The Lord of the Rings Minecraft Mod Wiki
This feature is present in: Renewed, Legacy.

The Lindon crafting table can be found in a halls, houses, towers or smithies. They are needed to craft armour, equipment, torches, beds, and banners. A player may only use this crafting table if they have at least +1 High Elven alignment.

Lindon crafting recipe
Lindon Crafting
any wood planks
any wood planks
any wood planks
any wood planks
Lindon Crafting Table

This table can be crafted on an existing Lindon crafting table by placing four wood planks (any type) in a square. This means that the player must locate a naturally spawning Lindon crafting table before they can make another one.

Since Public Beta 33 it can also be bought for 75-125 ( 75  75  to  125  125  125 ) from a Lindon Smith.

When the player crafts something successfully on this crafting table, the player earns the achievement "Lindon Crafter".

Crafting Recipes[]

Note: Some of the recipes work on all Elven crafting tables, or they work only on High Elven crafting tables, which means also on the Rivendell crafting table. Click "expand" and check the recipes below for details.

Lindon Crafting Recipes
Table and Banner
Lindon crafting recipe
Lindon Crafting
any wood planks
any wood planks
any wood planks
any wood planks
Lindon Crafting Table
Lindon crafting recipe
Lindon Crafting
any wool
any stick
any wood planks
Banner of Lindon
Lindon crafting recipe
Lindon Crafting
Elven Steel Ingot
Elven Steel Ingot
any stick
Lindon Sword
Lindon crafting recipe
Lindon Crafting
Elven Steel Ingot
any stick
Lindon Dagger
Lindon crafting recipe
Lindon Crafting
Elven Steel Ingot
any stick
Elven Steel Ingot
Lindon Battlestaff
Lindon crafting recipe
Lindon Crafting
any stick
any stick
Elven Steel Ingot
Elven Steel Ingot
Lindon Longspear
Lindon crafting recipe
Lindon Crafting
any stick
any stick
Elven Steel Ingot
Lindon Spear
Lindon crafting recipe
Lindon Crafting
Elven Steel Ingot
Elven Steel Ingot
Elven Steel Ingot
Lindon Bow
Lindon crafting recipe
Lindon Crafting
Elven Steel Ingot
Elven Steel Ingot
Elven Steel Ingot
Elven Steel Ingot
Elven Steel Ingot
Lindon helmet
Elven crafting recipe
Elven Crafting
Galvorn Ingot
Galvorn Ingot
Galvorn Ingot
Galvorn Ingot
Galvorn Ingot
Galvorn helmet
Lindon crafting recipe
Lindon Crafting
Elven Steel Ingot
Elven Steel Ingot
Elven Steel Ingot
Elven Steel Ingot
Elven Steel Ingot
Elven Steel Ingot
Elven Steel Ingot
Elven Steel Ingot
Lindon chestplate
Elven crafting recipe
Elven Crafting
Galvorn Ingot
Galvorn Ingot
Galvorn Ingot
Galvorn Ingot
Galvorn Ingot
Galvorn Ingot
Galvorn Ingot
Galvorn Ingot
Galvorn chestplate
Lindon crafting recipe
Lindon Crafting
Elven Steel Ingot
Elven Steel Ingot
Elven Steel Ingot
Elven Steel Ingot
Elven Steel Ingot
Elven Steel Ingot
Elven Steel Ingot
Lindon leggings
Elven crafting recipe
Elven Crafting
Galvorn Ingot
Galvorn Ingot
Galvorn Ingot
Galvorn Ingot
Galvorn Ingot
Galvorn Ingot
Galvorn Ingot
Galvorn leggings
Lindon crafting recipe
Lindon Crafting
Elven Steel Ingot
Elven Steel Ingot
Elven Steel Ingot
Elven Steel Ingot
Lindon boots
Elven crafting recipe
Elven Crafting
Galvorn Ingot
Galvorn Ingot
Galvorn Ingot
Galvorn Ingot
Galvorn boots
Lindon crafting recipe
Lindon Crafting
Elven Steel Ingot
Elven Steel Ingot
Elven Steel Ingot
Elven Steel Ingot
Elven Steel Ingot
Elven Steel Ingot
Lindon Horse Armour
Lindon crafting recipe
Lindon Crafting
Elven Steel Ingot
any stick
any stick
Lindon Shovel
Lindon crafting recipe
Lindon Crafting
Elven Steel Ingot
Elven Steel Ingot
any stick
any stick
Elven Steel Ingot
Lindon Pickaxe
Lindon crafting recipe
Lindon Crafting
Elven Steel Ingot
any stick
any stick
Elven Steel Ingot
Elven Steel Ingot
Lindon Axe
Lindon crafting recipe
Lindon Crafting
Elven Steel Ingot
any stick
any stick
Elven Steel Ingot
Lindon Hoe
High Elven crafting recipe
High Elven Crafting
Elven Steel Ingot
any wood planks
Elven Steel Ingot
any wood planks
Gate Gears
any wood planks
Elven Steel Ingot
any wood planks
Elven Steel Ingot
High Elven Gate
High Elven crafting recipe
High Elven Crafting
High Elven Torch
any stick
Elven Steel Ingot
High Elven Torch
High Elven Chandelier
High Elven crafting recipe
High Elven Crafting
any wool
any wood planks
any wool
any wood planks
any wool
any wood planks
High Elven Bed
High Elven crafting recipe
High Elven Crafting
any stick
High Elven Torch
High Elven crafting recipe
High Elven Crafting
High Elven Wood-bars
High Elven crafting recipe
High Elven Crafting
Elven Steel Ingot
Elven Steel Ingot
Elven Steel Ingot
Elven Steel Ingot
Elven Steel Ingot
Elven Steel Ingot
High Elven Steel Bars
Elven or Dwarvish crafting recipe
Elven or Dwarvish Crafting
Elven crafting recipe
Elven Crafting
Elven Brick
Elven Brick
Elven Brick
Elven Brick
Elven Brick
Elven Brick
Elven Brick
Elven Brick
Elven Forge
High Elven crafting recipe
High Elven Crafting
High Elven Brick
heat needed
High Elven Brick
any kind of fuel
Cracked High Elven Brick
High Elven crafting recipe
High Elven Crafting
High Elven Brick
High Elven Brick
High Elven Brick
High Elven Brick Slab
High Elven crafting recipe
High Elven Crafting
Cracked High Elven Brick
Cracked High Elven Brick
Cracked High Elven Brick
Cracked High Elven Brick Slab
High Elven crafting recipe
High Elven Crafting
High Elven Brick
High Elven Brick
High Elven Brick
High Elven Brick
High Elven Brick
High Elven Brick
High Elven Brick Stairs
High Elven crafting recipe
High Elven Crafting
Cracked High Elven Brick
Cracked High Elven Brick
Cracked High Elven Brick
Cracked High Elven Brick
Cracked High Elven Brick
Cracked High Elven Brick
Cracked High Elven Brick Stairs
High Elven crafting recipe
High Elven Crafting
High Elven Brick
High Elven Brick
High Elven Brick
High Elven Brick
High Elven Brick
High Elven Brick
High Elven Brick Wall
High Elven crafting recipe
High Elven Crafting
Cracked High Elven Brick
Cracked High Elven Brick
Cracked High Elven Brick
Cracked High Elven Brick
Cracked High Elven Brick
Cracked High Elven Brick
Cracked High Elven Brick Wall
High Elven crafting recipe
High Elven Crafting
High Elven Brick
any vines
Mossy High Elven Brick
High Elven crafting recipe
High Elven Crafting
Mossy High Elven Brick
Mossy High Elven Brick
Mossy High Elven Brick
Mossy High Elven Brick Slab
High Elven crafting recipe
High Elven Crafting
Mossy High Elven Brick
Mossy High Elven Brick
Mossy High Elven Brick
Mossy High Elven Brick
Mossy High Elven Brick
Mossy High Elven Brick
Mossy High Elven Brick Stairs
High Elven crafting recipe
High Elven Crafting
Mossy High Elven Brick
Mossy High Elven Brick
Mossy High Elven Brick
Mossy High Elven Brick
Mossy High Elven Brick
Mossy High Elven Brick
Mossy High Elven Brick Wall
High Elven crafting recipe
High Elven Crafting
Silver Nugget
Silver Nugget
High Elven Brick
Silver Nugget
Silver Nugget
Silver-trimmed High Elven Brick
High Elven crafting recipe
High Elven Crafting
Gold Nugget
Gold Nugget
High Elven Brick
Gold Nugget
Gold Nugget
Gold-trimmed High Elven Brick
High Elven crafting recipe
High Elven Crafting
High Elven Brick
High Elven Brick
High Elven Brick
High Elven Brick
Carved High Elven Brick
High Elven crafting recipe
High Elven Crafting
High Elven Pillar
heat needed
High Elven Pillar
any kind of fuel
Cracked High Elven Pillar
High Elven crafting recipe
High Elven Crafting
High Elven Pillar
High Elven Pillar
High Elven Pillar
High Elven Pillar Slab
High Elven crafting recipe
High Elven Crafting
Cracked High Elven Pillar
Cracked High Elven Pillar
Cracked High Elven Pillar
Cracked High Elven Pillar Slab


Rivendell  Lindon  The High Elves of the West  Lindon  Rivendell

Items: EdhelmirGalvorn Armour
Blocks: BedBrickElvengrassForgeTorch
Structures: HallHouseSmithyTurretUnderwater Ruin

High Elf Shield  The Elves of Lindon  High Elf Banner

NPCs: Elf (Banner Bearer, Warrior)
Traders: LordSmith
Items: Armour (Horse) • BowEquipment
Blocks: Crafting Table
Structures: Tower

Rivendell Shield  The Elves of Rivendell  Rivendell Banner

NPCs: Elf (Banner Bearer, Warrior)
Traders: CaptainSmithWanderer
Items: Armour (Horse) • BowEquipment
Blocks: Crafting Table

Faction-specific Crafting Tables

Blue MountainsBree-landDalishDol AmrothDorwinionDwarvenGaladhrimGondorian

AngmarDol GuldurDunlendingGulfenGundabadHalf-troll
