ( 4  to  6 ) BeamPlum
Plum Leaves 4-6 ( 4  to  6 ) LeavesPlum
Plum Sapling 8-13 ( 8  to  13  13 ) PlumSapling
4 x Stick 1-1 ( 1  to  1 ) Stick

Items Bought[]

Items Bought Price Range Image
Bucket 2-4 ( 2  to  4 ) Bucket
Water Bucket 3-5 ( 3  to  5 ) Water Bucket
Iron Axe 6-10 ( 6  to  10 ) AxeIron
Stone Axe 1-1 ( 1  to  1 ) AxeStone
Bronze Axe 5-8 ( 5  to  8 ) AxeBronze
6 x Bone Meal 1-1 ( 1  to  1 ) Bone Meal
Shears 4-6 ( 4  to  6 ) Shears

Bree-land Stonemason[]

Bree-land stonemasons are easily recognizable by the drystone in their hand. They sell various stone blocks and buy mining gear like buckets, torches, pickaxes and food. You need positive or neutral Bree-land to trade with them. If attacked they will defend themselves with an iron pickaxe.

Items Sold[]

Items Sold Price Range Image

Items Bought[]

Items Bought Price Range Image
Bree Shield  The Big and Little Folk of Bree  Bree-land Banner

NPCs: Bree-ManBree-hobbitGuardFarmhandRuffian SpyRuffian Brute
Traders: BlacksmithFarmerInnkeepersMarket TradersBree-land Sherriff
Blocks: Bree-land Crafting Table
Structures: Bree-land Settlement (hamlets and villages)

Coin 1Trading in the Lord of the Rings Mod Coin 1