The Lord of the Rings Minecraft Mod Wiki

Dwarven towers are large structures that generate in the Iron Hills and Erebor, towering over the rest of the landscape. These great symbols of Dwarven might contain a small army of Dwarf Warriors and Axe-Throwers, and they house Dwarf Commanders, the leaders of the armies of the Longbeards. Dwarven towers contain enough food and drink for an army of Hobbits, and Dwarven crafting tables and forges can also be found here.

Dwarven towers will spawn more Dwarves to replace lost ones if necessary, making them excellent targets for evil players looking for a fight.

Ruined Dwarven Towers can be found in the Grey Mountains and Misty Mountains foothills, monuments of the previous expanse of Dwarven realms. However, these have long been abandoned and are used as outposts by the forces of Gundabad.



A Dwarven tower in the Iron Hills.

These mighty towers can be found all across Erebor and the Iron Hills, and they're quite hard to miss - each tower is around 40 blocks tall. They tend to generate more commonly in flat, open areas, but they can be found on mountainsides as well. Due to the respawner located on the tower's first floor, the area immediately surrounding Dwarven towers tends to be swarming with Dwarf Warriors and Dwarf Axe-throwers.



The gate of a Dwarven tower.

Dwarven towers are made of Dwarven brick and Dwarven pillars, and they feature glowing dwarven bricks for lighting. From the outside, towers appear blocky and plain, with the only real distinguishing features being their large windows, which are made of Dwarf steel bars. The entrance to the tower is a simple Dwarven gate set into one of the walls, with three banners of Durin's Folk hung above it and a pair of glowing bricks built into the gate-frame.


Dwarven Forges on the ground floor of a tower.

The interior of the tower consists of eight levels, including the rooftop. Each floor is made of wooden planks, either spruce, larch, fir, or pine (wood types consistent for each tower). Dwarven brick stairs leading down to the previous level and up to the next dominate each room; the stairs follow a switchback pattern. Each of the tower's lower seven levels features two barred windows, pillars in the corners with glowing Dwarven brick, and a small station to the left of the ascending staircase.


Crafting tables in a Dwarven tower.

The seven internal floors of Dwarven towers are differentiated only by the utility blocks or loot they contain. Each floor can have either two Dwarven Forges, two Dwarven Crafting tables, a large chest with assorted Dwarven loot, a shelf with two barrels containing either Dwarven ale or Dwarven tonic, or a table with two plates loaded up with food, typically some variety of cooked meat. Not every tower will have every kind of level - some will have multiple loot chests, while others will have none.


A Dwarf Commander at the top of a tower.

The roof of the tower is an open-air viewing platform, providing a clear view of all the lands around. Large pillars running up the corners of the tower feature glowing Dwarven bricks at the top, while the upper floor itself features two standing banners of Durin's Folk and a Table of Command. A Dwarf Commander spawns at the top of the tower, allowing players with sufficient alignment with Durin's Folk to hire NPCs.



Dwarves crowding around a food-table.

Dwarven Towers are full of Dwarf Warriors and Dwarf Axe-thowers, which guard the tower and stand ready to defend their homeland from attackers. The most noteworthy occupants of these towers, however, is the Dwarf Commander that spawns at the top. Players with more than +200 Durin's Folk alignment will be able to hire units from these veteran warriors (though most Dwarven units require pledges), and players with more than +1500 alignment will be able to purchase warhorns from them.



A chest in a Dwarven tower.


Barrels of Dwarven Ale.

Dwarven towers can contain plenty of valuable loot and utility blocks. Towers can feature double chests containing all sorts of Dwarven loot, as well as barrels of Dwarven ale and tonic and plates loaded with food, all of which can be useful to adventurers looking to stock up. Dwarven towers also sometimes contain Dwarven crafting tables and Dwarven forges, which players can use (or steal when the Dwarves aren't looking).

Dwarf Shield  The Dwarves of Durin's Folk  Dwarf Banner

NPCs: Dwarf (Axe Thrower, Banner Bearer, Warrior)
Traders: CommanderMerchantMinerSmith
Items: Armour (Trimmed, Boar) • EquipmentMarriage Ring
Blocks: BedBrickCrafting TableDoorForge
Structures: HouseMine (Ruined) • SmithyTower (Ruined)
