Carrot wine is a moderately alcoholic brew made with carrots. It is relatively easy to obtain, even soon after entering Middle-earth, as many carrots can be found in Hobbit structures in the Shire. With a good carrot farm under way, this is a very easy brew to make, as it can be produced in large quantities.
Brewing carrot wine in a barrel is fairly easy; the necessary ingredients are only the usual three water buckets and six carrots. As for all other alcoholic drinks, there are five subsequent potency steps: weak, light, moderate, strong, and potent carrot wine.
Depending on the potency, carrot wine will partly fill the hunger bar when drunk from a mug. It will, however, also inflict the Nausea effect, like other alcoholic beverages, upon the player. The duration of this effect depends upon the potency and the player's specific alcohol tolerance.
Potency | Alcoholicity | Hunger Restored | Saturation |
Weak | 2% | .8 | |
Light | 4% | 1.2 | |
Moderate | 8% | 2.4 | |
Strong | 16% | 4 | |
Potent | 24% | 5 |
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