The Lord of the Rings Minecraft Mod Wiki

The Half-troll scavenger is the trader of the Half-trolls faction. They are found in small groups in Perdorogwaith

They carry a poisoned Half-troll dagger and, unlike most traders, will automatically attack any NPC or player with a negative Half-trolls alignment. They are fierce warriors like any other Half-troll and can take out most units in one-on-one combat.


The Half-troll scavengers have travelled across southern Middle-earth and have the items to prove it. They can sell weapons and armour belonging to various factions. They will purchase from you the meat of the various Far Harad animals among other items. When you trade with a Half-troll scavenger for the first time you get the achievement "Bits and pieces".

Items Sold[]

Below is a table of values for each item that the player may purchase from this NPC. Use this table to find out if your trader is giving you a good deal or not. Each Half-troll scavenger will not have every item listed for sale.

They no longer sell mithril nuggets since Public Beta 23.

Items Sold Price Range Image
Half-troll Crafting Table 30-50 ( 30  to  50 ) Half-trollCraftingTable
Gondorian Sword 15-25 ( 15  15  to  25  25 ) SwordGondor
Gondorian Warhammer 15-25 ( 15  15  to  25  25 ) HammerGondor
Half-troll Dagger 9-15 ( 9  to  15  15 ) DaggerHalfTroll
Poisoned Half-troll Dagger 11-19 ( 11  11  to  19  19 ) DaggerHalfTrollPoisoned
Half-troll Mace 12-20 ( 12  12  to  20 ) MaceHalfTroll
Half-troll Pike 12-20 ( 12  12  to  20 ) PikeHalfTroll
Half-troll Scimitar 12-20 ( 12  12  to  20 ) ScimitarHalfTroll
Half-troll Warhammer 12-20 ( 12  12  to  20 ) HammerHalfTroll
Mordor Battleaxe 11-19 ( 11  11  to  19  19 ) BattleaxeOrc
Mordor Helmet 11-18 ( 11  11  to  18  18 ) HelmetMordor
Mordor Scimitar 11-19 ( 11  11  to  19  19 ) ScimitarOrc
Haradric Helmet 11-19 ( 11  11  to  19  19 ) HelmetNearHarad
Haradric Scimitar 12-20 ( 12  12  to  20 ) ScimitarNearHarad
Haradric Spear 12-20 ( 12  12  to  20 ) SpearNearHarad
Morwaith Spear 11-19 ( 11  11  to  19  19 ) Morwaith Spear
Morwaith Battleaxe 11-19 ( 11  11  to  19  19 ) BattleaxeMoredain
Morwaith Dagger 9-15 ( 9  to  15  15 ) DaggerMoredain
Arrow (x4) 2-4 ( 2  to  4 ) Arrow
Bone 2-3 ( 2  to  3 ) Bone
Bronze Ingot 9-15 ( 9  to  15  15 ) Bronze
Gold Ingot 17-28 ( 17  17  to  28  28 ) Gold
Gold Nugget 4-6 ( 4  to  6 ) Gold Nugget
Orc Bone 2-4 ( 2  to  4 ) OrcBone
Silver Ingot 14-23 ( 14  14  to  23  23 ) Silver
Silver Nugget 3-5 ( 3  to  5 ) Silver Nugget
Torog Draught (Light) 4-7 ( 4  to  7 ) Torog Draught
Torog Draught (Moderate) 5-9 ( 5  to  9 ) Torog Draught
Torog Draught (Strong) 7-11 ( 7  to  11  11 ) Torog Draught
Troll Bone 5-8 ( 5  to  8 ) TrollBone
Man-flesh 6-10 ( 6  to  10 ) ManFlesh
Diamond 30-50 ( 30  to  50 ) Diamond
Emerald 19-31 ( 19  19  to  31  31 ) Emerald
Sapphire 15-25 ( 15  15  to  25  25 ) Sapphire
Ruby 15-25 ( 15  15  to  25  25 ) Ruby
Opal 11-19 ( 11  11  to  19  19 ) Opal
Amber 11-19 ( 11  11  to  19  19 ) Amber
Amethyst 9-15 ( 9  to  15  15 ) Amethyst
Topaz 9-15 ( 9  to  15  15 ) Topaz
Pearl 38-63 ( 38  38  to  63  63 ) Pearl

Items Bought[]

Below is a table of values for each item that the player can sell to this NPC. Use this table to earn more money by only selling when the prices are high. You will not be able to sell every item to every trader as each Half-troll scavenger will not want to purchase every item listed below.

Items Bought Price Range Image
Sugar Canes (x4) 1-1 ( 1  to  1 ) Sugarcane
Cobblestone (x8) 1-1 ( 1  to  1 ) Cobblestone
Gemsbok Hide 2-3 ( 2  to  3 ) GemsbokHide
Gemsbok Horn 2-4 ( 2  to  4 ) GemsbokHorn
Raw Lion 2-4 ( 2  to  4 ) LionRaw
Raw Rhino 2-4 ( 2  to  4 ) RhinoMeat
Rotten Flesh 2-3 ( 2  to  3 ) Rotten Flesh
Raw Zebra 2-4 ( 2  to  4 ) Zebrameat
Diamond 19-31 ( 19  19  to  31  31 ) Diamond
Emerald 11-19 ( 11  11  to  19  19 ) Emerald
Sapphire 9-15 ( 9  to  15  15 ) Sapphire
Ruby 9-15 ( 9  to  15  15 ) Ruby
Opal 8-13 ( 8  to  13  13 ) Opal
Amber 8-13 ( 8  to  13  13 ) Amber
Amethyst 6-10 ( 6  to  10 ) Amethyst
Topaz 6-10 ( 6  to  10 ) Topaz
Pearl 19-31 ( 19  19  to  31  31 ) Pearl



  • Ah! If it isn't my favourite maggot - I mean customer!
  • I've got all you need!
  • Blades, bows, draughts, Man-flesh, tools - I've got it all.
  • You want it - I'll sell you it!
  • For just a few coins, you can buy some of my high-quality goods!
  • What do you want, Person?
  • My boys tell me that you're good. You may trade with me.
  • These are hard times, Person. Goods are scarce. The Great Eye is sending us to battle those filthy Men of the North.
  • War is upon us? Do you know what that means? More head-cutting and more business!
  • I have the best trades in all of Harad!
  • If you have the coins, I have the goods!
  • I do not like to trade with filthy Men, but you, Person, are an exception!
  • You need a head-cutter? I got one for you!
  • I'll sell you the best tools and weapons in the South!
  • I sell, you buy - it's that simple!
  • Do you have some coins, Person? If not, we can't make a deal.
  • I hear the Eye praises you. You may trade with me.
  • I don't usually trade with Man-maggots, but you have proven you are worthy enough.
  • There is no trader North, South, West or East that can offer you a better deal than I can.
  • Ah, Person! What goods do you wish to buy from the mighty Half-trolls of Harad?
  • What can I get you, little Man?
  • I have the finest equipment in all of the Sunlands!
  • I can get you anything, Person!
  • Give me some silver coins and I'll give you some goods!


  • What do you want, you rat?
  • If you want to trade with me, you'll need some of those shiny coins.
  • I don't trade with any rat that comes by.
  • Coins, coins and even more coins - that is what I want.
  • You'll need to prove yourself, if you want to get a look at my treasures.
  • Hah! Do you really think I'd trade with a little rat like you?
  • You'll need to swing your blade many more times before you can trade with me!
  • I don't trust you, maggot. I won't trade with you. Go and kill some of those stinky Men and then we can talk.
  • Go slay some of those filthy Men if you want to trade with me!
  • What do you think you're doing, maggot?
  • You want some goods? Prove your allegiance to the Eye first.
  • I do not trade with maggots.
  • You are new in our lands, so I will say no for now.
  • Coins and cut heads - do you have them?
  • I will not trade with a filthy little maggot like you!
  • If you wish to buy some of my high-quality goods, you'll need to do more for us.
  • Do not show your ugly face again unless you have cut some Man-heads.
  • You'd have better done some head-cutting or you won't be getting any of my goods!
  • Get back when you've killed some of those filthy Men.
  • What do you want from me, maggot?
  • You won't be getting anything from me!
  • I do not trade with filthy Men!
  • You won't be getting anything from me until you kill some of those filthy Men!
  • Prove yourself to the Eye and then I might consider trading with you.


  • What are you doing here, you filthy little Man?
  • I shall cook you on a stick, you filthy worm!
  • Run back to your pitiful tribe, filth!
  • You'll be lion meal once I'm done with you!
  • I shall squish you like an insect!
  • Fool of a Man! Did you travel all this way to become dinner? Ha! Ha!
  • Where do you think you're going, filthy Man?
  • Come back here! I'll make Man-flesh stew out of you!
  • I shall enjoy tearing you up, you puny worm!
  • Come here, boys! I've found our dinner! Ha! Ha!
  • I will throw you to the lions, you little treacherous worm!
  • Run, maggot, or become croc-food!
  • This is our land, filthy Man, and you shall not escape us!
  • There's nowhere to run, little Man!
  • Well, what do we have here? Oh yes! Dinner!
  • Filthy worm, how dare you enter our lands?
  • You're next in the cauldron!
  • How did the lions not make supper out of you? No matter. I shall do so instead!
  • I'll make a good roast out of you!
  • You shall burn in the light of the Lidless Eye!
  • I will squish you like an insect, scum!
  • I'll make quick work out of you, filth!
  • You won't see the next day, Man-scum!
  • I will feed your flesh to my lions!
  • Your puny weapon is no match for me!
Half-troll Shield  The Half-trolls of Perdorogwaith  Half-troll Banner

NPCs: Half-troll (Banner Bearer, Warrior)
Traders: ScavengerWarlord
Items: Armour (Rhino) • ChainEquipmentTorog DraughtTorog Stew
Blocks: BasketBedCrafting Table
Structures: HouseWarlord House

Coin 1Trading in the Lord of the Rings Mod Coin 1