The Lord of the Rings Minecraft Mod Wiki
Forums: Index > Suggestions > Maces

This Bug/Suggestion has been brought to the mod team.
The mod team will discuss it and eventually tell Mevans about it.

Maces should be a craftble weapon that can be used once and awile for dwarfs and have a little longer range then a sword have know idea what the crafting recipie would be but would be a good adition to the mod

Please sign your posts. For your suggestion, maces are very hard to code and have been suggested by many. Gen. Grievous1138 (talk) 11:31, September 1, 2014 (UTC)

A mace itself is not difficult to code but weapons with a changed attack range are impossible.

Sinthoniel (talk) 13:27, September 1, 2014 (UTC)
