The Lord of the Rings Minecraft Mod Wiki

[...] and he devised a metal as hard as the steel of the Dwarves, but so malleable that he could make it thin and supple; and yet it remained resistant to all blades and darts. He named it galvorn, for it was black and shining like jet, and he was clad in it whenever he went abroad.

The Silmarillion, Of Maeglin

Galvorn armour was created in the First Age of Middle-earth by the Elven smith Eöl, who was called the "Dark Elf". Its name, literally translated, meant "Shining Black", and only Eöl ever wore it. It was stronger and less brittle than iron so it made the perfect armour.

When a player equips a full suit of Galvorn armour, he or she will gain the achievement "Dark Elf".

HelmetGalvorn BodyGalvorn LegsGalvorn BootsGalvorn


Wearing a full suit of Galvorn armour grants immunity to many ranged projectiles such as arrows, bolts, and darts; the projectiles will simply bounce off without causing the wearer any harm. The projectiles will still damage the armour, however, and it breaks more swiftly than other armours. The player must be wearing a full suit for the ability to remain in effect. The armour however will not protect from spears and throwing axes. Galvorn armour also cannot get any protection equipment modifiers, like tough and steadfast.


Galvorn armour is crafted just like regular armour using Galvorn ingots. It has to be crafted on any of the Elven crafting tables, but not on the Dorwinion crafting table.

Galvorn Armour Crafting Recipes
Recipe Protection Possible modifiers Durability
Elven crafting recipe
Elven Crafting
Galvorn Ingot
Galvorn Ingot
Galvorn Ingot
Galvorn Ingot
Galvorn Ingot
Galvorn helmet
2 ( 2 ) belegostian, cooling, enduring, hardy, lasting, poor, and unwithering 396
Elven crafting recipe
Elven Crafting
Galvorn Ingot
Galvorn Ingot
Galvorn Ingot
Galvorn Ingot
Galvorn Ingot
Galvorn Ingot
Galvorn Ingot
Galvorn Ingot
Galvorn chestplate
6 ( 6 ) belegostian, cooling, crude, enduring, hardy, lasting, poor, and unwithering 576
Elven crafting recipe
Elven Crafting
Galvorn Ingot
Galvorn Ingot
Galvorn Ingot
Galvorn Ingot
Galvorn Ingot
Galvorn Ingot
Galvorn Ingot
Galvorn leggings
5 ( 5 ) belegostian, cooling, crude, enduring, hardy, lasting, poor, and unwithering 540
Elven crafting recipe
Elven Crafting
Galvorn Ingot
Galvorn Ingot
Galvorn Ingot
Galvorn Ingot
Galvorn boots
2 ( 2 ) belegostian, cooling, enduring, hardy, lasting, lightfooted, poor, strongshod, thicksoled, and unwithering 468


Eöl, the Dark Elf, was the original creator of Galvorn. He learned metal-smithing from his Dwarven friends in the Blue Mountains. He made himself (but no other) a suit of armour out of it. Unless he taught the secret of Galvorn to his son Maeglin, the knowledge of making the metal died with Eöl.

Rivendell  Lindon  The High Elves of the West  Lindon  Rivendell

Items: EdhelmirGalvorn Armour
Blocks: BedBrickElvengrassForgeTorch
Structures: HallHouseSmithyTurretUnderwater Ruin

High Elf Shield  The Elves of Lindon  High Elf Banner

NPCs: Elf (Banner Bearer, Warrior)
Traders: LordSmith
Items: Armour (Horse) • BowEquipment
Blocks: Crafting Table
Structures: Tower

Rivendell Shield  The Elves of Rivendell  Rivendell Banner

NPCs: Elf (Banner Bearer, Warrior)
Traders: CaptainSmithWanderer
Items: Armour (Horse) • BowEquipment
Blocks: Crafting Table

Galadhrim Shield  The Wood-elves of Lothlórien  Galadhrim Banner

NPCs: Elf (Banner Bearer, Warden, Warrior)
Traders: LordSmithWanderer
Items: Armour (Galvorn, Horse) • Bow (Mallorn) • CloakEdhelmirEquipment (Mallorn)
Hithlain (Ladder, Rope) • LembasMallorn LadderMallorn Torch
Blocks: BedBrickCrafting TableElvengrassForgeMallorn Box
Structures: SmithyTreehouse

Wood-Elf Shield  The Wood-elves of Mirkwood  Wood-Elf Banner

NPCs: Elf (Banner Bearer, Scout, Warrior)
Traders: CaptainSmith
Items: Armour (Galvorn, Scout, Elk) • BowEquipment
Blocks: BedBrickCrafting TableForgeTorch
Structures: HouseLookout PlatformSmithyTower (Ruined)


HelmetArnor ArnorianHelmetBlackroot Blackroot ValeHelmetBlueDwarven Blue Dwarven • (Gold trimmed blue dwarven helmet Trimmed) • HelmetDale DalishHelmetDolAmroth Dol Amroth
HelmetDorwinion Dorwinion (HelmetDorwinionElf Elven) • HelmetDwarven Dwarven (DwarvenArmourGold Trimmed) • HelmetElven GaladhrimHelmetGalvorn Galvorn
HelmetGondolin GondolinianHelmetGondor GondorianHelmetRangerIthilien Ithilien RangerHelmetLamedon LamedonHelmetHighElven LindonHelmetLossarnach Lossarnach
HelmetPelargir PelargirHelmetPinnathGelin Pinnath GelinHelmetRangerNorth RangerHelmetRivendell RivendellHelmetRohan Rohirric (HelmetRohanMarshal Marshal)
HelmetTauredain Taurethrim (HelmetTauredainGold Gold) • HelmetWoodElven Wood-elven (HelmetWoodElvenScout Scout)


HelmetAngmar AngmarHelmetBlackNúmenórean Black NúmenóreanHelmetBlackUruk Black UrukHelmetNearHarad Coast SouthronHelmetCorsair Corsair
HelmetDolGuldur Dol GuldurHelmetDunlending DunlendingHelmetGulfen GulfenHelmetGundabadUruk Gundabad UrukHelmetHalfTroll Half-trollHelmetHarnedor Harnennor
HelmetMordor MordorHelmetMoredain Morwaith (HelmetMoredainLion Chieftain) • HelmetMorgul MorgulHelmetNomad Nomad
HelmetRhûnic Rhûnic (HelmetGoldenRhûnic Golden) • HelmetUmbaric UmbaricHelmetUruk UrukHelmetUtumno Utumno

Not Faction Specific:

HelmetAncient AncientHelmetBone BoneHelmetBronze BronzeHelmetWarg FurHelmetGemsbok Gemsbok HideGoldIronLeatherHelmetMithril Mithril

Clothing Items:

HelmetHithlain Galadhrim CloakGambesonGondor GambesonHelmetHaradRobes Harad RobesKaftan KaftanLeatherHat Leather HatPartyHat Party Hat

Mount Armour:

BoarArmourDwarven BoarWood-elven Elk Armour ElkHorseArmorDolAmroth HorseHalf-troll Rhino Armour RhinoWargArmourUruk Warg
