The Lord of the Rings Minecraft Mod Wiki

Dunlending bartenders are trading NPCs that can be found in taverns in Dunland. They can be distinguished from normal Dunlendings by their filthy apron and the silver coin that they hold.

When the player completes a trade with a Dunlending bartender, they gain the achievement "Fine Dining".


Dunlending bartenders tend to stay in the back end of their tavern out of harm's way, faithfully serving their kinsmen food and drink.

Unlike most Dunlendings, a bartender will not target foes of Dunland. However, if anything (including the player) attacks bartenders, they will fight back with the fists.


Dunlending bartenders can drop bones, like other human NPCs, as well as various types of food and drink, and empty mugs. Occasionally, a bartender may drop some gold nuggets.


You can trade with a Dunlending bartender as long as you do not have a negative Dunland alignment.

Dunlending bartenders offer a variety of hearty foods and drinks, including meat, bread, and many kinds of alcoholic beverages for a reasonable price.

They will buy ingredients such as raw meat and wheat from you, as well as clay plates and mugs.

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An example of a Dunlending bartender's trading panel.

Items Sold[]

Below is a table of values for each item that the player is available to purchase from this NPC. Use this table to find out if your bartender is giving you a good deal or not. Each bartender will not have every item listed for sale.

Items Sold Price Range Image
Dunlending Crafting Table 30-50 ( 30  to  50 ) Dunlending Crafting Table
Wooden Mug 2-3 ( 2  to  3 ) Mug
Cermaic Mug 2-3 ( 2  to  3 ) CeramicMug
Waterskin 2-3 ( 2  to  3 ) Waterskin
Plate 2-3 ( 2  to  3 ) Plate
2 x Baked Potato 5-9 ( 5  to  9 ) PotatoBaked
Bread 4-6 ( 4  to  6 ) Bread
Cooked Chicken 5-8 ( 5  to  8 ) ChickenCooked
Cooked Fish 5-8 ( 5  to  8 ) FishCooked
Cooked Porkchop 5-9 ( 5  to  9 ) PorkchopCooked
Cooked Rabbit 5-8 ( 5  to  8 ) RabbitCooked
Gammon 5-9 ( 5  to  9 ) Gammon
Cooked Mutton 5-9 ( 5  to  9 ) CookedMutton
Rabbit Stew 8-13 ( 8  to  13  13 ) Rabbit Stew
Steak 5-9 ( 5  to  9 ) Steak
Cooked Venison 5-9 ( 5  to  9 ) CookedVenison
Ale (Light) 5-8 ( 5  to  8 ) Ale
Ale (Moderate) 6-10 ( 6  to  10 ) Ale
Ale (Strong) 8-13 ( 8  to  13  13 ) Ale
Cider (Light) 5-8 ( 5  to  8 ) Cider
Cider (Moderate) 6-10 ( 6  to  10 ) Cider
Cider (Strong) 8-13 ( 8  to  13  13 ) Cider
Mead (Light) 5-8 ( 5  to  8 ) Mead
Mead (Moderate) 6-10 ( 6  to  10 ) Mead
Mead (Strong) 8-13 ( 8  to  13  13 ) Mead
Rum (Light) 7-11 ( 7  to  11  11 ) Rum
Rum (Moderate) 9-15 ( 9  to  15  15 ) Rum
Rum (Strong) 11-19 ( 11  11  to  19  19 ) Rum
Apple Juice 5-8 ( 5  to  8 ) AppleJuice

Items Bought[]

Below is a table of values for each item that the player can sell to this NPC. Use this table to earn more money by only selling when the prices are high. You will not be able to sell every item to every bartender as each bartender will not want to purchase every item listed below.

Items Bought Price Range Image
2 x Potato 1-1 ( 1  to  1 ) Potato
2 x Wheat 1-1 ( 1  to  1 ) Wheat
Clay Mug 1-1 ( 1  to  1 ) ClayMug
Clay Plate 1-1 ( 1  to  1 ) ClayPlate
Raw Beef 2-4 ( 2  to  4 ) RawBeef
Raw Chicken 2-4 ( 2  to  4 ) ChickenRaw
Raw Fish 2-3 ( 2  to  3 ) Fish
Raw Porkchop 2-4 ( 2  to  4 ) RawPorkchop
Raw Rabbit 2-4 ( 2  to  4 ) RawRabbit
Raw Mutton 2-4 ( 2  to  4 ) Mutton
Raw Venison 2-4 ( 2  to  4 ) Venison
Leather 2-3 ( 2  to  3 ) Leather
Salt 8-13 ( 8  to  13  13 ) Salt


These traders have been around the block and know a thing or two., and who not to trade with too! Any enemy of the strawheads (with a coin or two) is welcome in their pubs! However if a drunken idiot or strawhead stumbles in, a bar brawl will ensue!


  • Greetings, Person!
  • Welcome, Person! What can I get for you today?
  • Welcome to The Mournful Tower, Person!
  • Welcome to The Mournful Tower.
  • This is The Mournful Tower, the finest tavern in all of Dunland!
  • No Strawheads allowed in here!
  • Food? Drink? A song? What is it you want, Person?
  • I'll give you a good meal or a drink for just a few silver coins.
  • Want anything to eat or drink, Person? I just need some silver coins.
  • And here's Person! What can I do for you today?
  • You looking for a drink?
  • This tavern may be filthy, but the grub's second to none!
  • We Dunlendings like our drink, Person.
  • Got any silver coins?
  • Our ale is the fines ale in all the lands!
  • Welcome, Person! Enjoy your stay!
  • Thirsty? Our ale will satisfy all your needs! Ha! Ha!
  • For a few silver coins you can get your hands on the finest drink in Middle-earth!
  • Welcome stranger! You come to the best tavern with the finest ale in all of Dunland!


  • Your doom comes swiftly, Person!
  • Your kind is not welcome here.
  • Curse you, Person!
  • Stop, Person. You are unwelcome here!
  • Flee, wretched friend of the horse-lords!
  • Raaaargh!
  • Death to the Strawheads and their kin!
  • Down you go, Person!
  • What devilry of Rohan comes hence?
  • Your end shall be swift, strawhead-scum!
  • Run, scum, run back to those pitiful horse-riding cowards!
  • Death to you and all your kin!
  • Begone, you Eorling scum!
  • You shall pay for your crimes, Person!
  • Death to the robbers of the North!
  • This is your last stand, Strawhead scum!
  • Death to the Forgoil! Death to the Strawheads!
Dunland Shield  The Wildmen of Dunland  Dunland Banner

NPCs: Dunlending (Axe-thrower, Banner Bearer, Berserker, Bowman, Warrior)
Traders: BartenderWarlord
Items: ArmourEquipment
Blocks: BasketCrafting Table
Structures: CampfireHill FortHouseTavern

Coin 1Trading in the Lord of the Rings Mod Coin 1