The Lord of the Rings Minecraft Mod Wiki

Bricks are a range of building blocks that can be crafted, normally using four smooth stone, but sometimes using other blocks as the base material. There are several brick types in the mod, mostly faction-specific, and thus most types may only be crafted on the faction's crafting table.

One notable exception is the bricks found in Utumno. These can't be crafted, and can only be broken using the Pickaxe of the Underworld.

If you want to create cracked bricks, you can either smelt the bricks in any kind of forge, or grind them in a millstone. Note: Not all kinds of bricks have got a cracked variant.

Bricks in Middle-earth

AngmarBrick AngmarArnorBrick ArnorSarngaranBrick CargonDalish Brick DaleDol Amroth Brick Dol AmrothDolGuldurBrick Dol GuldurDorwinionBrick Dorwinion
DwarvenBrick DwarvenElvenBrick ElvenGondorBrick Gondor (GondorCobblebrick Cobble) • Near Harad Brick HaradricIce Brick IceSarlluinBrick LuigonMordorBrick Mordor
Morwaith Brick MorwaithMud Brick MudNúmenórean Brick NúmenóreanRed Brick RedRhûnic Brick Rhûnic (Red Rhûnic Brick Red)
Rohan Brick RohanSnow Brick SnowTaurethrim Brick TaurethrimUmbar Brick UmbarUruk brick UrukUtumnoBricks Utumno

All items (30)
