The Lord of the Rings Minecraft Mod Wiki

For unsummoned and unlooked for Turgon had opened the leaguer of Gondolin, and was come with an army ten thousand strong, with bright mail and long swords and spears like a forest.

The Silmarillion

Longspears are elven melee weapons similar to pikes. Each group of elves, minus the Order of Bladorthin, as well as Dol-Amroth, has its own longspear. These weapons are different than spears, as described below. Unlike pikes, longspears do not point forward when the wielder crouches. Otherwise, they are functionally identical.


Longspears have twice the reach of swords, but only swing 50% as fast. They deal their equipment set's base damage and have different durabilities. Their stats are essentially equivalent to those of pikes.


The basic longspear recipe is similar to pikes, in that it is two sticks in a diagonal line with an elven steel or ingot in the top right corner, but with an additional ingot in the center right slot only. For High Elves, Wood-Elves, and Dol Amroth regular sticks are used, where as for Galadhrim Elves, Mallorn sticks are needed. Each longspear must be crafted on the respective crafting table.

Longspear Crafting Recipes
Galadhrim crafting recipe
Galadhrim Crafting
Mallorn Stick
Mallorn Stick
Elven Steel Ingot
Elven Steel Ingot
Galadhrim Longspear
Lindon crafting recipe
Lindon Crafting
any stick
any stick
Elven Steel Ingot
Elven Steel Ingot
Lindon Longspear
Rivendell crafting recipe
Rivendell Crafting
any stick
any stick
Elven Steel Ingot
Elven Steel Ingot
Rivendell Longspear
Wood-elven crafting recipe
Wood-elven Crafting
any stick
any stick
Elven Steel Ingot
Elven Steel Ingot
Wood-elven Longspear
Dol Amroth crafting recipe
Dol Amroth Crafting
any stick
any stick
Iron Ingot
Iron Ingot
Dol Amroth Longspear


Currently, all elven warriors, and the knights and men-at-arms of Dol Amroth may spawn wielding a longspear. A longspear in the hands of an NPC retains its long reach, so keep that in mind when fighting longspear-wielding foes. Usually, your best bet when fighting these foes is using a polearms of your own, such as a spearbattlestafflance, pike or a ranged weapon.

Melee: AxeTauredain AxesBattleaxeDwarven BattleaxesDaggerOrc DaggersHammerGondor Hammers
MaceHalfTroll MacesBlue Dwarven Mattock MattocksOrcSkullStaff16 Orc Skull StaffsRollingPin Rolling PinsSwordDolAmroth Swords
Polearms: PolearmElven BattlestavesPoleaxeNearHarad HalberdsLanceRohan LancesLongspearWoodElven Longspears
PikeDwarven PikesSpearAngmar SpearsDunlendingTrident TridentsPolearmOrc Warscythes
Ranged: TauredainBlowgun BlowgunsBlackUrukBow BowsCrossbowUruk CrossbowsSling Slings
Throwing: Conker ConkersFire-pot Fire-potsPlateItem PlatesSpearAngmar SpearsTermite TermitesThrowingAxeBlueDwarven Throwing Axes
Miscellaneous: BalrogWhip Balrog WhipsKhamulsFireBlock Khamûl's FireSauronMace Mace of Sauron
OrcBomb Orc BombsGandalfStaffWhite Staff of Gandalf the White
