The Lord of the Rings Minecraft Mod Wiki
This feature is present in: Renewed, Legacy.

Dalish brick is type of brick found in the structures of the land of Dale. There are also mossy, cracked and carved variants available.


This brick can easily be crafted from stone, and is found also in a variety of Dalish structures including houses, bakeries, smithies, fortresses and watchtowers. This brick is of course also found in the roads of Dale.


Dalish crafting recipe
Dalish Crafting
Dalish Brick

Using four pieces of stone these bricks can easily be crafted on a Dalish crafting table. And doing so will yield four Dalish bricks. In addition, bricks can been crafted into stairs, walls and slabs.


Dalish crafting recipe
Dalish Crafting
Dalish Brick
Dalish Brick
Dalish Brick
Dalish Brick
Carved Dalish Brick

If you put four Dalish bricks on a Dalish crafting table, you will be able to craft one carved brick, which only gives one single block, similar to other carved bricks.


heat needed
Dalish Brick
any kind of fuel
Cracked Dalish Brick

To make the cracked variant, first craft regular bricks (see above). Then smelt them in a furnace or any type of forge. The cracked slabs, stairs, and walls can now be made on a Dalish crafting table, using the normal Minecraft recipes.


Dalish crafting recipe
Dalish Crafting
Dalish Brick
any vines
Mossy Dalish Brick

Dalish bricks can also be overgrown by vines. Just put one vine and one brick on a Dalish crafting table. The mossy slabs, stairs, and walls can now be made on a Dalish crafting table, using the normal Minecraft recipes.

Dale Shield  The Northmen of Dale  Dale Banner

NPCs: Dalishman (Banner Bearer, Levyman, Longbowman, Soldier)
Traders: BakerBlacksmithCaptainMerchant
Items: Armour (Gambeson) • CrackerCramEquipmentRolling Pin
Blocks: BrickCrafting Table
Structures: FortressVillageWatchtower
