The Lord of the Rings Minecraft Mod Wiki
This feature is present in: Renewed, Legacy.

Monoliths of black marble, they rose to great capitals carved in many strange figures of beasts and leaves; and far above in shadow the wide vaulting gleamed with dull gold. The floor was of polished stone, white-gleaming, inset with flowing traceries of many colours.

The Return of the King, Minas Tirith

Gondor brick is a stone brick block which can be crafted from Gondor rock.


In Gondor, Gondor bricks are a readily available building material. They can be crafted, and they can also be found naturally as the main structural component of towersfortresses, and many other Gondorian structures.

There are also mossy and cracked variants of Gondor bricks which can be found in most of the Gondor structures, as well as a carved variant found in ruins.


Gondorian crafting recipe
Gondorian Crafting
Gondor Rock
Gondor Rock
Gondor Rock
Gondor Rock
Gondor Brick

All crafting recipes involving Gondor brick must be crafted on a Gondorian crafting table. To craft four white Gondor bricks, four Gondor rocks are needed.


Gondorian crafting recipe
Gondorian Crafting
Gondor Brick
Gondor Brick
Gondor Brick
Gondor Brick
Carved Gondor Brick

If you put four Gondor bricks in a square on a Gondorian crafting table, you will be able to craft one carved brick.

Carved black Gondor brick[]

Any Gondorian crafting recipe
Any Gondorian Crafting
Númenórean Brick
Númenórean Brick
Númenórean Brick
Númenórean Brick
Carved Black Gondor Brick

If you use Númenórean bricks instead of Gondor bricks (on either a Gondorian crafting table or Dol Amroth crafting table) you can craft one carved black Gondor brick. This black variant was added in Public Beta 26.


heat needed
Gondor Brick
any kind of fuel
Cracked Gondor Brick

If you smelt Gondor bricks in any type of forge or grind it with a millstone, you'll get a cracked variant out of it. You can then craft walls, slabs, and stairs out of it. This was included into the mod in Public Beta 25.


Gondorian crafting recipe
Gondorian Crafting
Gondor Brick
any vines
Mossy Gondor Brick

As of Public Beta 25 Gondor bricks can also be overgrown by vines (the block itself was earlier in the game, but could not be crafted). Just put one vine and the brick on a Gondorian crafting table.


Public Beta 27 saw the addition of the gulduril variants. Only the bricks (white, mossy or cracked) can be put into the world and then "spiced" (right-clicked) with gulduril to create a Gulduril brick. It will appear to be enveloped in a shimmering green veil. These blocks can be used to make Morgul portals. After creation, you can harvest the blocks with a silk-touch pickaxe. A normal pickaxe will only yield the original block. Gulduril bricks cannot be crafted.


Before Update 34, the Númenórean brick and its variants were called "black Gondor bricks".


Gondor Shield  The Men of Gondor  Gondor Banner

NPCs: GondorianLevymanSoldier (Archer, Banner Bearer, Tower Guard)
Traders: CaptainMarket Traders
Items: Armour (Horse) • BowEquipment
Blocks: BeaconBrick (Cobble) • CasketCrafting Table
Structures: Beacon TowerFortressObeliskRuined TowerRuinsSettlementsTurretWatchfort

Blackroot Shield  The Soldiers of the Blackroot Vale  BlackrootVale Banner

NPCs: Soldier (Bowman)
Traders: Bowlord
Items: ArmourBow
Blocks: Blackroot

Dol Amroth Shield  The Knights of Dol Amroth  Dol Amroth Banner

Man-at-arms (Archer) • Swan Knight (Banner Bearer)
Traders: Captain
Items: Armour (Horse) • EquipmentSwan Feather
Blocks: BrickCrafting Table
Structures: Stable

Gondor Shield  The Rangers of Ithilien  Ithilien Banner

NPCs: Ranger of Ithilien
Traders: Captain
Items: Armour
Structures: Hideout

Lamedon Shield  The Hillmen of Lamedon  Lamedon Banner

NPCs: Warrior (Archer, Hillman)
Traders: Captain
Items: ArmourGambeson

Lebennin Shield  The Folk of Lebennin  Lebennin Banner

NPCs: Levyman
Traders: Captain
Items: Gambeson

Lossarnach Shield  The Mountaineers of Lossarnach  Lossarnach Banner

NPCs: Axeman
Traders: Captain
Items: ArmourEquipment

Pelargir Shield  The Mariners of Pelargir  Pelargir Banner

NPCs: Marine
Traders: Commander
Items: ArmourEquipment

Pinnath Gelin Shield  The Warriors of Pinnath Gelin  PinnathGelin Banner

NPCs: Soldier
Traders: Captain
Items: Armour

AngmarBrick AngmarArnorBrick ArnorSarngaranBrick CargonDalish Brick DaleDol Amroth Brick Dol AmrothDolGuldurBrick Dol GuldurDorwinionBrick Dorwinion
DwarvenBrick DwarvenElvenBrick ElvenGondorBrick Gondor (GondorCobblebrick Cobble) • Near Harad Brick HaradricIce Brick IceSarlluinBrick LuigonMordorBrick Mordor
Morwaith Brick MorwaithMud Brick MudNúmenórean Brick NúmenóreanRed Brick RedRhûnic Brick Rhûnic (Red Rhûnic Brick Red)
Rohan Brick RohanSnow Brick SnowTaurethrim Brick TaurethrimUmbar Brick UmbarUruk brick UrukUtumnoBricks Utumno
