The Lord of the Rings Minecraft Mod Wiki
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FangornPlant silver150
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Dorwinion Elven armour is the suit of armour worn by the Bladorthin warriors of Dorwinion and their captains. The Dorwinion Elven armour has about 25% more durability than regular iron armour.

Upon equipping a full set of Dorwinion Elven armour, you earn the achievement "Warrior of Bladorthin".

HelmetDorwinionElf BodyDorwinionElf LegsDorwinionElf BootsDorwinionElf


Dorwinion Elven armour is made on a Dorwinion crafting table using Elven steel; the recipe shapes are the same as those for regular armour. All crafting recipes are shown below.

Dorwinion Elven Armour Crafting Recipes
Recipe Protection Possible modifiers Durability
Dorwinion crafting recipe
Dorwinion Crafting
Elven Steel Ingot
Elven Steel Ingot
Elven Steel Ingot
Elven Steel Ingot
Elven Steel Ingot
Dorwinion Elven helmet
2 ( 2 ) belegostian, cooling, deflecting, enduring, eölean, glancing, hardy, lasting, poor, tough, and unwithering 330
Dorwinion crafting recipe
Dorwinion Crafting
Elven Steel Ingot
Elven Steel Ingot
Elven Steel Ingot
Elven Steel Ingot
Elven Steel Ingot
Elven Steel Ingot
Elven Steel Ingot
Elven Steel Ingot
Dorwinion Elven chestplate
6 ( 6 ) belegostian, cooling, crude, deflecting, enduring, eölean, glancing, hardy, lasting, poor, steadfast, tough, and unwithering 480
Dorwinion crafting recipe
Dorwinion Crafting
Elven Steel Ingot
Elven Steel Ingot
Elven Steel Ingot
Elven Steel Ingot
Elven Steel Ingot
Elven Steel Ingot
Elven Steel Ingot
Dorwinion Elven leggings
5 ( 5 ) belegostian, cooling, crude, deflecting, enduring, eölean, glancing, hardy, lasting, poor, tough, and unwithering 450
Dorwinion crafting recipe
Dorwinion Crafting
Elven Steel Ingot
Elven Steel Ingot
Elven Steel Ingot
Elven Steel Ingot
Dorwinion Elven boots
2 ( 2 ) belegostian, cooling, deflecting, enduring, eölean, glancing, hardy, lasting, lightfooted, poor, strongshod, thicksoled, tough, and unwithering 390


Prior to Public Beta 28.1, it had a hot pink colour. There was a significant amount of rather emotional discussion over the colouration, and many users made their own textures for it. The armour was re-textured in Public Beta 28.1, but the texture was one made by Mevans rather than a Wiki user.


This page is the thousandth page ever made on this Wiki, created on April 21st, 2016 by High King Ithilion.

Dorwinion Shield  The Men and Elves of Dorwinion  Dorwinion Banner

NPCs: Elves (Warrior, Archer) Men (Crossbower, Guard, Vinehand)
Traders: Captain (Elven) • MerchantVinekeeper
Items: Armour (Elven) • EquipmentForge
Blocks: BrickCrafting TableGrapevine Post
Structures: BathhouseBreweryCampGardenHouse (Elven)
