The Lord of the Rings Minecraft Mod Wiki
This feature is present in: Renewed, Legacy.

The Dol Amroth crafting table is one of the many crafting tables added in the LotR Mod. It is used to craft items for the Dol Amroth faction of Dor-en-Ernil.

To craft with it, you'll need a Gondor alignment of +1 or higher, else the table will simply do nothing except emit puffs of smoke.

Upon crafting an item on this table, the player will earn the achievement "Dol Amroth Crafter".


These tables can be found naturally spawning in stables, or they can be crafted with two Gondor rock and two wooden planks.

However, Dol Amroth crafting tables can only be crafted atop another Dol Amroth crafting table, so the player must first find one spawning naturally to craft Dol Amroth products such as weapons or armour.

There are no traders, that sell these crafting tables.

Items Crafted[]

Below is a list of all items that can be crafted on the Dol Amroth crafting table and their recipes.

Dol Amroth Crafting Recipes
Table and Banner
Dol Amroth crafting recipe
Dol Amroth Crafting
any wood planks
Gondor Rock
any wood planks
Gondor Rock
Dol Amroth Crafting Table
Dol Amroth crafting recipe
Dol Amroth Crafting
any wool
any stick
any wood planks
Banner of Dol Amroth
Dol Amroth crafting recipe
Dol Amroth Crafting
Iron Ingot
Iron Ingot
any stick
Dol Amroth Sword
Dol Amroth crafting recipe
Dol Amroth Crafting
Iron Ingot
any stick
Dol Amroth Dagger
Dol Amroth crafting recipe
Dol Amroth Crafting
any stick
Iron Ingot
Iron Ingot
Dol Amroth Lance
Dol Amroth crafting recipe
Dol Amroth Crafting
any stick
any stick
Iron Ingot
Iron Ingot
Dol Amroth Longspear
Any Gondorian crafting recipe
Any Gondorian Crafting
any stick
any stick
any stick
Gondorian Bow
Dol Amroth crafting recipe
Dol Amroth Crafting
Swan Feather
Iron Ingot
Iron Ingot
Iron Ingot
Swan Feather
Iron Ingot
Iron Ingot
Dol Amroth helmet
Dol Amroth crafting recipe
Dol Amroth Crafting
Iron Ingot
Iron Ingot
Iron Ingot
Iron Ingot
Iron Ingot
Iron Ingot
Dol Amroth Horse Armour
Dol Amroth crafting recipe
Dol Amroth Crafting
Swan Feather
Iron Ingot
Iron Ingot
Iron Ingot
Iron Ingot
Iron Ingot
Swan Feather
Iron Ingot
Iron Ingot
Dol Amroth chestplate
Dol Amroth crafting recipe
Dol Amroth Crafting
any wool
any wool
any wool
any wool
any wool
any wool
any wool
any wool
Dol Amroth Gambeson
Dol Amroth crafting recipe
Dol Amroth Crafting
Iron Ingot
Iron Ingot
Iron Ingot
Iron Ingot
Iron Ingot
Iron Ingot
Iron Ingot
Dol Amroth leggings
Dol Amroth crafting recipe
Dol Amroth Crafting
any wool
any wool
any wool
any wool
any wool
any wool
any wool
Dol Amroth Chaps
Dol Amroth crafting recipe
Dol Amroth Crafting
Iron Ingot
Iron Ingot
Iron Ingot
Iron Ingot
Dol Amroth boots
Dol Amroth crafting recipe
Dol Amroth Crafting
Iron Ingot
any wood planks
Iron Ingot
any wood planks
Gate Gears
any wood planks
Iron Ingot
any wood planks
Iron Ingot
Dol Amroth Gate
Dol Amroth crafting recipe
Dol Amroth Crafting
Gondor Rock
Gondor Rock
Gondor Rock
Gondor Rock
Dol Amroth Brick
Númenórean crafting recipe
Númenórean Crafting
Mordor Rock
Mordor Rock
Mordor Rock
Mordor Rock
Númenórean Brick
Dol Amroth crafting recipe
Dol Amroth Crafting
Dol Amroth Brick
Dol Amroth Brick
Dol Amroth Brick
Dol Amroth Brick
Dol Amroth Brick
Dol Amroth Brick
Dol Amroth Brick Stairs
Númenórean crafting recipe
Númenórean Crafting
Númenórean Brick
Númenórean Brick
Númenórean Brick
Númenórean Brick
Númenórean Brick
Númenórean Brick
Númenórean Brick Stairs
Dol Amroth crafting recipe
Dol Amroth Crafting
Dol Amroth Brick
Dol Amroth Brick
Dol Amroth Brick
Dol Amroth Brick Slab
Númenórean crafting recipe
Númenórean Crafting
Númenórean Brick
Númenórean Brick
Númenórean Brick
Númenórean Brick Slab
Dol Amroth crafting recipe
Dol Amroth Crafting
Dol Amroth Brick
Dol Amroth Brick
Dol Amroth Brick
Dol Amroth Brick
Dol Amroth Brick
Dol Amroth Brick
Dol Amroth Brick Wall
Númenórean crafting recipe
Númenórean Crafting
Númenórean Brick
Númenórean Brick
Númenórean Brick
Númenórean Brick
Númenórean Brick
Númenórean Brick
Númenórean Brick Wall
Any Gondorian crafting recipe
Any Gondorian Crafting
Númenórean Brick
Númenórean Brick
Númenórean Brick
Númenórean Brick
Carved Black Gondor Brick
Númenórean crafting recipe
Númenórean Crafting
Mordor Rock
Mordor Rock
Mordor Rock
Númenórean Pillar
Númenórean crafting recipe
Númenórean Crafting
Númenórean Pillar
Númenórean Pillar
Númenórean Pillar
Númenórean Pillar Slab
Gondor Shield  The Men of Gondor  Gondor Banner

NPCs: GondorianLevymanSoldier (Archer, Banner Bearer, Tower Guard)
Traders: CaptainMarket Traders
Items: Armour (Horse) • BowEquipment
Blocks: BeaconBrick (Cobble) • CasketCrafting Table
Structures: Beacon TowerFortressObeliskRuined TowerRuinsSettlementsTurretWatchfort

Blackroot Shield  The Soldiers of the Blackroot Vale  BlackrootVale Banner

NPCs: Soldier (Bowman)
Traders: Bowlord
Items: ArmourBow
Blocks: Blackroot

Dol Amroth Shield  The Knights of Dol Amroth  Dol Amroth Banner

Man-at-arms (Archer) • Swan Knight (Banner Bearer)
Traders: Captain
Items: Armour (Horse) • EquipmentSwan Feather
Blocks: BrickCrafting Table
Structures: Stable

Gondor Shield  The Rangers of Ithilien  Ithilien Banner

NPCs: Ranger of Ithilien
Traders: Captain
Items: Armour
Structures: Hideout

Lamedon Shield  The Hillmen of Lamedon  Lamedon Banner

NPCs: Warrior (Archer, Hillman)
Traders: Captain
Items: ArmourGambeson

Lebennin Shield  The Folk of Lebennin  Lebennin Banner

NPCs: Levyman
Traders: Captain
Items: Gambeson

Lossarnach Shield  The Mountaineers of Lossarnach  Lossarnach Banner

NPCs: Axeman
Traders: Captain
Items: ArmourEquipment

Pelargir Shield  The Mariners of Pelargir  Pelargir Banner

NPCs: Marine
Traders: Commander
Items: ArmourEquipment

Pinnath Gelin Shield  The Warriors of Pinnath Gelin  PinnathGelin Banner

NPCs: Soldier
Traders: Captain
Items: Armour

Faction-specific Crafting Tables

Blue MountainsBree-landDalishDol AmrothDorwinionDwarvenGaladhrimGondorian

AngmarDol GuldurDunlendingGulfenGundabadHalf-troll
