The Lord of the Rings Minecraft Mod Wiki

Kaftans are a new armour set added in Public Beta 31. The set is comprised of a chestplate piece and leggings. They are worn by Easterling Clansmen and traders.

Kaftan Kaftan Leggings


Technically, the Kaftans are not armour, since they do not offer any protection, similar to Harad robes and leather hats. They are primarily used for clothing for Easterling traders and help the trader stand out much more. These clothes can also be dyed into different colours.


Kaftans must be crafted using wool blocks on a Rhûnic crafting table. No matter what colour wool is used to craft the items, they will always turn out white.

Crafting Kaftan
Recipe Protection Durability
Rhûnic crafting recipe
Rhûnic Crafting
any wool
any wool
any wool
any wool
any wool
any wool
any wool
any wool
0 Unbreakable
Rhûnic crafting recipe
Rhûnic Crafting
any wool
any wool
any wool
any wool
any wool
any wool
any wool
Kaftan Leggings
0 Unbreakable


To dye either part of the outfit into another colour, just combine the dye and the piece of clothing on a Rhûnic crafting table. This recipe is shapeless.

Rhûnic crafting recipe
Rhûnic Crafting
Yellow Dye


Kaftans can be undyed using a cauldron. See the page on undyeing for more information on this.

EasterlingShieldSmall  The Easterlings of Rhúdel  Easterling Banner

NPCs: Easterling (Archer, Clansman, Farmhand, Fire-thrower, Golden, Warrior)
Traders: Market TradersWarlord
Items: Armour (Golden) • BowEquipmentFire-potKhamûl's Fire
Blocks: Brick (Red) • Crafting Table
Structures: Settlements


HelmetArnor ArnorianHelmetBlackroot Blackroot ValeHelmetBlueDwarven Blue Dwarven • (Gold trimmed blue dwarven helmet Trimmed) • HelmetDale DalishHelmetDolAmroth Dol Amroth
HelmetDorwinion Dorwinion (HelmetDorwinionElf Elven) • HelmetDwarven Dwarven (DwarvenArmourGold Trimmed) • HelmetElven GaladhrimHelmetGalvorn Galvorn
HelmetGondolin GondolinianHelmetGondor GondorianHelmetRangerIthilien Ithilien RangerHelmetLamedon LamedonHelmetHighElven LindonHelmetLossarnach Lossarnach
HelmetPelargir PelargirHelmetPinnathGelin Pinnath GelinHelmetRangerNorth RangerHelmetRivendell RivendellHelmetRohan Rohirric (HelmetRohanMarshal Marshal)
HelmetTauredain Taurethrim (HelmetTauredainGold Gold) • HelmetWoodElven Wood-elven (HelmetWoodElvenScout Scout)


HelmetAngmar AngmarHelmetBlackNúmenórean Black NúmenóreanHelmetBlackUruk Black UrukHelmetNearHarad Coast SouthronHelmetCorsair Corsair
HelmetDolGuldur Dol GuldurHelmetDunlending DunlendingHelmetGulfen GulfenHelmetGundabadUruk Gundabad UrukHelmetHalfTroll Half-trollHelmetHarnedor Harnennor
HelmetMordor MordorHelmetMoredain Morwaith (HelmetMoredainLion Chieftain) • HelmetMorgul MorgulHelmetNomad Nomad
HelmetRhûnic Rhûnic (HelmetGoldenRhûnic Golden) • HelmetUmbaric UmbaricHelmetUruk UrukHelmetUtumno Utumno

Not Faction Specific:

HelmetAncient AncientHelmetBone BoneHelmetBronze BronzeHelmetWarg FurHelmetGemsbok Gemsbok HideGoldIronLeatherHelmetMithril Mithril

Clothing Items:

HelmetHithlain Galadhrim CloakGambesonGondor GambesonHelmetHaradRobes Harad RobesKaftan KaftanLeatherHat Leather HatPartyHat Party Hat

Mount Armour:

BoarArmourDwarven BoarWood-elven Elk Armour ElkHorseArmorDolAmroth HorseHalf-troll Rhino Armour RhinoWargArmourUruk Warg
