The Lord of the Rings Minecraft Mod Wiki

The Lord of the Rings mod, despite its great programming, may crash occasionally. Thankfully, it's usually easy to fix. Here are some of the most common reasons why the mod might crash, and what to do.

A crash report will have a Description at the top. Use the Description to quickly identify what type of crash you are dealing with.


Description: Initializing game

java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space

The following is a tutorial on allocating memory for minecraft using the LOTR mod. Please note that allocating the recommended amount of memory will require a 64-bit version of java. Choose your launcher below.

Old Vanilla Launcher

To allocate more memory for minecraft using the vanilla launcher, click on Edit Profile in the lower left corner. At the bottom of that dialogue box is JVM Arguments. Remove all JVM Arguments and replace them with -Xmx2G or -Xmx2048M. The recommended amount of memory for LOTR is 2G, but if you are using a high resolution texture pack you should allocate more. Likewise, if your computer is limited on memory, you may want to allocate less to be sure that your operating system and other programs have enough memory.

New Vanilla Launcher

To allocate more memory for minecraft using the newer edition of the vanilla launcher, click on

Launch Options, located on the right side of the menu bar. Click on the profile you intend to add more RAM for, and locate the box entitled JVM Arguments. Click the gray toggle to enable arguments for this profile. In the box, put -Xmx2G or -Xmx2048M. The recommended amount of memory for LOTR is 2G, but if you are using a high resolution texture pack you should allocate more. Likewise, if your computer is limited on memory, you may want to allocate less to be sure that your operating system and other programs have enough memory.

Technic Launcher

To allocate more memory for minecraft using the technic launcher, click on Launcher Options at the top right corner. Then click on the Java Settings tab and from there you can change the amount of memory to your liking. The recommended amount of memory for LOTR is 2G, but if you are using a high resolution texture pack you should allocate more. Likewise, if your computer is limited on memory, you may want to allocate less to be sure that your operating system and other programs have enough memory.


To allocate more memory for minecraft using the MultiMC launcher, click on the instance you want to modify, then click Edit Instance. From there, go to Settings, check the box by Memory and change the Maximum Memory Allocation to 2048MB. The recommended amount of memory for LOTR is 2G, but if you are using a high resolution texture pack you should allocate more. Likewise, if your computer is limited on memory, you may want to allocate less to be sure that your operating system and other programs have enough memory.

Error occurred during initialization of VM
Initial heap size set to a larger value than the maximum heap size
Picked up _JAVA_OPTIONS: -Xmx256M

In some rare cases, a setting in windows may cause a maximum RAM limit that Minecraft can't override. This will give you instructions on how to fix this.

This tutorial is designed for windows 10, but the process should be fairly similar, if not identical, on windows 7 and 8. You will need administrator permissions to complete this tutorial.

Start by navigating to the environment variables. You can find them like so: Control Panel -> System and Security -> System -> Advanced System Settings -> Environment Variables.

Here you should see two boxes of variables for various programs, the top box is for user specific variables and the bottom for system-wide variables. Look for a variable related to java. Click on it and click edit. Remove the -Xmx256M that you should find in the edit box (If that's the only thing in the edit box, then just delete the variable entirely.). Then click Ok to save it.

Now that you've done that, the -Xmx2G that you put in your JVM arguments will now work correctly. Enjoy!

Render Distance[]

The following description can mean a variety of problems but is most commonly caused by render distance.

Description: Ticking screen

Having your render distance set between 17 and 32 inclusive often causes crashes because 17+ render distance was not added until Minecraft 1.8. Simply decrease your render distance to at least 16. If this doesn't solve your problem, then there is a different cause.

Ticking Entity[]

Description: Ticking entity

To fix this, go into your forge.cfg and change B:removeErroringEntities=false to true. It is recommended that you change this back to false after you launch your world/login to your server and are able to play again. If you begin crashing again after changing it back to false, you probably have a more serious issue, possibly world corruption or incompatible mods.

Ticking Tile Entity[]

Description: Ticking tile entity

This is very similar to Ticking Entities. To fix this, go into your forge.cfg and change B:removeErroringTileEntities=false to true. It is recommended that you change this back to false after you launch your world/login to your server and are able to play again.
