The Lord of the Rings Minecraft Mod Wiki

Carrot wine is a moderately alcoholic brew made with carrots. It is quite easy to obtain, even soon after entering Middle-earth, as many carrots can be found in Hobbit structures in the Shire. With a good carrot farm under way, this is a very easy brew to make, as it can be produced in large quantities.

As of Public Beta 24.4, this drink is not bought or sold by any traders.


Brewing carrot wine in a barrel is fairly easy; the necessary ingredients are only the usual three water buckets and six carrots. As for all other alcoholic drinks, there are five subsequent potency steps: weak, light, moderate, strong, and potent carrot wine.


The barrel brewing recipe for carrot wine


Depending on the potency, carrot wine will partly fill the hunger bar when drunk from a mug. It will, however, also inflict the Nausea effect, like other alcoholic beverages, upon the player. The duration of this effect depends upon the potency and the player's specific alcohol tolerance.

Potency Alcoholicity
Weak 2%
Light 4%
Moderate 8%
Strong 16%
Potent 24%