The Lord of the Rings Minecraft Mod Wiki

Nomad settlements are large camps that can be found in the Half-deserts of Near Harad, home to travelling caravans of Harad Nomads. They can occasionally be found throughout the biome, and generate in a similar fashion to vanilla villages, consisting of varying sorts of smaller structures. Smaller outposts are more common, and can also be found in Harad Riverbank biomes, whole encampments are larger and rarer.

Near Harad players will definitely want to visit those camps, as there's lots of loot to be found in them, and they offer plenty of questing opportunities.

Types of settlements[]



These are smaller, more common camps home to the lesser Nomad caravans. They are built around a single big tent in the center and feature up to seven normal tents in a circle around it. Nomads and their guards spawn around outposts.



These larger settlements can only be found in the Half-deserts, and are much less common. They are built around small wells, which provide a modicum of relief from the scorching heat of the desert. Four tents are located around this central well: two big tents, one chieftain tent, and one bazaar tent. Around those, in an outer circle, can be found up to fourteen normal tents. Encampments are home to a great many Nomads and Nomad Guards.

Finding settlements[]

As with all the Mod's settlements, Nomad settlements need some flat land to spawn. That means that the first rule of thumb when searching for settlements is to look for an area of flat land. Then, keep on looking, as settlements don't spawn very frequently. Note, that they do no longer spawn in scrubland (since Update 34.3). They're well worth finding, however, owing to their plentiful loot and questing opportunities.


The following structures can be found in Nomad settlements:

Nomad Well[]

Nomad wells are located at the center of encampments, surrounded by small patches of grass. They consist of deep pits filled with water, cordoned off by fences. These wells are lit by a quartet of torches and can be accessed by gates built into the fences. Occasionally, reeds will grow in wells, providing material for Nomad Armour.

Nomad Tent[]

Nomad tents are the main structures in both camp variants. The ordinary tents are the smallest in size, forming the outer circle of both outposts and encampments. They are round structures with a few small windows and a doorway in one side. They are made primarily of white wool with brown stripes, supported by fences. They can be excellent sources of wool and are easily destroyed by fire.

The inside has a big wooden pole in the center to hold up the tent, and also smaller poles around the perimeter. The big pole has some torches attached to it for illumination. The floor of these tents are unfurnished, allowing flora to grow inside. Tents feature a pair of straw beds and a furnace to the left of the entrance, a vanilla crafting table to the right, and a mounted Haradric weapon and a reed basket with some standard loot on the far end. The tents are inhabited by one or two nomads each.


The livestock of the nomads are allowed to roam free within their encampments, though they are usually kept out of the tents.

Big Nomad Tent[]

The big tents are a bit larger than ordinary ones and more oval in shape. One is located at the center of each outpost, and two are located around the centers of encampments. They've got more small windows than ordinary tents and a doorway on one side. Like regular tents, they are made of of wooden fences, and white and brown wool.

On the inside, the tent is held up by four long wooden poles in the middle, and also smaller poles around the perimeter. Two small poles support torches for illumination. The floor has one big carpet at the center and two smaller ones to the left and right of the entrance, used for sitting. Three wooden slabs provide simple seats around the two smaller rugs. The rest of the floor is uncovered, like in the ordinary tents.

Across the entrance, a longer bench is located underneath a wall-mounted weapon and a banner of the Southron Nomads. A double straw bed can be found in the tent, as can a furnace, a cauldron, a vanilla crafting table, and a reed basket with some standard loot. The big tents are normally inhabited by two nomads each.


The carpets owned by wealthier nomads are beautiful, but require frequent beating to rid them of the desert sand.

Nomad Chieftain Tent[]

These tents are home to wealthy Nomad Chieftains, and are relatively luxurious for tents. These tents are even larger than big ones, and are also oval in shape. One can be found in each encampment.

Chieftain tents can be recognized by their small windows, which feature trapdoor shades. The doorway is decorated with skulls and a banner of the Southron Nomads. These tents are also built out of wooden fences, and white and brown wool as usual. To the right and left of the entrance, two tame camels are tethered to fence posts.

On the inside, the tent is held up by four long wooden poles in the middle, and also smaller poles around the perimeter. Chandeliers are suspended from the ceiling to illuminate the place. The floor has three huge carpets. The rest of the floor is uncovered, like in the ordinary tents, and is sometimes overgrown with vegetation.

Across from the entrance, a wooden bench is located beneath a banner of Near Harad. To either side, gold and silver trinkets are piled up. Two double lion fur beds with banners of the Southron Nomads above them, two cauldrons, two reed baskets, a vanilla crafting table, a Haradric crafting table, tables with food and drink, and wall-mounted weapons complete the furnishing of the tent.


Woven tapestries, carpets, and precious metals are all prominently displayed within the houses of chieftains, which act as meeting-houses for the tribe.

The tent is usually inhabited by a chieftain, who allows you to hire Nomad troops, if you've got enough alignment with the Near Harad faction. He's joined by a few guardsmen, that keep watch on the treasures and their chief.

Nomad Bazaar[]

If you are visiting an encampment for the opportunity to trade goods, the bazaar is the right place to go. Nomad bazaars are not found in outposts, only in encampments. These tents are the largest ones built by the Nomads.

Bazaars are easily recognizable by their three entrances. They've got a lot of small windows, as well as three larger ones above the bazaar stalls. These tents are also built out of wooden fences, and white and brown wool as usual.

Inside, the tent is held up by six long wooden poles in the middle, and also smaller poles around the perimeter. Chandeliers are suspended from the ceiling to illuminate the place. A big carpet greets the visitor, while the rest of the floor is uncovered and supports the usual vegetation.


The markets of the nomads are famed for the unusual and mysterious items one can often find within.

Three empty reed baskets, a pile of melons, barrels with alcoholic drinks, lapis lazuil ore, butterfly jars, skulls, hay bales, cages suspended from the ceiling, and weapon racks decorate the place.

Most important - of course - are the three market stalls, in which different traders sell their goods and are willing to buy some of your stuff. These market stalls are similar to those in Southron bazaars and other places of Near Harad. In them, players can find Nomad Armourers, Nomad Stonemasons, Nomad Miners, and Nomad Brewers.

Harad Contest Shield  The Southrons of Near Harad  Near Harad Banner

NPCs: Slave
Traders: Merchant
Items: Black Númenórean ArmourBowEquipmentRobes
Blocks: BasketBrickChestCrafting Table
Structures: Ancient FortressObeliskPyramid

Umbar Shield  The Corsairs of Umbar  Umbar Banner

NPCs: Umbarians (Archer, Banner Bearer, Corsair, Soldier) • Gondorian Renegade
Traders: BartenderBazaar TradersCaptain (Umbar) • FarmerSlaver
Items: Armour (Umbaric, Horse) • Equipment (Umbaric)
Blocks: BrickCrafting Table
Structures: CampHideoutSettlement

Near Harad Shield  The Southrons of the Coasts  Near Harad Banner

NPCs: Southrons (Archer, Banner Bearer, Champion, Warrior)
Traders: BartenderBazaar TradersFarmerWarlord
Items: Armour (Horse, Champion) • Equipment
Blocks: Crafting Table
Structures: Settlement

Harnedor Shield  The Harnedhrim of Harnennor  Near Harad Banner

NPCs: Harnedhrim (Archer, Banner Bearer, Farmhand, Warrior)
Traders: BartenderBazaar TradersFarmerWarlord
Items: Armour
Blocks: Crafting Table
Structures: CampSettlementWatchtower

HelmetNomad  The Nomads of the Great Desert  Southron Nomads Banner

NPCs: Nomads (Archer, Banner Bearer, Guard)
Traders: Bazaar TradersChieftainMerchant
Items: Armour
Blocks: Crafting Table
Structures: Settlement

Gulfing Shield  The Gulfings of Khopazul  Gulf of Harad Banner

NPCs: Gulfing (Archer, Banner Bearer, Warrior)
Traders: BartenderBazaar TradersFarmerWarlord
Items: ArmourEquipment
Blocks: Crafting Table
Structures: Settlement
