The Lord of the Rings Minecraft Mod Wiki
This feature is present in: Renewed, Legacy.

The Desert of Lostladen, commonly also known as Lostladen, is a deserted region of Near Harad south of the mighty Ephel Dúath mountain range, the outer fences of Mordor. Not much is known of this land. Its inhospitable geography and climate have discouraged both man and orc from establishing settlements in the area.

Lostladen is a semi-desert region. Its terrain is a mix of sand, bare rock and dirt, and scattered patches of grass. The land is mostly flat, and the trees here are almost entirely oaks, either stunted or dead. Aside from the occasional boulder, there is little else that can be found here.

A poorly-maintained road runs through Lostladen, stretching from Ugrî-zadîn in Harnennor to the Khandwater Ford. This road is used only by messengers bound to and from Khand, and in the past it was also used by the Variags themselves. Nowadays, however, even the Nomad Merchants tend to avoid this area, preferring to travel through the half-deserts to the south of Lostladen for trade between Harnennor and Khand.

Upon entering Lostladen, one gains the achievement "Wide Emptiness."


  • Standard - Normal Lostladen biome. Small clusters of trees and stone boulders dot the landscape.
  • Light Forest - Lightly forested lands.
  • Steppe - A flat landscape of grassy plains.
  • Barren Steppe - These barren plains stretch over vast areas and have next to no vegetation.
  • Hills - A hilly landscape with a higher average elevation.
  • Forested Hills - A landscape with forest-covered hills.
  • Oak Shrublands - Forest-covered lands with a lower tree density than regular forests, but with a very thick undergrowth of shrubs.
  • Dead Forest - A version of the biome forested with dead trees.
  • Scrubland - Scrublands are typically areas with very poor, sandy and/or rocky soil. This results in very little tree growth. The vegetation here is dominated by low growing scrubs (stunted trees/shrubs) and bushes.
  • Scrubland Hills - The scrubland hills are a hilly type of scrubland.
  • Wasteland - Wasteland is a very barren biome and can vast stretches of the terrain consist of barren rock. The soil is generally very poor and vegetation is sparse. The landscape can both consist of flat plains and rolling hills.


This land has long been uninhabited and still is today. No structures can be found here.


Apart form a few hardy, tiny animal species, the only mobs you may encounter here are Harad Bandits.


All the standard ores can be found beneath the Desert of Lostladen, with the addition of Lapis Lazuli. Unlike in vanilla, lapis can only be found in Near Harad, albeit at the same rates and levels.


One of the most striking aspect of the land is the scarcity of sand and soil. Much of the surface is barren rock. The vegetation is similar to that in the neighbouring half-deserts of Near Harad. Hardened desert oak and cacti struggle for a place to soak the little moisture that is hiding in patches of sand and soil amidst the rocky surface. The climate in Lostladen excellently preserves dead trees, and those can be found in abundance, making the place a potential destination for lumbering expeditions.

The Tolkien Gateway has an article on:

Desert of Lostladen

Biomes of the Lord of the Rings Mod (Sub-biomes in brackets)
List by Alphabet

AdornlandAnduin Hills (Gladden Fields, Vales of Anduin) • Angmar (Mountains) • Barrow-downs
Blue Mountains (Foothills) • Bree-land (Chetwood) • Brown LandsColdfells


DagorladDaleDead MarshesDor-en-Ernil (Hills) • Dorwinion (Emyn Winion)
Drúwaith IaurDunlandEast BightEmyn MuilEnedwaithEreborEregion
Eriador (Downs, Eryn Vorn, Minhiriath, Swanfleet) • Ettenmoors


Fangorn (Clearing) • Fangorn WastelandFar Harad Bushland (Hills) • Far Harad Cloud Forest
Far Harad Grasslands (Arid, Arid Hills, Corsair Coasts, Forest) • Far Harad Jungle (Edge, Lake, Mountains, Taurethrim Clearing) • Far Harad MangroveFar Harad Swampland
Far Harad VolcanoField of CelebrantForodwaith (Coastline, Mountains, Glacier)


Gondor (Andrast, Blackroot Vale, Lamedon (Hills), Lebennin (Mouths of Anduin), Lossarnach (Imloth Melui), Mouths of Entwash, Pelargir, Pelennor Fields, Pinnath Gelin, White Mountains (Foothills))
Grey Mountains (Foothills) • Gulf of Harad (Gulf Forest) • Half-desertsHarad MountainsHarnennor
HarondorIron HillsIthilien (Hills, Wasteland) • Kanuka Forest


LakeLast DesertLindon (Coastline, Woodlands, Tower Hills) • Lone-lands (Angle, Weather Hills)
LostladenLothlórien (Eaves) • MidgewaterMirkwood (Dol Guldur, Mountains)
Misty Mountains (Foothills) • Mordor (Eastern Desolation, Gorgoroth, Mordor Mountains, Morgulduin, Morgul Vale, Nan Ungol, Nurn (Marshes, Sea of Nurnen), Udûn) • Mountains of the Wind (Foothills)


Nan CurunírNindalfNorthern MirkwoodNorthlands (Northern Forests) • Old Forest
PerdorogwaithRed Mountains (Foothills) • Rhúdel (Eryn Garan, Eryn Rhúnaer, Hills, Steppe
Tol Rhúnaer) • Rhûn (Forest) • Rivendell (Hills) • RiverRohan (Woodlands, The Wold, Uruk Highlands)
Southron Coasts (Harad Desert Riverbank, Near Harad Oasis, Southron Forests)


Taur-i-ThorogrimThe Great Desert (Hills, Red Desert) • The Sea (Beach, Island, Meneltarma) • The Shire (Marshes, Moors, Woodlands, White Downs) • TolfalasTrollshaws
Umbar (Forest, Hills) • UtumnoWilderland (Northern, Long Marshes) Woodland Realm (Hills)

List by Region

Angmar (Mountains) • Barrow-downsBlue Mountains (Foothills) • Bree-land (Chetwood)
ColdfellsDunlandEnedwaithEregionEriador (Downs, Eryn Vorn, Minhiriath, Swanfleet)
EttenmoorsLindon (Coastline, Woodlands, Tower Hills) • Lone-lands (Angle, Weather Hills)
MidgewaterNan CurunírOld ForestRivendell (Hills)
The Shire (Marshes, Moors, Woodlands, White Downs) • Trollshaws


Anduin Hills (Gladden Fields, Vales of Anduin) • Brown LandsDagorladDale
Dead MarshesEast BightEmyn MuilEreborField of CelebrantFangorn (Clearing)
Fangorn WastelandGrey Mountains (Foothills) • Iron HillsLothlórien (Eaves)
Mirkwood (Dol Guldur, Mountains) • Misty Mountains (Foothills) • NindalfNorthern Mirkwood
Wilderland (Northern, Long Marshes) • Woodland Realm (Hills)

The South:

AdornlandDor-en-Ernil (Hills) • Drúwaith IaurGondor (Andrast, Blackroot Vale, Lamedon (Hills), Lebennin (Mouths of Anduin), Lossarnach (Imloth Melui), Mouths of Entwash, Pelargir, Pelennor Fields, Pinnath Gelin, White Mountains (Foothills)) • HarondorIthilien (Hills, Wasteland)
Mordor (Eastern Desolation, Gorgoroth, Mordor Mountains, Morgulduin, Morgul Vale, Nan Ungol, Nurn (Marshes, Sea of Nurnen), Udûn) • Rohan (Woodlands, The Wold, Uruk Highlands) • Tolfalas


Far Harad Bushland (Hills) • Far Harad Cloud ForestFar Harad Grasslands (Arid, Arid Hills, Corsair Coasts, Forest) • Far Harad Jungle (Edge, Lake, Mountains, Taurethrim Clearing)
Far Harad MangroveFar Harad SwamplandFar Harad VolcanoGulf of Harad (Gulf Forest)
Half-desertsHarad MountainsHarnennorKanuka ForestLostladenPerdorogwaith
Southron Coasts (Harad Desert Riverbank, Near Harad Oasis, Southron Forests)
Taur-i-ThorogrimThe Great Desert (Hills, Red Desert) • Umbar (Forest, Hills)


Dorwinion (Emyn Winion) • Last DesertMountains of the Wind (Foothills) • Red Mountains (Foothills) • Rhúdel (Eryn Garan, Eryn Rhúnaer, Hills, Steppe, Tol Rhúnaer) • Rhûn (Forest)


Forodwaith (Coastline, Mountains, Glacier) • Northlands (Northern Forests) • Utumno


The Sea (Beach, Island, Meneltarma)


