The Lord of the Rings Minecraft Mod Wiki
This feature is present in: Renewed, Legacy.

Gondorian equipment includes the various weapons and tools used by the soldiers of Gondor, and is craftable using sticks, string, and iron ingots on the Gondorian crafting table. It is slightly more durable than iron equipment.

The Gondorian equipment set includes the Gondorian sword, dagger, warhammer, spear, lance and bow. It does not include the shovel, pickaxe, axe or hoe, as Mevans has stated that they are unnecessary.

The durability of all Gondorian equipment is 450. All recipes must be crafted on a Gondorian crafting table using Iron ingots.

Gondorian Sword[]

Damage Speed Reach Knockback Possible modifiers
7.5 ( 7) 100% 100% Normal enduring, hardy, lasting, blessed, blunt, chilling, crooked, dull, dwarfbane, elfbane, fortunate, headhunting, hefty, hulking, infernal, keen, legendary, long, lucky, mighty, orcbane, sharp, slow, spiderbane, stunted, swift, trollbane, wargbane, wightbane, and wraithbane

The most common melee weapon used by Gondor's infantry, along with its cavalry; Rangers of Ithilien also use this weapon in close combat.

Gondorian crafting recipe
Gondorian Crafting
Iron Ingot
Iron Ingot
any stick
Gondorian Sword

Gondorian Dagger[]

Damage Speed Reach Knockback Possible modifiers
4.5 ( 4) 150% 75% Normal enduring, hardy, lasting, blessed, blunt, chilling, crooked, dull, dwarfbane, elfbane, fortunate, headhunting, hefty, hulking, infernal, keen, legendary, long, lucky, mighty, orcbane, sharp, slow, spiderbane, stunted, trollbane, wargbane, wightbane, and wraithbane

A simple melee weapon, with low damage and reach, but great speed. Can be poisoned to increase its potency. Note: Daggers are poisoned on a vanilla crafting table.

Gondorian crafting recipe
Gondorian Crafting
Iron Ingot
any stick
Gondorian Dagger
Shapeless crafting recipe
Shapeless Crafting
Gondorian Dagger
Bottle of Poison
Poisoned Gondorian Dagger

Gondorian Warhammer[]

Damage Speed Reach Knockback Possible modifiers
10.5 ( 10 10) 65% 100% +1 enduring, hardy, lasting, blessed, blunt, chilling, crooked, dull, dwarfbane, elfbane, fortunate, headhunting, hefty, infernal, keen, legendary, long, lucky, mighty, orcbane, sharp, slow, spiderbane, stunted, swift, trollbane, wargbane, wightbane, and wraithbane

The warhammer is a slow but sure weapon, that deals increased damage when compared to a sword, but is also a lot slower. Sometimes, Gondor soldiers will use this weapon.

Gondorian crafting recipe
Gondorian Crafting
Iron Ingot
Iron Ingot
any stick
any stick
any stick
Iron Ingot
Iron Ingot
Gondorian Warhammer

Gondorian Spear[]

Damage Speed Reach Knockback Possible modifiers
6.5 ( 6) 83% 150% Normal enduring, hardy, lasting, blessed, blunt, chilling, crooked, dull, dwarfbane, elfbane, fortunate, headhunting, hefty, hulking, infernal, keen, legendary, long, lucky, mighty, orcbane, sharp, slow, spiderbane, stunted, swift, trollbane, wargbane, wightbane, and wraithbane

A throw-able melee weapon, wielded by some Gondor soldiers and the Gondor tower guards. It features a regular attack speed, and a somewhat increased reach when compared to a sword. It deals more damage than a dagger, but less than a sword.

Gondorian crafting recipe
Gondorian Crafting
any stick
any stick
Iron Ingot
Gondorian Spear

Gondorian Lance[]

Damage Speed Reach Knockback Possible modifiers
7.5 ( 7) 50% 200% +1 enduring, hardy, lasting, blessed, blunt, chilling, crooked, dull, dwarfbane, elfbane, fortunate, headhunting, hefty, infernal, keen, legendary, lucky, mighty, orcbane, sharp, slow, spiderbane, stunted, swift, trollbane, wargbane, wightbane, and wraithbane

The lance is identical to the Dol Amroth lance aside from the fact that it does 6.5 damage, and has a texture akin to the white steel of Gondor. It has double the reach of a sword, but is much slower.

Gondorian crafting recipe
Gondorian Crafting
any stick
Iron Ingot
Iron Ingot
Gondorian Lance

Gondorian Pike[]

Damage Speed Reach Knockback Possible modifiers
7.5 ( 7) 50% 200% Normal enduring, hardy, lasting, blessed, blunt, chilling, crooked, dull, dwarfbane, elfbane, fortunate, headhunting, hefty, hulking, infernal, keen, legendary, lucky, mighty, orcbane, sharp, slow, spiderbane, stunted, swift, trollbane, wargbane, wightbane, and wraithbane

The has double the reach of the sword, but only 65% of the speed. It's similar to the lance in that it has 200% range, but the pike loses the extra knockback. It is sometimes used by Gondor soldiers.

Gondorian crafting recipe
Gondorian Crafting
any stick
any stick
Iron Ingot
Iron Ingot
Gondorian Pike

Gondorian Bow[]

Draw Time (ticks) Ranged Damage Range Possible modifiers
20 7-12 ( 7  to  12  12 ) 140%

chilling, enduring, feeble, fierce, hardy, headhunting, lasting, infernal, powerful, punching, striking, strong, and weak

The ranged weapon used by the archers of Gondor and the Rangers of Ithilien. It can also be crafted on the Dol Amroth crafting table.

Any Gondorian crafting recipe
Any Gondorian Crafting
any stick
any stick
any stick
Gondorian Bow
Gondor Shield  The Men of Gondor  Gondor Banner

NPCs: GondorianLevymanSoldier (Archer, Banner Bearer, Tower Guard)
Traders: CaptainMarket Traders
Items: Armour (Horse) • BowEquipment
Blocks: BeaconBrick (Cobble) • CasketCrafting Table
Structures: Beacon TowerFortressObeliskRuined TowerRuinsSettlementsTurretWatchfort

Blackroot Shield  The Soldiers of the Blackroot Vale  BlackrootVale Banner

NPCs: Soldier (Bowman)
Traders: Bowlord
Items: ArmourBow
Blocks: Blackroot

Dol Amroth Shield  The Knights of Dol Amroth  Dol Amroth Banner

Man-at-arms (Archer) • Swan Knight (Banner Bearer)
Traders: Captain
Items: Armour (Horse) • EquipmentSwan Feather
Blocks: BrickCrafting Table
Structures: Stable

Gondor Shield  The Rangers of Ithilien  Ithilien Banner

NPCs: Ranger of Ithilien
Traders: Captain
Items: Armour
Structures: Hideout

Lamedon Shield  The Hillmen of Lamedon  Lamedon Banner

NPCs: Warrior (Archer, Hillman)
Traders: Captain
Items: ArmourGambeson

Lebennin Shield  The Folk of Lebennin  Lebennin Banner

NPCs: Levyman
Traders: Captain
Items: Gambeson

Lossarnach Shield  The Mountaineers of Lossarnach  Lossarnach Banner

NPCs: Axeman
Traders: Captain
Items: ArmourEquipment

Pelargir Shield  The Mariners of Pelargir  Pelargir Banner

NPCs: Marine
Traders: Commander
Items: ArmourEquipment

Pinnath Gelin Shield  The Warriors of Pinnath Gelin  PinnathGelin Banner

NPCs: Soldier
Traders: Captain
Items: Armour

AxeElven Equipment Sets in Middle-earth PickaxeDolGuldur

SwordArnorian ArnorianBattleaxeBlueDwarven Blue DwarvenPikeDale DalishSwordDolAmroth Dol AmrothSpearBladorthin Dorwinion ElvenMattockDwarven Dwarven
LongspearElven GaladhrimHammerGondor GondorianSwordHighElven LindonBattleaxeLossarnach LossarnachAxeMallorn Mallorn
TridentPelargir PelargirSwordRivendell RivendellLanceRohan RohirricHammerTauredain TaurethrimPolearmWoodElven Wood-elven

DaggerAngmar AngmarMaceBlackNumenorean Black NúmenóreanBattleaxeBlackUruk Black UrukCorsair Harpoon CorsairBattleaxeDolGuldur Dol Guldur
DunlendingClub DunlendingGulfen Khopesh GulfenHammerGundabadUruk Gundabad UrukBattleaxeHalfTroll Half-trollHaradric Pike Haradric
ScimitarOrc MordorMorwaith Spear MorwaithRhûnic Sword RhûnicScimitarNearHarad UmbaricScimitarUrukBerserker UrukBattleaxeUtumno Utumno

Not Faction Specific:

Ancient Sword AncientSwordBronze Bronze • Gold • Iron • HalberdMithril Mithril
