The Lord of the Rings Minecraft Mod Wiki

[…] the Elven-wise, lords of the Eldar from beyond the furthest seas. They do not fear the Ringwraiths, for those who have dwelt in the Blessed Realm live at once in both worlds, against both the Seen and the Unseen they have great powers.

–Gandalf in The Fellowship of the Ring, Many Meetings

The Lindon lord is the hiring NPC of the Elves of Lindon. They are recognizable by the missing helm and the coin in their hand.


In Public Beta 28, the lords of the Eldar were moved from halls to towers of Lindon, the last remnant of Beleriand of old. They will spawn wearing Lindon armour, but with no helmet.


Like all hiring NPCs, they will not attack unless provoked and stay out of fights. When attacked, they will defend themselves with their swords.


Lindon lords allow you to hire units from their people, provided that you have a least +300 alignment with the High Elves and some money in your pockets.

Upon hiring a unit from a High Elf lord, the player earns the achievement "The Last Alliance"

Unit Unpledged or Pledged to Other Elven Faction Cost (Silver Coins) Pledged to High Elves Cost (Silver Coins) Alignment Required (High Elves) Requires Pledge (Any Elf)
Lindon Elf 30-60 ( 30  to  60 ) 15-30 ( 15  15  to  30 ) +300 No
Lindon Warrior 50-100 ( 50  to  100 ) 25-50 ( 25  25  to  50 ) +400 Yes
Lindon Rider 70-140 ( 70  to  140  140 ) 35-70 ( 35  35  to  70 ) +500 Yes
Lindon Banner bearer 70-140 ( 70  to  140  140 ) 35-70 ( 35  35  to  70 ) +550 Yes



  • I have many fine warriors for hire, Person.
  • Do you seek to command the forces of Lindon?
  • Have you any silver coins, Person?
  • If you fight for a noble cause, then my forces will support you.
  • Even our Elven warriors require payment, Person.
  • There are few in Middle-earth who can match the prowess of an Elf in battle.
  • You seek to form an alliance with the Elves? Such a thing is rare indeed since the changing of the world.
  • May the grace of the Valar watch over you in battle.
  • May your arrows fly far and your sword cut swiftly!
  • It has been a very long time since Elf and Man have fought together.
  • If you truly fight for the good in this world, my Elves will follow you anywhere.
  • I grant you the finest warriors in all of Lindon!


  • Can we trust you, Person?
  • If you wish to lead my Elves into battle, you must increase your standing among our people.
  • Only the greatest of Elf-friends may fight alongside us in battle.
  • No Elf would follow one as young in deeds as you into war, Person.
  • Prove beyond doubt your allegiance to the Elves, Person, and we will fight with you.
  • We Elves do not go idly to war, Person.
  • You, Person, would seek to command my warriors? By the Valar! Does the arrogance of Men know no end?
  • We Elves are skilful and valiant warriors. But you do not have what it takes to command us in battle, Person.
  • We do not yet trust you enough to follow you to war. Prove yourself to my kin!
  • It takes great leadership to command an army of Elves. No ordinary Man can achieve that. Can you?
  • No ordinary Man may command my warriors. You still have much to do before you can lead the Elves.


  • By the star of Eärendil, I swear I shall see you slain!
  • You are not welcome in Lindon!
  • You are not welcome in Lindon, Person!
  • You may not set foot in this fair realm!
  • Flee these lands, Person!
  • For Lindon!
  • Perish, you Morgul-demon!
  • No longer shall you darken these lands, Person!
  • I swear by the Valar, I shall put an end to your evil!
  • To Udûn with you!
  • Go and kiss an Orc!
  • Death to the foes of the Elves!
  • Who brings to us this token of doom?
  • Begone, foul servant of the Enemy!
  • Leave this land, or face the edge of our blades!
  • I will not allow evil to taint the land of Lindon. You shall soon meet your doom, Person.
  • By the Valar! How dare you enter this land, Person?
  • Flee, scum of Mordor, or face a rain of arrows.
  • How dare you poison this fair realm with your foul feet?
Rivendell  Lindon  The High Elves of the West  Lindon  Rivendell

Items: EdhelmirGalvorn Armour
Blocks: BedBrickElvengrassForgeTorch
Structures: HallHouseSmithyTurretUnderwater Ruin

High Elf Shield  The Elves of Lindon  High Elf Banner

NPCs: Elf (Banner Bearer, Warrior)
Traders: LordSmith
Items: Armour (Horse) • BowEquipment
Blocks: Crafting Table
Structures: Tower

Rivendell Shield  The Elves of Rivendell  Rivendell Banner

NPCs: Elf (Banner Bearer, Warrior)
Traders: CaptainSmithWanderer
Items: Armour (Horse) • BowEquipment
Blocks: Crafting Table

Coin 1Trading in the Lord of the Rings Mod Coin 1