The Lord of the Rings Minecraft Mod Wiki
Forums: Index > Bugs > Bug alignment 2

This Bug/Suggestion has been brought to the mod team.
The mod team will discuss it and eventually tell Mevans about it.

My alignment bar quantities is not seen, is always zero. Pulse the L and I'll mod options and not let me put in ON show alignment. It is always OFF and will not let me change it. Everything happens on the server in single mode if you let me make the switch ON / OFF. (Unsigned post)

Sign your posts, please. And could you clarify that statement? Gen. Grievous1138 (talk) 11:56, August 27, 2014 (UTC)

I to have this problem. When someone is on a LAN world, the second player's alignment bar is frozen, and the On/Off switch is stuck on off. From LOTR mod version 18~19.2. Forge version apparently doesn't matter, I have tested multiple versions.

Jasperis (talk) 08:59, August 29, 2014 (UTC)